

When an idea comes to mind what do you call it's a concept right? When you have that idea written down on paper it can still be considered a concept while this novel is just a bunch of ideas for novels you may take and use them at your pleasure for each chapter will be something new. Don't let your Nightmare sing (:

Fornicia_Yadrea · Fantasy
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134 Chs


H.A.T.E. = Hunt and Annihilate Terror Entities. 


I was created from the resentment of many I was a creature of HATE with many different forms I just wanted to end this hatred by getting vengeance and finally dissipate from this realm. I finally got form due to the eclipse full of energy that occurs once every 3 months. I molded myself into that of a dog could smell out my prey I remembered every scent of those who raped one of the people's resentments that formed me. Many formed me but I was my own person or thing whatever I had my own consciousness and I just wanted to die and that would only happen when I ran out of resentment which could only happen when they died.


I managed to track down each of them and I tore off their Gentelia and made them suffer as they slowly died to appease my resentment which slowly vanished. I saw that my form had slightly solidified maybe I can finally die I ran out in front of a nearby vehicle, but my body scattered into particles that simply recondensed. I growled in disappointment and continued hunting the man who had cause their family to be in jail he was quite hard to hunt because apparently, he was a higher up of H.A.T.E. whatever that is they could dissipate me, and I would have to reform elsewhere they still could not kill but it felt painfully exaggerating my resentment keeping me here.


I transformed myself into a dog like creature with bloodsucking tendrils upon its face and began hunting others who had pissed those off who had formed me. I tortured them until nearly all of the resentment was gone than killed them for bastards like them didn't deserve to live Rapists, Murders and those who took advantage of their power to forcefully separate families I would kill them all. I was an evil being for all the murder I had done but slowly I was getting stronger absorbing their lifeforce but those who were evil in the world were getting more cautious as they slowly died to my many clones.


Many of the poor evil people didn't understand as I slaughtered them but those in prison were so delicious, I made sure leave the innocents alone in the prison of which was over 30% of them.


The prisons now were nearly empty with no traces of those who disappeared due to the creature's appetite. The hunters had tracked this creature so long because it was the most dangerous hostile Entity, they had found but it was in too many places at once and now all prisons were nearly empty of the serve criminals nearly 50% of all the people in prisons disappeared and over 60% percent of the public top 1% suddenly disappeared causing the government to distribute their resources most of their families having disappeared except the children.


The rulers of many countries disappeared overnight after assault by thousands of entities on them of which there were very few casualties, but everyone was fatal most of the operators of H.A.T.E were fine strangely only those known to be evil, and some others were killed. The starters of this organization than began a purge of those who abused their power and did evil following the qualifications given by the creature's hunts.


They labeled the creature as a non-threat as long as all evil was eradicated but that simply was not possible, so they began to search for it to make a deal with the creature by making a bait prison containing the worst of the worst they just captured. They managed to lure in a copy of the creature managing to capture it they tried to communicate with it but it could not understand and broke out hurting no one there but a random intern and the prisoners.


The entity was Codename "God's Judgement" it indiscriminately annihilated all evils getting stronger and stronger over time to the point it started killing other entities resulting in a whole world free of the paranormal except anyone who committed evil instantly died resulting in a perfect society where the truth was mainstream with no thief's or murders society began to flourish.


The aliens who had been watching Earth could not see Terror entities but saw things disappearing and basically said "Fuck this shit we aren't ever going here." after using their planet cracker on the planet and it didn't work but instead got devoured by something much bigger than their ship that they could not see.