
Coming of the Apocalypse Queen

In the year 2XXX, a blue meteor from outer space landed on Earth and signaled the dawn of the apocalypse. More than 60% of the population was wiped out by a mysterious disease. Plants and animals turned into mutants. People gained powers and abilities. The world and the government collapsed and turned into a world where only the strong is respected while the weak are doomed to die. Lilian Mo didn't have a good life during the apocalypse. She was reduced to being a possession of her fiancé and became his glorified bed warmer. He kept her locked up in his villa and rarely allowed her to go out, keeping her around as his pet that he took care of. Though it was considered a luxury to be able to eat three times a day and drink clean water in the apocalypse when all the water sources are contaminated, Lilian Mo sneered at this kind of life and escaped her confinement meeting people along the way and gaining an ability on her own. She found 'friends' during her journey and fought alongside them through life and death, only to be betrayed by them. Lilian Mo died tragically when she was pushed to a group of mutant animals by her so-called 'friend' whom she treated as a sister. When it seemed like everything was going to end for her, she opened her eyes and went back to her sixteen-year-old body, two months before the apocalypse. "The heavens have not forsaken me." Lilian Mo swore to grow stronger and take revenge on those that betrayed her trust. Lucky for her, she was reborn with the knowledge of the future and given her own special dimension. Her golden cheats allowed her to sail through the apocalypse without worrying about food or water. After waking up two months before the apocalypse, Lilian Mo decided to set her eyes on the people that wronged her. ▪▪▪ A story about a girl's journey to becoming stronger while trying to survive in the apocalyptic world and facing the man of her past. ▪▪▪ Reminding my readers that this book's rating is [No One 17 And Under Allowed] which means it contains mature content not suitable for young readers. Read at your own discretion. This also includes gore, violence, abuse, and explicit content because the setting is an apocalyptic world. The MC is a heartless person who kills without hesitation but has a soft spot for the people she cares about. If this bothers you, feel free to drop the book. There are no major misunderstandings between the characters. Face slapping is reduced to a minimum and there are no exaggerated or draggy arguments. I only write happy endings ;) This is pure fiction. Don't expect it to be realistic. My third language is English--hoping that the Grammar Nazis would be gentle with me Cover photo not mine. I only edited it.

Mira_Diem · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
188 Chs

Too Weak

At 1:30 am in the morning, the meteor fell on Earth.

The sky became blinded with bright light as red rain fell from the heavens. It was like a shower of blood. Mu Qingqing hugged Lilian Mo's arm when she saw this.

"Qingqing, when a mutant appears infront of you, you mustn't hesitate. It's a monster that will kill you. If you want to survive, you have to kill it first. Do you understand?"

Mu Qingqing nodded.

She could still remember how her Momo said similar words to her when she saved her from some thugs.

"Little girl, when a bad guy appears infront of you, you mustn't hesitate. Aim for the eyes, nose, throat, or groin. Don't hold back or show weakness and make sure you give them a thorough beating. Do you understand?"

When Lilian Mo appeared to save her, Mu Qingqing felt like she saw an angel.

Seeing a beautiful and fierce girl take on a bunch of grown men made her admire Lilian Mo. Mu Qingqing couldn't help but idolize her savior. Since then, she started to follow the girl around.

Even to this day, her Momo was still so beautiful and strong. Mu Qingqing hugged her arm further.

"Momo, I'll definitely follow you and grow as strong as you!"

Looking out the window, the air was laced with a suppressive and dark atmosphere. The power went out and the dozens of lights in the city disappeared. Lilian Mo closed the curtains.

She got two flashlights from her bag and handed the other to Mizuki Rei who was staring at her with jealousy, presumably because his fiancee was clinging to Lilian Mo like a leech.

It hurt a man's pride to see your own lover taking a liking to another girl. It made it look like he lost to a little girl.

Mizuki Rei was only two years older than the two but he already felt like the outsider in their group of three.

"Both of you, grab a knife and stay behind me." The two nodded and followed her closely.

Mutant plants were already wandering below the apartment. Lilian Mo pulled her daggers and chopped the vines that flew her away.

