
Commanders From Other Worlds

The victory of Azur Lane over Crimson Axis reformed the alliance, and they once again reaffirmed who their enemy really is. Still the reality is that they are still back-foot as they haven't been able to replace the commanders, and the training centers being disposed of by the sirens. Fearing the collapse of morale, the alliance extensively researched the wisdom cubes to try something what can only be read in fiction, summoning people from another world. After much perseverance, they succeeded in summoning, and securing capable commanders for each faction, except for the Eagle Union, whose future commander is summoned on an island somewhere west of the base. Will these commanders bring the coveted victory or will they also fall like their predecessors?

Erica_Arcadia · Video Games
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Observer's Observation

On the waters south of Guam island, a fleet of black ships consisting of a number of carriers, battleships and their accompanying screens is slowly sailing towards the island.

A girl sitting on top of one of the battleship's guns is in deep thought as she stared over the horizon.

"What do you want with her Observer?"

"I feel that she's different from the other commanders of Azur Lane"

"How so?"

Observer looked over the horizon. "I felt something interesting from her when I first saw her on that island"

Tester became intrigued and urged observer to continue.

"Just fight her until I get a gist of her capabilities. We'll distract Azur Lane in the meantime"

"Why me? What about those destroyers or cruisers? They'll make for good bait"

"The Northern Parliament commander easily disposed of them so they won't be useful enough"

"Is that so? So how should I get your data?"

"Fight her like how you would Azur Lane, but make sure she can still walk after"

Observer then gave the greenlight for the attack. The carriers launched hundred of planes towards Guam while Tester sped off with an annoyed face followed by the other Sirens.


The attack is going smoothly as planned.

Those foxes will probably be resting for a while, and the rest of Azur Lane is busy in the surrounding islands. Well they did make it easy to set up a plan, moving around too much before they started their operation.

The pawns are currently keeping the defense group of this base occupied, while our planes are fighting the Eagle Union planes and attacking the buildings where their commander might be hiding.

"Tester do you see that girl"

"Yeah, she's heading out of the base, probably making an escape"

"Engage her"

I heard an annoyed groan before the communication ended

I just sighed. "Just don't kill her alright?"


Explosions rocked the entire base as the sudden Siren invasion caught everyone off-guard. I'm furious at myself that I didn't think or even plan about the base's defense.

A lot of the shipgirls in the base are now being evacuated for injuries and I could have lessened those numbers if I just thought about defense.

Why did I even accept this responsibility to begin with?

"Hurry commander!" Penn fortunately brought me back to focus since I tasked myself with protecting her and Andy, who is sleeping on her back.

A sinister voice came from behind. "Where do you think you're going?"

I quickly turned around and pointed my sword at the source, another girl that looks like the ones I met at the island. Her guns pointed at me, and Pennsylvania behind me.

I imagined a line between me and Pennsylvania, and another one just in front of the girl.

"Penn when I say go, you run" I whispered.

Pennsylvania wanted to say something, but decided not to and nodded.

"Go!" A wall of ice separated me and Penn, at the same time spears of ice shot up from the ground in front of the Siren. Unfortunately she quickly noticed this and jumped back to avoid the spears, and cut down the ones that almost pierced her.

I materialized icicles in the air around me and launched them one by one at the Siren. Each leaving gusts of air in their wake. I kept their speed subsonic to preserve my stamina, but fast enough to deal a heavy damage to any living being in its path.

She dodged each of them with ease by jumping to the side repeatedly. I immediately followed with another salvo, this time I launched all icicles at the same time at the speed of sound, creating a sonic boom.

To my surprise, she dodged those as well, although I did manage to scratch her side. I can tell by her expression, though hard to read, that she is surprised as well.

She then smirked and lunged at me aiming to hit me with the blade like thing she's wearing. I parried it, jumped back then rushed at her with a downward slash.


This girl, is she even a human? I looked where my right arm is supposed to be then to the human girl I'm forced to play with.

I decided to block her slash with my arm thinking it wouldn't do a thing, but to my surprise her sword cut through. I put some distance between us to observe her a bit.

The one from the Northern Parliament back then did hit me a few times, but I barely felt it.

I jumped back as the girl charged at me again, this time aiming to stab my chest. As she neared, I grabbed her arm and threw her to the sky. I aimed my turrets at her then fired.

A split second later an explosion occurred where that girl was supposed to be.

"Ah....." I just killed Observer's guinea pig.

"Oh well" I turned to towards the docks and decided to leave this island. "Not my problem"


"Haaah" I sighed after seeing Tester blow up the Eagle Union commander and walk away like it's it's not a problem.

I organized this attack just to study that girl and she went and ended it in a few minutes. I didn't even get a single good data on her.

As I'm readying the order to withdraw, I heard a sonic boom then saw a small glitter falling from the sky towards Tester.

I hovered closer to Tester's location and saw her with the same wound Purifier had taken on the island. She is also struggling to defend herself from the constant slashes of the girl.

She did not take any damage from that explosion? Did she create a shield?

I then wondered how strong her shield must have been for her to not even fall unconscious after being the target of the explosion. I moved over to the wall she created and broke a large chunk of the ice.

"Maybe we could find something out from this as well"

I opened a portal for myself then talked through our comms. "I got what I wanted, we're withdrawing"


"I got what I wanted, we're withdrawing" Observer sent her orders through our unit's communication wave.

I opened a portal and fired one last salvo towards the girl. For a mere human to fight toe-to-toe against me, now I understand why Observer is interested in her.

"You interest me human, let's meet again sometime" I smirked and went through the portal.