

Comparison is all about unhealthy competition that may ruin one's life if care is not taken.

Boss_B · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 2 - Competition In The City (1)

Thompson who was raised in a local area in a small town was taken to the city for the first time. The news of going to the city gets to his childhood friends and they all felt bad as their friend will be far away from them for the first time.

The day before Thompson traveled to the city, he spent much time with his friends. He talked about how he was going to make it big and enjoy it as much as he can. He promised to reach out to his friends when he makes it. His friends told him to be a good boy and make them proud.

Thompson was taken to the city. The atmosphere is different from where he was coming from. There are multiple roads leading to different locations. There are well-designed billboards, beautiful shades of light, shops, and more. Thompson was looking through the car window as his uncle drives gently. He was smiling all along as he was so happy to be in the city.

He couldn't hide the joy that he began to ask questions. He asked, "Uncle is this how people walk in the night here?" His uncle wasn't surprised because it was his first time. His uncle replied, "they're all heading somewhere. The majority of them are coming back from their workplace while a few were out to have fun and go back home when necessary." Thompson said, "I see."

He said to his uncle, "do you know that we all use to sleep early in the village? No one will be out by this time in the village." His uncle laughed and said, "you're right. It's like a custom based on the size of the people in the village. Besides, most of them are farmers and fishermen. No industry in the village compared to the city. Some shops closed lately. Some industry does shift. People in the village tend to sleep earlier than those in the city."

Thompson said it was obvious as people were moving on the street. It's so surprising to see a place as busy as it is in a night he said. His uncle drives home after a long journey. Thompson was happy to be in his uncle's house. The house was beautiful and huge. Thompson keeps gazing at the building when his uncle tapped him and welcome him home.

The wife of his uncle came out to welcome them. She was so happy to see Thompson. Thompson walked carefully as the floor was made of tiles compared to the one in the village which was made of ordinary cement. Everywhere looks beautiful. Thompson couldn't hides his excitement as he said, "wow! this house is so beautiful." His uncle's wife smiled and said, "yes, it is." He was taken to the guest room and was told to clean up and join them at the dining.

Thompson went into the room. The room was so warm and nice. He jumped on the big bed and said, "it's my time!" He rolled on the bed and was so happy. He went to the bathroom to clean up. He saw the shower and the tap, but couldn't use the shower. He was used to the tap. He took his bath and joined his uncle on the dining. They ate and go to bed. Thompson has forgotten about his village in an hour. He was hoping to make it like his brother and enjoy himself.