

When an idea comes to mind what do you call it's a concept right? When you have that idea written down on paper it can still be considered a concept while this novel is just a bunch of ideas for novels you may take and use them at your pleasure for each chapter will be something new. Don't let your Nightmare sing (:

Fornicia_Yadrea · Fantasy
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134 Chs


I was reborn in a magic world I fortunately only 'woke up' when I was already 14 which is an adult in this world. In this world you awaken a talent at the age of 14 and the inspector will come by telling you if your child would be good at magic. If your child isn't good at magic they learn your trade.


I watched as the inspector came to our door and knocked; he wore a white outfit that at the bottom was covered in dirt. He had a warm smile that reached his eyes. My mother answered the door, and I ran over seeing his brown hair and light brown eyes.


He looked at me and said, " Your son seems blessed; we would be pleased to teach a great talent like him if you so wish."


My mother responded, "I only wish to be able to see him quite often unless it would interfere with his studies."


He smiled saying "We have no true control over these young children except teaching them magic so that we can thrive in this golden age."


He then proceeds to bow handing a letter to my mother with a smile and tips his hat saying "Madam let your son achieve many things in the war against demons and demonic beasts."


"Mother will I go to the great Citadel of Magic Arkenis?"


"No my son, you will probably go to the academy here in town until either your talent is accurately measured, or you graduate." My mother slowly said.


I was taken from my home the place I had grown with my loving mother without a father, but it was still home a place where all worries would melt, and I could freely play with other children. The man took my hand and guided me out the door with a smile he then began to speak "I haven't been not able to see within a person using Mana Eyes before so you must be supremely talented, I will first have you test your talent at a nearby academy."


We walked through the town that I seldom went into the guards and people looked upon the man leading me with respect and fear due to their being rumors of people who were cruel within the Wizard/Mage society. I could see many stalls set up along the path made by the merchants selling their goods some had cooked food and were selling it when I realized we had stopped in front of one of those stalls. He purchased me a Meat stick or kebab (As royals would call it). 


When I had finished the kebab, we had reached the academy it was quite small, and I was taken to a small room with a pedestal and an orb atop it. "Place you hand upon the orb, and we shall get an accurate measure of magic that you have." I placed my hand upon the crystal-clear glass and could feel something try to enter my skin through the orb.


My instinct told me to repel the energy with all force possible and I could feel something within me react and push it out. The orb under my hand cracked leaking mana into the air but strangely as soon as the orb cracked the Mage who brought me here pushed me behind him as it exploded a shield also appeared blocking the explosion as the shield slowly cracked under the force.


I saw his back get seared and frozen by the magic. His skin was also bruised and shocked as if all elements were repulsed and he looked at me with a smile saying "This is nothing it just shows that you have a potent talent for Negation magic otherwise known as Anti-magic which really isn't the case because it is not the complete antithesis of magic it only will repel it if it is foreign to your magic itself unfortunately we won't be able to test your affinities in magic due to this talent."


He patted my head and picked me up as if I was still a child and carried me away, so I questioned "I'm going to this school so why are you taking me away?"


"No one with a negation talent as strong as yours should be put in such a mediocre school that talent of negation you had is enough to repel mana to injure my back after I put up a 4th Circle barrier. I am on the edge of becoming a fifth circle and finally condensing a Liquid Heart oh you shouldn't know that yet sorry, but it is a technique that helps preserve your lifeforce while also solidifying the 5th circle."