
Coming of the Apocalypse Queen

In the year 2XXX, a blue meteor from outer space landed on Earth and signaled the dawn of the apocalypse. More than 60% of the population was wiped out by a mysterious disease. Plants and animals turned into mutants. People gained powers and abilities. The world and the government collapsed and turned into a world where only the strong is respected while the weak are doomed to die. Lilian Mo didn't have a good life during the apocalypse. She was reduced to being a possession of her fiancé and became his glorified bed warmer. He kept her locked up in his villa and rarely allowed her to go out, keeping her around as his pet that he took care of. Though it was considered a luxury to be able to eat three times a day and drink clean water in the apocalypse when all the water sources are contaminated, Lilian Mo sneered at this kind of life and escaped her confinement meeting people along the way and gaining an ability on her own. She found 'friends' during her journey and fought alongside them through life and death, only to be betrayed by them. Lilian Mo died tragically when she was pushed to a group of mutant animals by her so-called 'friend' whom she treated as a sister. When it seemed like everything was going to end for her, she opened her eyes and went back to her sixteen-year-old body, two months before the apocalypse. "The heavens have not forsaken me." Lilian Mo swore to grow stronger and take revenge on those that betrayed her trust. Lucky for her, she was reborn with the knowledge of the future and given her own special dimension. Her golden cheats allowed her to sail through the apocalypse without worrying about food or water. After waking up two months before the apocalypse, Lilian Mo decided to set her eyes on the people that wronged her. ▪▪▪ A story about a girl's journey to becoming stronger while trying to survive in the apocalyptic world and facing the man of her past. ▪▪▪ Reminding my readers that this book's rating is [No One 17 And Under Allowed] which means it contains mature content not suitable for young readers. Read at your own discretion. This also includes gore, violence, abuse, and explicit content because the setting is an apocalyptic world. The MC is a heartless person who kills without hesitation but has a soft spot for the people she cares about. If this bothers you, feel free to drop the book. There are no major misunderstandings between the characters. Face slapping is reduced to a minimum and there are no exaggerated or draggy arguments. I only write happy endings ;) This is pure fiction. Don't expect it to be realistic. My third language is English--hoping that the Grammar Nazis would be gentle with me Cover photo not mine. I only edited it.

Mira_Diem · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
188 Chs

Live Without Men

Lilian Mo raised a brow at Mizuki Rei. It's good that this guy was starting to be more sensible. Unlike before where she had to dump him towards a group of mutants, he would complain and mutter how evil she was.

But after a few days, he finally got used to it and would be the one to charge head first at battle. It wasn't because he was impulsive but because he didn't want to give his enemies any upperhand.

Under Lilian Mo's guidance, Mizuki Rei's battle instincts were honed and it can be said that he could keep up with Lilian Mo when forming strategies to raid stores.

He really did internalized all the things she was teaching them and wasn't just pretending to listen. This made her feel pleased.

"Mr. Ling has grown up. Since you've said it, you're responsible for training Jiaojiao."

Mizuki Rei gaped, not expecting the new responsibility that was given to him but seeing the challenging look on Lilian Mo's eyes, he became determined to match up to her expectations.

"Hmph. Just you wait, Lilian Mo! I'll definitely make Jiaojiao stronger!" He then grabbed Mu Qingqing's hands.

"Qingqing, don't be jealous with this, okay? I'm only going to train Jiaojiao to fight, nothing else. You're still the one for me, Qingqing." He said with a fond look directed to Mu Qingqing. There was a hint of pampering in his tone while his eyes revealed his deep feelings for his little fiancee.

Lilian Mo felt like gagging. She pushed him away.

"Don't even think about having any other ideas with Qingqing or Jiaojiao or else I will castrate you!" She hissed.

Mizuki Rei unconsciously cupped his groin. "You..! How can you be so perverted! Qingqing is my fiancée. It's only natural for me to care about her feelings! And you were the one who said to train Jiaojiao. Don't twist the tale!"

Lilian Mo ignored him and talked to Lin Jiaojiao. "Listen, this Mr. Ling may look like a decent guy but don't let your guard down. Men are not to be trusted. Don't be scared to retaliate. If he dares to do something, aim for the eyes, noise, throat, or groin!"

Lin Jiaojiao's eyes were wide and she unconsciously nodded, not knowing what to say.

"Reirei isn't bad, Momo!" Mu Qingqing protested. Mizuki Rei rejoiced inwardly when he heard this.

'Qingqing, you still trust me! Qingqing is still the best!'

Lilian Mo sighed. "Whatever you say."

"Hey!" Mizuki Rei was so mad. This scary girl is really too much! But instead of making a fuss, he turned to Lin Jiaojiao.

"Jiaojiao, how old are you?"

Lin Jiaojiao spoke softly, clutching the sword that was given to her. "I turned fifteen the day the apocalypse started..."

The three were surprised. The timing was really bad. The world became chaotic at the day of your birthday.

"Tell us about your brother? Do you where he is?" Mizuki Rei asked patiently.

"My big brother's name is Lin Fang. He is a doctor. We were supposed to go together to City B because we heard that there was a base being set up over there.. But as you can see, that didn't happen." Her eyes watered as she remembered her big brother.

Was he doing fine? Was he still alive? Did he managed to escape? She has so many questions but none of them can be answered at the moment.

Most of all, she wanted her big brother's comforting hugs.

"Jiaojiao, don't be sad. Big brother is here," he'd tell her while smiling gently.

Lin Jiaojiao cried harder after this.

"Jiaojiao, don't cry! If you want, I'll beat up your brother for leaving you! How dare he leave his sister!" Mu Qingqing fumed, shaking a fist in anger.

She went to hug the girl, patting her head. "Jiaojiao, don't worry. Momo and I are here. Who needs your brother? Who needs a brother! We can live without men!"

Lilian Mo placed a hand on her chest. Oh, her little pig was speaking such wise words. The little girl has grown up so well. Lilian Mo once again felt proud like a mother who was seeing her child talk for the first time.

On the other hand, Mizuki Rei felt his heart aching. How come Qingqing said this? What should he do? Qingqing said she can live without him!

No, it can't be. He does not want Qingqing to forget him.

"Qingqing, what are you saying? Don't you have big brother Qian and me?"

Mu Qingqing blinked. "Oh.. right, Reirei. I also have a big brother. But.. but.. It's fine because there's Momo... All I need is Momo!"

Mizuki Rei felt like he had been stabbed. Was his position really lower than the scary girl?!

He suddenly felt depressed.
