

Comparison is all about unhealthy competition that may ruin one's life if care is not taken.

Boss_B · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 - Introduction: Comparison

Comparison is a great disease. It's all about running without being chased. It is a great killer of originality. My question is: Why are people competing? Is it necessary? What harm does it cause? These three questions will not only help victims of comparison but also save a lot of people who are about to be a victim.



Healthy competition is to run a race for a prize. If competition is not based on any value, then; it's not healthy. From observation, many compete to belong to certain factions(groups). Many compete to be recognized where not necessary. Many compete to hold a position that can't be maintained. Many compete to take revenge. Many compete for selfish interests.



It's not necessary to compete with others when one doesn't share the same dream, hope, and faith. For instance, does the first person to ride a car in the world know about other best cars that will come after hers? Fact remains that a person riding a "Corolla" and a person riding a "G-Wagon" are both riding four wheels on the same road and under the same climate(every other thing is of no point). That you've not arrived doesn't mean those ahead will take your space! It's sicking to engage in unhealthy competition. Imagine the richest in the world engaging in competition, how do you think the competition will be? It will be a seasoned film. There are perfectly good examples of rich people all around the world not engaging in such an act. They were doing well without competing and getting known for their originality.



The damages are countless.

- Comparison brings about hatred

- It makes one desirous(selfish)

- It makes one wild

- It makes one depressed

- It makes one live a fake life.

- It swapped originality for the unoriginality

- It is a dream killer(as one deviates from God's plan)

Comparison is a great disease in the sense that it enters the body and takes away the comfort of the body without notification. The green light of comparison is "JEALOUSY". Don't be jealous of people you didn't know the source of their income. It is only advisable to admire something good when it is sighted and work to achieve it if it's part of the dream. The richest on the rich roster doesn't get there by competition. They have a genuine source of income and that's why they're on the healthy lists. Those who couldn't prove theirs(cut corners based on comparison) are on their fans list(unknown list).

Aspire great things and trend gently without competition. It will be a waste of effort to compete without a prize.