

When an idea comes to mind what do you call it's a concept right? When you have that idea written down on paper it can still be considered a concept while this novel is just a bunch of ideas for novels you may take and use them at your pleasure for each chapter will be something new. Don't let your Nightmare sing (:

Fornicia_Yadrea · Fantasy
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134 Chs

I am It

life has its ups and downs but I never had an up because well I'm a mythical creature one that Hunter's hunt down I'm the Slenderman or I used to be I changed the mythical creature I am based on the folklore around me because belief is what changes me and makes me. I don't know how I came to be or how I formed all I know is I've been hunted since the day I was born. I was once a Titan a stone mountain giant that looks completely like a mountain and camouflages with it too until someone poked me now unfortunately they were a Hunter.

The hunters themselves have magical abilities I don't know how to get them or where they come from cuz no regular human has them. All I know is that I can change forms into whatever mythical creature I want I usually change to Slenderman to teleport and get away. I'm getting stronger as time goes by and every change allows me to change into something new allowing me to have more versatility. I just hate that I can't have friends or anyone who cares about me. the first monster I was was the Faye and Elf species that replaces a child with their own so that they may grow up in a protected environment.

Unfortunately I had no friend to be able to have a child or I think that's how that works. I only inherent knowledge about my species and what they can do on their own that is. I once became a wendigo and the only way to reproduce for that species is to force someone to eat human flesh in my territory. I did create a pack but they lost all their intelligence as soon as they transformed into a wendigo. I really just want a friend at one time I did gain a friend I was transformed into a teddy bear.

I had very sharp claws and teeth but was small and looked like a regular teddy bear my instincts told me to take human flesh and use it to create more of myself but I resisted and played with the child who picked me up. I always stopped moving when her parents where around which I heard several times talk about me. They wanted to get rid of me because I looked dangerous but I always came back when they tried to. I just want a friend and her name was Amanda then her elder brother came by he was a Hunter scout.


The room is bright as always with Amanda cuddling me in her sleep a smile brightens my face. I rub her face with my claws retracted it's been almost a month and she has been talking excitedly about her elder brother and how he brings back all sorts of exotic toys for her. She hopes he can bring me a friend and told him about me. The night quickly passes as I cuddle with my friend she wakes up and says "Little Little Bear let's have a tea party with the others then let's go to war just like brother does."

At noon after playing with her quite a while I hear the door begin to open and feel a hunters presence I immediately stop moving. Amanda rushes to the door saying "Big brother you scared teddy he's afraid of our parents and won't move near them but I thought you could be friends with him like me." she starts to frown a little but immediately perks up as her brother gives her another teddy bear saying "Maybe me and him need to get to know each other let me just talk to him for a while."

I immediately get up and growl at him not wanting to be separated from my dear friend who I care for deeply. He says " You are a supernatural creature strange I usually hunt them but to find out they can be good is strange it makes me doubt that hunting them all down really is good." He then picks me up as I claw his hand which heals faster then I can destroy. I then tear off a flap of his flesh and clumsily create a flesh puppet as he tosses me in his room and lock the door.

He yells "Stop" and I freeze held within someone who has the words of power which are more powerful the simpler the words without loopholes.

"Tell Truth" he says empowered.

"Are you here to kill my family?"

I point at myself and begin to tear at my neck and insert the flesh I tore off him and make a horrible sound as I begin to 'speak' which sounds like nails on a chalkboard. I say "Why would I harm a friend let me protect my friend hhHunter, kkKiller of my kin I smell their blood upon your hands recent too." I can smell the stench of blood of other supernaturals which I have never seen on him making me cry a diamond tear which due to what I am can cure any curse.

He then gets on his knees to be near equal height but he Is still way bigger then me by half. "I am sorry but your kind started this war with humans and at first we almost went extinct until we got these powers. I'm sorry because I didn't know that you could be good or kind. I just thought you all were evil. Can I have your tear."

"Yes my tear can cure any curse but assure me you won't tell other hunters about me or I might have to let my instincts take over."