"Watch closely. To kill mutant plants, you need to destroy their kernels, a small yellow bead inside their body which is like a heart to them. Otherwise, they would continue to regenerate." Lilian Mo hacked at the plant, her past life experience and knowledge aiding her in combat as she mutilated the plant and destroyed the kernel.

Lilian Mo pounced on the other mutant plants, swinging her daggers and spinning around like she was dancing, tearing through the vines and closing in on her enemy.

Mu Qingqing and Mizuki Rei stared at her with shock. They couldn't believe the savage way she took on those mutants without hesitating even once.

"Behind you!" Lilian Mo said.

Mizuki Rei pushed Mu Qingqing away. A vine slapped his arm, tearing through the clothes. Luckily, he stepped back and didn't manage to get hurt.

"Qingqing, hide behind me!"

Mizuki Rei's eyes hardened as he held the knife in his hand. He hacked at the vines with decisiveness.

"Faster! You're too slow!" Lilian Mo said as she threw one of her daggers, hitting the exposed kernel and destroying it with a bang.

Mizuki Rei was stunned but Lilian Mo pushed him to another mutant plant.

"Grow stronger if you want to protect Qingqing!"

Mizuki Rei wanted to say how heartless she was for pushing him into the enemy but he also saw the logic in her words and began to fight earnestly with determination.

He managed to take down two mutant plants. He glanced at Lilian Mo with a smug look on his face, only to pale when he saw that the other mutant plants were dead.

Mu Qingqing was diligently wiping Lilian Mo's sweat and smiling.

"Momo, you're amazing! You killed all of them!"

Mizuki Rei bit back the complaints in his heart and sighed.

Lilian Mo glanced at him. "You only took two down? You're weak. Next time, do it faster. Qingqing, you will also fight. Don't be a dead weight."

Instead of being offended, Mu Qingqing nodded vigorously.

"Momo, teach me how to hack those mutants! I'll also get stronger like Momo!"

Lilian Mo nodded. "Let's move to the supermarket. We need to grab ourselves some supplies."

Lilian Mo drove the car and speeded towards their destination. Before they got off, Lilian Mo handed a face mask and cap to Mu Qingqing.

"Cover your face and tie up your hair. Being a girl will make you a target. With the apocalypse, a lot of scumbags will be roaming around everywhere. And you, watch over your fiancée." Lilian Mo directed the last sentence to Mizuki Rei. She glared icily at him, making the man gulp nervously.

"O.. Okay.. I'll definitely protect Qingqing."

They got out of the car to stop at a gas station first. A lot of people were on the floor, burning up from a fever. There weren't any mutants around just yet so they were safe.

"Momo, what do we do with them?"

"Kill them." Lilian Mo stabbed a man's head, shocking the two.


"Lilian Mo!"

Lilian Mo pulled out her dagger and wiped it on the dead man's clothes.

She ignored their horrified looks. "Go kill the others. They are turning into mutants. There are purple veins appearing in their body which is the start of the mutation."

Just as she finished her words, one of the men on the ground stood up, his skin turned a dark green and his eyes were bloodshot. He opened his mouth and roared, aiming at the nearest human who just happens to be Mu Qingqing.

"To kill humans that turned into mutants, destroy their heads!" Lilian Mo shouted at them, stabbing the others in the end before they could mutate.

Mizuki Rei took action first. He swung the knife and slashed at the mutant's hand. He struggled and pushed, pulling his knife and stabbing fiercely at the end. Black blood sprouted from the wound. A few landed on his face but he wiped the gore away without blinking.

Lilian Mo cleaned up the others and entered the store near the station alone, swiping everything into her space. She left a few goods for the people but she made sure that all the top quality ones fell on her hands.

Lilian Mo went back to check on the two. She was surprised when she saw Mu Qingqing stabbing a mutant on the head. Her lips curled with satisfaction as she approached them.

"Next time, stab the knife harder. Imagine your mortal enemy's face. Don't hesitate." Lilian Mo said, patting the girl's shoulder.

"Hmph. I did great, right, Momo?"

Lilian Mo flashed her a smile.

"No. You were too weak."
