

xoKesox · Teen
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2 Chs

1.BeNd THe rULes

"I stabbed you. With a massive sword. You caught on fire."

His lips twitched, almost imperceptibly. "Okay, so maybe our problems aren't like other couples."

I closed my book and shoved it aside with regret. How do the relationships in books always end so perfectly? They walk on through thrones, dodge swords, endure hell...but always, always find a way back to each other. It just feels ideal - well, ideals are an overstatement, but not everyone has a happy ending. At least in real life. Maybe I am naive, I don't know. For as long as I can remember, which sums up the last couple of years, books were my escape. Reading made me ignore my surroundings, pushed me to forget questions about my life (for a while).

I appeared out of nowhere on the streets of Oak Creek two years ago, the place I was forced to make my home. It's a small town where everyone knows everyone, except me (of course). No one knew who I was or where I came from. I was this 15-year-old girl to have appeared out of thin air. I roamed the alien streets for weeks, the most horrifying days of my two-year life span, until the local law stepped in. The police had no luck tracing back, not to mention I was in any shape to help. I had no trace of memory - except for my name and the basic details that a 15-year-old would know. Which is impossible. After a month or so of failed attempts to solve the case, I was taken in as The Mystery Girl of the Creek. I was soon enrolled in Oak Creek High, which has been my first material home. I live on the boarding premises tied to the classes a regular student would have.

When I first began at Oak Creek, people saw me as an outcast...as it goes against their 'Everyone knows Everyone' agenda. I was isolated, not physically but mentally. I never got asked to join my fellow mates for hangouts or sleepovers. That's a lot to expect, for someone who materialized on air, my reckless teenage self. But as the days progressed, the feelings dropped. Guess people were convinced that I am not an unnatural Force stepped down to conquer the world. Also, thanks to my excellent standard behaviour. Yes, my initial days were dreadful. But that's when I crossed roads with my Constants - Zoe and Aa..., make that Constant.

Zoe Rogers, the only person (well, not The Only) who looked through the pasted rumours. She made me feel a little less like a tortoise on a pool of fishes. Our friendship might not sound epic, but it is Epic to me. We exchanged smiles and a 'hello' in the corridors on my first day at Oak Creek later to realize she was my roommate. And that's when the performance began. We hung out and got to know each other better. She listens to my bickering without judgement and accepts me for the half soul I am. I don't think I could have survived the scrutinizing gazes without her hugs to which I run back to.

Anyone would have complained about my incompetent living schedule but her, she doesn't care. My 24-hour clock goes with staying up all night attached to short naps during the day. I never find myself sleep-deprived, honestly I don't feel bound to sleep or food for that matter. Also, I have never felt sick. Maybe it's 'cause of my excellent antibodies, inhuman heath and resistance or I don't know. For now all I know is the fact that I'm different. Being different isn't a bad thing right? The rules of society, it's ridiculous. When someone doesn't fit into the social niche...they are labelled as different. There was no justice for the ones that stood out, no safe haven for us. I try to conceal my indifference and opinions in an effort to not grab attention. But it sucks to be the one that always stood outside watching parties, the one that's never given a warm smile.

Zoe teases me for being an alien who fell out of UFO on a visit to neighbouring planet. I found it silly when it was brought up considering I had no extra pair of eyes or ears, but sometimes can't help but wonder if it might be true. You can't blame a girl for keeping the possibility spectrum wide. My history of existence is eerie, but there must be answers for all the questions. Rephrase it - I tell myself there is. I tell myself that the mystery of my life will unravel when time comes, and then I must be prepared for it. The only thing that's holding onto my soul.

I glanced at Zoe for one quick second to see her strolling in happy dreams, cosy under a mountain of blankets. Seeing her in her dreamy rendezvous lit a genuine smile on my face. On mundane relations, she is more like a sister.

A little peak to our clock said it's an hour past midnight. Which, for me, makes no difference. I glanced outside the window to see the sky wearing her perfect shade of blue-black. The darker the night, the sweeter the song. The night sky is an art, filled with raw energy and passion. Stars filled the sky like diamonds on hollow ground. I imagined the stars chant to be something like 'We are the fireworks of the dark'.

I always felt that The Night was closer to the truth of who we are. With all the time of the day to think, I wondered what if humans were meant to be nocturnal. Will that do any better for humanity?

To me, the night sky is when everything feels eternal and one. With darkness, it somehow brings the cosiness of home, the feel of belonging. Though I've made Oak Creek my home...it never felt like one. Think of home --- Mr. Cuddles!

He sat at my study table like a fragile teddy bear, cause that's what he is, and wore looks that contradicted everything he was. His eyes were filled with judgement, and he looked a shade darker than his regular chestnut. I rode my way right to him without an alternate thought. He is my first memory. Every time I try to trace back events in my memory, it ends with him. Beyond that, it's just empty. Not non-existent.

In my first few dreadful weeks at Oak Creek, I held him the closest. I felt like he's the only one I could believe. He has an aura around that translates to - 'I am Home'. I am not psychic but it's better to invest faith in something or someone than exploding it into thin air, which is apparently by birthplace. The only person who could make me feel the same as Mr. Cuddles is Aaron.

Aaron --

A thought, A Name awoke a thousand memories I've been trying hard to forget all summer. Standing on the edge of my familiar old road, I was filled with regret, guilt, annoyance, anger and what not. I hate going down that lane. I hate re-visiting memories with agony. When I was halfway through my first step, a soft hit on my head pulled me out.

"Ouch!" I squealed, lifting the pillow from the other side. Mentally, I thanked the universe for the perfect timing.

"What's our current location, Ms. Midnight?" asked Zoe as she trailed off her bed. "Did Peter come find you?"

Zoe sat on the edge with her legs crossed. She looked perfect for someone who had just woken up minutes ago. Her hair was like waves of pure earth, as sunlight lit then in fire. Her eyes met mine, which is in contrast to my dark brown ones. They are in soft light brown, the exact shade of latte. A ring of gold hung inside her iris, adding another layer of depth. Her eyes sparkled, expecting me to say something, anything.

"I, Orla Pan, am a little too old for Neverland," I continued. "Even if I get an invite, regardless of my age, I am not leading you to Peter, Captain Rogers"

"Well, darling'. I'm sure Peter would not abandon his sister," Zoe scoffed. "Non-biologically, you are a two-year-old infant, which by the way is a little too young for Neverland. You are my only key to victory!" she finished, pairing it up with a villainous laugh.

The animation on my face vanished in a blink. I know she didn't mean to dig back the memories, it was a casual joke. A feature of her charming, easy-going personality. I despised myself for getting gloomy over my mysterious presence, but I can't help it. Over the years I've tied myself to science and facts. Who needs bizarre theories when your entire life is one?

Zoe noticed my features darken, as she burst out with her successive breath. "Get out of bed, unless you want to be late for our first day of senior year."
