
Computer = World(Earth)

The computer is some how same as world because in computer if there will be no internet the computer is not in use, in the world if there will be no food, water, air there will be no life .In computer is switch off mean it is close in the world it is when people sleep and when people wake mean the computer is switch on.


In computer we have distributed many folder and in world we have distributed many country or continent. In folder there are separation of file in the same way our country has separated in many state or village or town. The file do different type of work on it and in the state the people are doing many thing in state.


you have notice that we have to delete some item from the computer and in same way in world the death are necessary to balance the world birth rate and death rate in the way if you do not delete any thing the computer will not work or the computer will crash and the earth will also collapse.



1.In a computer you are in a folder you can see only thing that is in that folder but you cannot see in the second folder what is there, suppose you are in India and you can see what is happening there but you can see what president of America is doing in there own country, no it is not possible.


2.If you have notice in the computer there are glitch some time im world these are the dream or imagination of humans for that the take medicine and meditation as well as same in computer the software take some time to resolve it or reopen the the software and wait for some time.


3.In game you some network issue for some time or the software do not work in the world if there is no food or water there will no life in earth or some one will survive on the basses on air.


4.In the computer world there the the main computer who who help the computer to get resource and in the real world the main thing is the sun.



over result is that the computer totally related to our real world.


Computer = World(Earth)


I'm trying to say that the virtual life and real life is same

---Vivek vikas chikane

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