
Commitment With The Devil

{WARNING - MATURE CONTENT} "What is your wish?" Gazing into his violet eyes, I ask. Inside deep down, hopes grow. Please don't be something off the line. I can't handle such things like that. It is against will. "There is a massage I want to try out" Zander voices and takes his hands back. I finally get to escape the tight embrace. "Get in the car. There is a place I know" Turning around, I begin to walk away. Yet, his strong arm holds me back. He forces me to face him. What again? "We are not going out, miss independent" He grins. Alone with the evil smile, I can sense the mess he will cause with requests. "I don't know how to massage" A frown displays across my face. I really don't. He should just walk out of my house. "Who says you have to?" Zander raises his right brow. And I quiet down. No fucking way. "I am the one who is going to massage you... your breasts" The last two words he continues, feel like a lightning striking me in the middle of summer day. I knew this devil would ask for such sensual things! "No. Pick another wish. I am not permitting stuff like that" I instruct. Attempting to shove the man's grip away from my arm. "Don't you recall my statement, darling? You are not allowed to decline either" He brags. Of course, I am aware. But seriously? I have had sex for a few times only in my entire life with all the men I wasted my extra time on. I don't find the contentment in that area. "I am getting impatient, love. Let's commence already" Zander flashes his dimple smile. Picking me up in bridal way which catches me off guard. "Put me down!" With the strength I gained before, I try to get away. But still, he won't let me. "Don't move. Otherwise, I might end up doing much more worse thing than the massage to you" The whisper hushes me down. He is a devil, the type to do as his words. I better remain calm. There will be a chance for me to slip through this situation. Yes, I have to wait. "Good girl..." He grins down at me once I cease struggling. Jerk. His steps enter my bedroom. And he places me on the bed. "Strip now" He orders. His hand already has the oil bottle to begin the massage. He is really quick with everything. What should I do? "Come on, my gorgeous" He whines like a child begging for the sweet candy. "Are you certain this is only a massage?" I shoot a slight glare. Maybe it is fine to enjoy this. Also been a long time since I have spent a night with a man. I guess there is nothing to concern to have some fun with this devil. It is not like I can run away. "I would never lie to you" Zander assures. Well, I don't see anything wrong with these wishes. There are no feelings involved as well. I can use him for fun. Right. Think in positive way. "Are you going to observe me take the top off?" Over my query, the man's lips curve up. "Finally..." --------------- Violet Ravena, the fearsome mafia leader, was poisoned by her husband and his lover brutally. It turned out he had been planning to possess her belongings since the very beginning. Till the last breath, she wished for second chance, to avenge her husband who used her love. Soon, the desire was fulfilled by a flirty devil, Zander Gavril, who offered a contract out of interest. In return, she had to satisfy his one wish every day as he helped her accomplish the goal to venge the husband, Damian and his mistress, Nesta. [The story is written in characters' point of view for your information. In view of the fact that english is not my first language, there could be errors. If there were several mistakes in the chapters, I deeply apologize for those]

Hera_Cordelia · Urban
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166 Chs

Serious conversation

"Thank you"

Standing up from the lounge, I hand the contract back to Damian since Zander has copied to keep, on the other side. We have to make sure the proof is in hands always after all. "It is my honor to be able to have partnership with you" Damian beams but artificially at me.

For the total time, he has been faking the smile through gritted teeth while I give him no chances to interfere in the plans to attract public attention. Still, the conversation did not go wrong at all. He listened to me attentively the whole time since it concerns his company here.

Zander also did not interrupt, letting me speak as will. He observed from the side with his arm resting around my waist. It was really hard to remove his arm so that I did not have other choices but to remain calm under the man's grasp while explaining the schemes to play out.

Now, the cooperation has succeeded. The time for Damian to leave has arrived. "Shall we have a cup of coffee after this, Miss Laurel?" Yet, the unexpected request comes up from Damian. Pushing my brows to pull each other in puzzlement. Alone time? What does he intend to do?

In silence, my eyes scan the man.

And the realization hits me hard. Oh. He is wishing to give me the information as our deal since the contract is a success. But I am impressed how he wants to finish everything quickly. He did not hesitate to call me out to deliver the information and cut ties with me already.

"My girlfriend has an appointment with the detective Vyle, I suppose" Zander breaks in. Getting up from the lounge with hands in pockets. He is accurate. That detective gave me three days to search for proofs in order to rescue the clan. And those seventy-two hours had passed.

I have to meet that man. "Can I tag along then?" Beneath a worried gaze, Damian demands. If you look closely, his eyes are shaking as if he is begging to come along. I must have to admit. The submissive and hopeless men are a different breed. They satisfy your unknown desire.

It is hard to describe. I will just call myself sadist. "If my woman approves" Zander's reply brings me back to reality. I frown. "There is nothing wrong with it but I might have to decline the request due to the fact that the detective Vyle asked to meet alone" The reason lightens.

Hushing down the man.

It is actually true. That detective strangely requested to encounter alone at his house. I thought it was a trap at first. However, Zander has checked up the house to assure my safety and it turns out Vyle has no other bad intentions. So why not chat with the suspicious detective alone?

