
Comet High

A place were WIFI doesn't exist... A vacation stay, in little old forgotten Comet Town. Mac and Sam are sent to a small town to finish off high school at comet high. Comet town is a quiet, peaceful and relaxing place. A little too quiet if you ask Mac. Something is definitely off about this town, besides having no internet. Sam is studying hard to finish high school a year early when Mac throughs a wrench into her plans. He warns her not to trust anyone they meet except for the family they have in town.

Sara_Mint · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

Chapter 2 Smera Maben

Not to far away, lived a book-loving, straight-A student, Named Sam. Her real name was Smera Adara Maben.

(Smera; smiling Adara; Jewell-like sunrise Maben; Scottish (even though she wasn't))

Smera's name was too hard to say when she was little that her first-grade teacher said she should change it to her initials, so this is why she is named Sam.

She was a very book smart girl, all her teachers, coaches, and family loved her. But she didn't have real friends, sure she had the chess club, the advanced math club, and the college kids as 'friends'. But they only liked her for her smarts. To her, the only true friends she had was her dad and her Grandma June.

Now, what does this 'perfect' girl look like? Well, she is an average height, fit, with broad shoulders, overly motivated, fifteen-year-old. Usually, she was seen wearing her school uniform...

...or some sort of CrossFit workout clothes.Or red or dark blue oversized plaid shirts, joggers or jeggings or running legging, with combat boots or her favorite cross trainers, one or two accessories that reference her hobbies, and always without fail one silver neckless (always hidden by a high collared button-down or her activewear).

Sam spent a lot of time reading or cross training. She was one of those girls who was good at having a new hobby in what seamed like an hour a part. The only reason someone like her was still in high school was because, (her dad was so excited that his little girl was so smart that she was able to go to college, when she normally would have been in junior high, her dad had her move up right away) She finished college at fourteen, the job she wanted required her to have passed high school and college. She was simply going to redo high school, but her smarts got the better of her since she was now a junior.

So when she asked her dad if she could go live with grandma for a semester, his answer was 'yes'. What she told him was that she wanted to study how a town with no tech could work so well, what she didn't tell him was that she wanted to be away from all the noise of the mainstream world.

On the morning when Sam left, she told her dad that her suitcase wasn't the right size for all her books.