
Concealed: The Hidden Power

"The earth where we live is like an illusion of the real world. You have to travel all way to a parallel world to gather the stone to save this world." She was just an alonely orphan but suddenly she becomes part of the most influential family. When the evil force which her ancestor has surpassed began to raise again a group of teenagers was given a task to defeat it again. All they have to do was find seven stones and unseal the hidden power. However, will they even find the stone, awaken their power and save the world. And mainly will they be able to shut the mouth of people saying. "They are girls, can they even save themselves."

Geniesa · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Kiro II

"Y-You too stay safe."

Druhi mind was floating in the air and can't proceed with whatever is going around. First, she was attacked by the most innocent person in her school and saved by this mysterious girl. Who then suddenly went to her house and stubbornly want to stay at night. And lastly sudden attacked by these alien-looking monsters.

But she again remembers how this mysterious girl is saving her, not only the monsters that look like an alien but this girls too was not from this world.

"Watch out!"

Suddenly she heard the girl's shouting and look behind. She saw a Kiro was coming wildly fast in her direction. She quickly dodges off in the bush, although she was inside the bubble it was best that she eliminate all the risk. And she was quite sure that the bubble has begun to lost its power slowly as it was no bluer as it was earlier and thick too.

Currently, the girl was wrapped inside the wings of the Kiro. With all the thorn in its wings, the bubble she was wrapped in was getting thinner and thinner rapidly.

Druhi badly wants to help her but being a normal human being she can't do anything within the fight between aliens. Or this is what she thought.

The girl ripped of the thorn of the Kiro's wing making it a loud cry, but it respawns as soon as it was ripped off, making it difficult to find its weak point.

She again tries to rip it off which was in its head which was harder to do but it was all in vain too. She knew if she kills this one then the other Kiro was going to vanished too because it was only the illusion of the main one.

It took her a quite long effort to find the main one but what makes her frustrated was to find its weakness too.

The Kiro spat the ball of fire making the remaining bubble burst too. With a swift move, she quickly dodges the fire and with a long jump, she climbed at the back of a Kiro.

With a quote saying her master 'Blindness is one's great weakness.'

"Blind," she mumbled processing the thoughts in her head. She smirked as ideas and theories began to flow throughout her mind. She quickly pulls out one of the thorns from Kiro's wing and grabbing another thorn in its head. As she dangled in front of its face to attacked its eyes.

The main weak point of Kiro's was its eyes and poison itself. It produces the deadliest poison but in contact with air, it becomes more powerful. Which Kiro itself cannot handle.

With a poison attacking its body it began to roll over in pain. And soon it explodes with other Kiro's, all over the area in the pool of blood.

With all over the girl lie down on her back and take a deep breath as she closes her eyes.

"A-Are y-you okay?"

When opening her eyes, she saw Druhi blood shoot red eyes. which still has tears on it.

"I'm fine," she says with a small smile on her face. Looking tired AF.

"Should we go back to see if anything has been to others?" Druhi extends her hand to help her stand up.

"Don't worry I've put some spell on the area, only we two will know what happens here today... And, and the one who sent it here."

But soon they notice the ground began to shake off like an earthquake hitting the area. They both began to watch around and soon the girl notices the problem.

There was green smoke coming from piles of Kiro's, knowing it was going to burst soon the girl grabs Druhi and she pulls her in her arms and wrapped them in a giant bubble.

Druhi hears a large explosion and feels they were both thrown into the ground. Her eyes were beginning to blur and hear loud ringing in her ear. She can feel someone was tugging her but mist cover her eyes.

She again hears the same name as in her dream, but now she saw two other people who was calling it. But what she realised is that they weren't calling to any other but to her and smiling with a bright smile and waving to come towards them.

With that, she closes her eyes losing all the consciousness.