
Commanders From Other Worlds

The victory of Azur Lane over Crimson Axis reformed the alliance, and they once again reaffirmed who their enemy really is. Still the reality is that they are still back-foot as they haven't been able to replace the commanders, and the training centers being disposed of by the sirens. Fearing the collapse of morale, the alliance extensively researched the wisdom cubes to try something what can only be read in fiction, summoning people from another world. After much perseverance, they succeeded in summoning, and securing capable commanders for each faction, except for the Eagle Union, whose future commander is summoned on an island somewhere west of the base. Will these commanders bring the coveted victory or will they also fall like their predecessors?

Erica_Arcadia · Video Games
Not enough ratings
19 Chs


After coming back from my brief visit to the Royal Navy, the piled-up paperwork I need to complete made me realize that I very much took that trip for granted.

I begun to think if this is what it feels like being a high-ranking naval officer and sympathized with my elder sister as she sometimes rants about work whenever she visited.

Aside from all these papers that need review and signing, I also have those classes that I requested with Langley about everything that I need to know about this world.

There is also the plans I need to draw up with to start an offensive in the Kiribati islands just south of the Azur Lane base, and to break the Siren sea outpost a few thousand kilometers west of Lima.

I sighed. "So much work" and rested my head on the table.

"Are you alright, commander?" Bataan asked as she refills my cup with coffee.

"I'm tired and hungry, and it's not even lunch time yet"

It's been a couple of days since this routine started and I still haven't gotten used to it, although I do get help from the other shipgirls from time to time.

I read the contents of the paper I'm holding then put it on top of a pile with a plate that says Later.

"Oh right, where's the documents Akira sent yesterday?"

"Didn't you put it inside your drawer?"

I looked inside the bottom drawer installed on my desk and found an envelope with a seal that resembled the Sakura flower. I was about to take it out when there were small knocks on the door. Bataan walked towards and opened it revealing three small guests.

"Hmm?" I turned my attention to guests

"Good morning, commander!" Greeted Aulick.

"Good morning you three. what is it?" I asked with a gentle smile.

"We were wondering if you want to join us for lunch again" Bush said,

"The others are already in the park" Foote addded.

Then as if on cue, my stomach growled letting everyone in the room know that I'm starving.

"That's sounds great. We're about to take a break anyway.

"Really?! Then let's go!" Aulick excitedly ran to my side and pulled me out of the office. Bush did the same to Bataan and pulled her by the hand.


The three took us to the usual place they eat with the other destroyers and, sometimes, the submarines. They usually take their breaks at the base's park where you can have a comfortable picnic any time of the day.

I started to join them before I visited the Royal Navy, when they took the initiative to get to know me better.

Initially, it was because of their interest in my type of magic where I did party tricks to show off. It then gradually changed to asking me everything they want to know. They really are a curious bunch.

Sometimes some of the larger shipgirls come by to have a chat, and I get to know them in the process, which made me think that little ones knew what they were doing and did the most effective way for me to connect to most of the girls in the base.

Today the story they asked to tell is the legend of the families tasked with defending the world, which my family is part of. It's a story that's passed down for generations that teaches the ideals of our ancestors and why we hold a monumental responsibility.

As I'm narrating the legend, I could see the little ones are enjoying it. It seems this resembles your typical hero story that kids like to enjoy.

I smiled thinking about this. If you just look at them, they are really like humans in every way.

"I guess that's it for today" I wiped my mouth with the napkin. "I need to go back to work"

I stood up and pat my behind . "Be good now alright"

"'Yes ma'am!"" They replied in unison..

They're great little kids, if not for them It would have probably taken me more time to get acquainted with most of the Eagle Union girls.

Bataan and I left the park and headed back to the office.

"Ah commander, Yorktown said that Akira, Takao, and Zuikaku are now in your office"

"They're a day early, but well I guess time's of the essence"


We get back to the office where the three guests from the Sakura empire are waiting, Akira sitting at the sofa, Takao, and Zuikaku standing at both sides.

"You look happy" Akira waved as we entered.

Well yes, I just ate lunch so I'm happy. "Quite early are you?"

Akira raised one eyebrow. "Matteo didn't tell you?"

I tilted my head in response.

"Guess not" He sighed. "He sure likes surprises"

"Akagi is not with you?"

Akira scratched his cheek and averted his eyes "U-m well, lest just say I'll have to bring more people if she's here"

I looked at both Takao, and Zuikaku who also knows what he meant and just sighed thinking about it.

"A-anyway before we start, do you already know of the origins of the shipgirls?" He started.

"Yeah. Langley already taught me"

Akira nodded. "Good. Although it's best to show to you in person, but to summarize Matteo created an airfield version of the shipgirls using that very same concept"

Anthropomorphic airfields. Now that I think about it, there are no operational airfields in this world. The ones here in Hawaii and the ones in the Royal Navy aren't used in this war.

"He's probably on his way now to Johnston Atoll for that"

So Wisdom Cubes have quite a lot of possibilities. Did the people here use it to summon us? Maybe I could use it to get back home.

"There's also one more reason for me arriving early" Akira added.

"What is it?"

"Send a report to restart production of the long-range bombers and fighters"