
Coming of the Villain Boss!

Imagine having the opportunity to be able to enter different worlds created by numerous novels and stories. Which kind of role would you like to play? Do you want to be the illustrious protagonist, either good or evil; or just be a supporting role standing behind the protagonists? Our villain boss Ming Shu would, however, choose none of the above. Claiming missions from the Harmony System, and driven by her endless passion for snacks, the world traveler, Ming Shu, embarks on the path to make the mission target hate her as much as possible by gaining Hatred Points. But it turns out she is not alone on her journey…

Mo Ling · Fantasy
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1666 Chs

The Interstellar Calendar (26)

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Before Ming Shu could return to Unlucky Starzone, the Hua Xia Starzone's people had caught up with them and blocked them in an open starzone between Unlucky Starzone and Hua Xia Starzone.

In his excitement, Curly Hair fired a cannon first—

Facing Ming Shu's speechless expression, Curly Hair looked extremely innocent.

If Mai Di hadn't been quick enough to bring reinforcements from the Technology Star with the squadron, they might have died here.

The Invincible Squadron rarely took action all together, and no one was clear about the exact number of the squadron.

But Hua Xia Starzone was shocked to see them for the first time.

Standing from where they were and as far as their eyes could see, the battleships were as dense as stars spread out in the universe.

Already the Invincible Squadron's battleships were difficult to handle, and now they were facing so many of them.