"It seems no help can be assisted in that case" Damian lets out a sigh. Ready to leave beneath a scowl. "Why don't we exchange phone number for emergency?" My voice drags the man back. He turns around, eyes widening a bit to hear my asking for his number openly.

"Is it all right with you, Mister Gavril?" Fuck what? Damian is requesting allowance from Zander? Why is he behaving as if he has respect? That man truly has amazing acting skills. A chuckle escapes between Zander's lips once he hears the demand. Even the devil is amused by him.

"It is for emergency only, Mister Talon. Feel free to accept" Zander nods as beckon. It is when Damian's eyes shift to lock with mine. "My assistant will write down as you reveal the phone number, Miss Laurel" He points at the man behind him. And I tell them the phone number.

Soon, Damian leaves.

"I like that man!" With his one hand pressing on the abdomen, Zander cackles. Somehow, making me scowl in perplexity. "His expression was hilarious when he asked for permit!" Idiot. It is because you were being clingy like a possessive jealous boyfriend the whole time.

I roll my eyes and seize the glass to pour the wine in. Then I settle down. "You purposely made me expose the hickeys" Never have I ever met a pretended boyfriend being this extra to fake a relationship. "How could you blame this poor man for wanting to show his art to people?"

Zander pouts. Sitting beside me with the gleaming eyes. He sure knows how to use that innocent look. "Art, my foot" I hiss. The embarrassment has yet to vanish, in that case, I might have to mix it with wine and make it disappear within. "Don't drink too much, love"

A warning fall upon. I lift my gaze, staring back into his. "I don't get drunk easily. You can relax" A smile tugs at my lips as a proud woman of own ability. Howbeit, Zander chuckles to my retort. "Darling, I don't care if you are drunk with me since I can observe you riding me"

He grins.

Sending chills down to my spine. Riding him?! The scene flashes from the memories. And I quiet down. Fuck. "But the problem is..." Zander's fingers stroke my cheek as the grin across his face disappears. His gaze beams, like a sun burning the world down in full exasperation.

"You are going outside alone after drinking. That detective might take advantage of you. So, don't drink much until you are back to home" It is not like he is preventing me from finishing the wine. Rather, he is telling me to drink at the apartment only. Still, I find it unreasonable.

No matter how much I am drunk, I still manage to return home in the past, despite the fact that I forgot some scenes due to strong alcohol. "Listen to my words carefully, gorgeous" Zande's thumb caresses my lips tenderly. Causing the body to freeze up in surprise. His gaze softens.

Pleading with eyes like an obedient puppy. There is something about those eyes. It is perilous gaze. Even I can feel my heart melting down under those eyes. "All right" In hurry, I turn around to release myself from his so-called spell. "I am going to meet the detective" Let's leave.

It is the best option here.

I promptly put the glass back on the surface of the table. Grabbing my scarf and blazer to cover the hickeys, I jump up from the lounge. "Send me a message once you are done with the talk, love. I will be there to pick you up" Zander instructs. Doesn't he have works to do?

He is always free as a jobless person. "I can return on my own" Beneath a scowl, I retort. Yet, the man denies to listen to me. "Shall I drop you off at that detective's house?" For crying out loud, does he ever pay attention to my words?! "I don't need any help" Harsh response.

But it is the only way to shut this man's mouth. Otherwise, he might even attempt to disguise as the detective's neighbor and show up at the door with cookies with an excuse to assure my safety. From the corner of my eyes, I can see the man's lips curving up into a smirk.

What is he smiling for? "Take care, my doll" He waves. And I just nod as response. Stepping out of the office. There is something wrong with that smirk on Zander's face. I can sense the evil plot he is planning out. Well, all I can do is hope his target is not me. "The tranquil house"

I tilt my head.

On my own with the car, I have reached in front of the house of the detective Vyle. At first, I did not believe when Zander informed me about the serene neighborhood and lifeless house of his since I did not follow Zander when he went out for a checkup. It turns out to be accurate.

"Oh!" Before I manage to ring the doorbell, the man walks out of the gate. Startling my thoughts. Unlike the time I saw him in the uniform, he wears white t-shirt and sweatpants. His dark hair is not slicked back with gel, it remains fluffy on his forehead. He looks different.

"You have been standing there for a long minute" His voice pulls me back from ocean of thoughts. Is that so? I must have lost my sense while admiring the tranquil neighborhood. "Pardon me. I was drawn by the beauty of silence around the area" I flash a smile.

And the man falls quiet. Did I say something wrong? Why is he peering at me with those unreadable eyes? "I have brought the evidence to prove" I can't handle the awkwardness. Vyle's brows raise. "To be honest, I did not call you for that case" His confession comes up.


Did he just admit he lied? But for what? He was determined to capture the crime lords. There are no conclusions on my mind at the moment, until he speaks; "I wanted to have a serious conversation, Miss Verena Laurel. Or shall I address you as Miss Violet Ravena?"

The head tilt beneath a small smile across Vyle's face, drag me into pool of shock. No way. Did he just call my real name? How? How did he find out about the real identity?! Who helped him to discover the unbelievable truth about me?! Fuck. Don't tell me Zander informed him!

The silence conquers us.