
life never stop testing your love and you

Joo use to get information by her common friends.but still she is missing him.now her complicated feeling .she is thinking that he want me to proposes me or not.. her mind says that no he never loved you.how can a rich boy can love you who short ,fat,and ugly in the class.and her heart say that love is not happened by seeing height and weight of person .it just happened so he love you.in this complicated conversation between heart and brain. most of girl face this situation at there first love. which makes them to stop to say anything and to do anything for anyone.some girls will overcome through the situation and listen to there Hearts.and propose them even it is correct or wrong no one needs . because it's love weather is right or wrong no need at that time .but we have to choose right one for our love .who can give respect to our love and who can love more than us.now in our story Joo .Joo didn't silent to her heart weather it is correct she choose her mind in that conversation.and stay behind with her feeling.after that how show care and love for her .she never responded to anyone.like that she spend one year.from childhood she health problems so she went for check up ,then she got know that she have to get surgery if not she can't walk anymore .so at that time she forget everything about her family which she love more for what she left her love . she is just thinking about the person who she love .she cried alot .she got fear that if any thing happened at OT ,she never come back .so she convince her parents for that surgery and she said to her mother that Joo loved someone in her secondary schooling her mother was friendly so she understands Joo feeling .Joo gave her drawing book in which she drew her moment with him in her schooling and three diary in which she had written true feelings for him.and said if anything happened to me surgery please give these to him ,i unable to say him went I am alive to her mother and she left for the surgery , her family members are waiting .we can't stop anything . so we have ready to accept anything in our life. Joo there family that to smile. life is a game we don't know how play and what is our next challenge .we have to do is keep a smile on our face and ready to face any challenge.