
Come on, I'm invincible and a horror game comes along?

"Three years after three years, ten years have passed, system, I'm invincible, where's the horror game you promised?" Elon came to this world for ten years, the horror game avoided him for nine years. Elon entered the horror game, the squid game with 99 mortality rate, was played as a speed pass game by him. No one passes through the classroom of death, Elon one person and a sword, sitting on the podium. The ghost, who was originally invigilating the exam, sits down and answers the questions. Elon: "Ming ate 5 apples, dad ate 8 apples, how old is grandpa?" "If you can't answer, you all have to die." Ghosts: "Who the hell is the scary game."

DaoistSLUWtM · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
140 Chs

Chapter 7: I can sleep on the floor

There were seven of them, but only two beds.


  How do you squeeze it?


  "O old village chief, we've come to help, to entertain us with these things is chilling."


  Elon intoned.


  "What else do you want?" The village chief asked.


  "Not to mention a new bed, some tables, boards, mats, etc."


  None of it is expensive.


  The old village chief looked for a few families, scraped together a few things, and really came up with five big, flat tables, as well as some wooden boards, coolers, and other things.


  Meanwhile the village headman introduced some Elon to these families.


  Elon put the table together and laid out the cooler, and it barely served as a bed.




  Elon clapped his hands together and said, "I like living alone, so you all sleep over here."


  "Go to bed early, good night."


  Leaving that statement behind, Elon walked into the house next door.


  The six men looked at each other.


  One person uses a house?


  Isn't that overbearing?


  But think of the strength Elon has shown.


  TONY laughed dryly, "I think, it's a pretty big room, it's fine for ten people."


  "I think so."


  The others nodded in agreement.


  Their eyes then fell to the bed, which was only one, or a single bed.


  But there are six of them here.


  Who sleeps in the bed?


  "Lvan, you're the only girl we have here, you sleep on the bed." TONY thought for a while and finally said so.


  The others see no problem with it.


  Only lvan whispered, "I-I want to go next door."


  At those words, TONY and the others all froze.


  This was the only sister in the team, and although her looks were not overwhelming, she was soft and cute.


  They gave her the only bed.


  As it turned out, she actually wanted a room with Elon.


  A man and a woman in a room together.


  This is a sheep in a tiger's mouth!


  "Never let it be!" TONY exclaimed.


  The others have also been persuaded.


  "You're a girl, and it's very dangerous to be with him."


  lvan hesitated.


  Finally said, "I feel ... you guys are a little more dangerous."




  One moment.


  All five of these men felt as if they had been shot in the chest.


  Wanted to spit blood.


  We've given up our bed to you, and you're calling us dangerous?




  Lvan ran out without looking back.




  Elon had just laid down when he heard a knock on the door.




  He opened his mouth and asked who would come to him at this time of night.


  "Brother Elon, it's me." Lvan's strained voice rang out.


  He recognized lvan's voice.


  What does this woman want with herself at night?


  Is it because you're lusting after your own beauty?


  "It's true, boys must learn to protect themselves when they're out there."


  Think about it.


  Elon said decisively, "If there's anything, let's talk about it tomorrow, I'm already asleep."


  lvan was on the verge of tears and said, "I want to sleep with Brother Elon."


  Elon narrowed his eyes.


  His own guess was good.


  I'm sure he came here to covet his beauty.


  Never in a million years would I have thought that a girl who was usually so shy would turn out to be such a person.


  "I don't have room here anymore." Elon said.


  "It's okay for me to sleep on the floor." Lvan said nervously.


  Elon thought for a moment.


  The floor was fairly spacious and there really wasn't any problem getting her to lie down a bit.


  If she really wants to do something to herself.


  You should still be able to fight back yourself.


  So he said, "Then bring your own boards and mats."




  Lvan laughed happily.


  She turned sharply and ran back for the boards and mats.


  And in the first house.


  The five men, who had only just slowed down.


  "We're surprisingly unsafe."


  TONY felt so hard inside that she couldn't breathe.


  It's going to hurt internally.


  Just then, lvan returned.


  TONY immediately said, "You figured it out, it's still him that's more dangerous, right?"


  He patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, the five of us will protect you."


  lvan just looked at him.


  She then laboriously carried a plank and picked up another roll of matting.


  "I just came over to move a board over."


  She said happily, "Brother Elon has given me permission to sleep on the floor."




  TONY almost spat out a mouthful of blood.


  "We're giving you a bed to not sleep in, and you're going to run next door and sleep on the floor?"


  This time, he really hurt himself internally.


  He covered his heart and sat down on the bed with a hard look on his face.


  It shouldn't be.


  TONY thought about it for a long time and couldn't understand why things had turned out the way they had.


  The other four.


  It's all in the hair now, too.


  Only the viewers in the broadcast room were laughing uncontrollably and without conscience.


  "Laughing my ass off, these five are so tragic."


  "Don't worry, we'll protect you."


  "I want to see these five haunted tomorrow!"


  When several of TONY's people are internally injured.


  lvan had struggled to carry the boards to the front of Elon's room.


  "Brother Elon, I'm coming, open the door." Lvan said shivering.


  The plank weighed at least twenty pounds.


  Her power that couldn't even beat an old hen was really at its limit.


  Elon gets out of bed and opens the door for her.


  Seeing her white face and still gritting her teeth as she carried the plank, Elon reached out with his left hand and picked it up with one hand.


  Then he sighed.


  "It's hopeless, won't you put the boards down before you knock?"


  LVAN blushed with shame at what was said.


  Elon put the board away and said, "You'll sleep on it tonight."


  With that, he lay down.


  Not forgetting to instruct lvan, "Remember to lock the door."


  LVAN locked the door, then carefully lay down on the mat.


  By the moonlight from the window, she could still see Elon's back.


  Flop, flop, flop.


  It was like she heard her heart beating.


  It seemed like, for the first time, she herself was sleeping in the same room with a strange man.


  "Will he suddenly have to come and sleep with me?"


  lvan stared blankly out at Elon's back, nervous and expectant.


  Suddenly, she saw a shadow that landed on Elon's back.




  Lvan shuddered.


  Where's the shadow?


  She immediately turned her head and looked toward the window.


  It was just a glance, and she froze in place on the spot.


  Because ...


  She saw Elon.


  Yes, Elon was standing outside the window, a handsome face, staring at himself without expression.


  When did he leave?


  lvan looked hastily toward the bed and saw Elon's back again.


  Elon was clearly in bed.


  So, who's that in the window?


  Lvan felt a coldness envelop him and couldn't stop the goosebumps from surfacing.


  She looked out the window at "Elon" with a horrified look on her face.


  Elon slowly opened its mouth, which grew bigger and bigger, and finally split open completely.


  Then, his neck grew longer and longer, and he actually stretched in through the outside of the window!


  lvan was shocked by the scene.


  There was a "buzz" in my head and my eyes went completely black.


  She was straight up stunned.


  "Elon's neck is getting deeper and longer, and it's more than two meters from the window.


  The viewers in the live broadcast room, now all staring round eyes, tightly covering their mouths, a face of horror to watch "Elon" close.