1 Gore

*******DANA *******

I am wandering,that much i am so sure of. What i dont know though is WHERE AM I??... as if things cant get any worse and then it starts raining. I know i have to get home and FAST, but where is home?? This doesnt feel right at all and knots are starting to form at the pit of my belly...yes...something is amiss,but what?? And then i saw it I Dana Charnelle Simons AM LOST and now the rain...its raining BLOOD and now i am suddenly running.....there is a voice calling my name in the distance...i am trying...like DESPERATELY trying to run to the direction of the voice,my hands frantically waving for anything...shit...shit...shit...my feet are stuck in the mud. The mud is bloody and there are fingers...no these are bony fingers almost clawing at me from my back...the voice is clearer now...farmilier yet so vague...IM SINKING...through the bloody mud...and then the woman smiles

Woman: COME, HOLD BACK NO MORE CHILD (her voice was ominous like that)


"help...su...f...foca...ting..." is all I said

She held out her hand but i just couldnt reach it.

Woman: Allow it, dont fight it young one,until then....goodbye (she said in that ominous voice again)

She left me to suffocate in the bloody mud



Thats what i woke up screaming!

Call ot shadow walking or whatever but dreams that feel as real as this scared the crap out of me,but it was just a dream.

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