
Come on, I'm invincible and a horror game comes along?

"Three years after three years, ten years have passed, system, I'm invincible, where's the horror game you promised?" Elon came to this world for ten years, the horror game avoided him for nine years. Elon entered the horror game, the squid game with 99 mortality rate, was played as a speed pass game by him. No one passes through the classroom of death, Elon one person and a sword, sitting on the podium. The ghost, who was originally invigilating the exam, sits down and answers the questions. Elon: "Ming ate 5 apples, dad ate 8 apples, how old is grandpa?" "If you can't answer, you all have to die." Ghosts: "Who the hell is the scary game."

DaoistSLUWtM · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
140 Chs

Chapter 41: Try My New Skills

Seeing this bonus addition, all the players were incredibly excited.


  "It's the first time I've come across a 30% bonus that gives 30 experience at once, that's a lot."


  "I've never even seen a plus one before."


  "It's all thanks to that great god."


  With happy hearts, they all couldn't help but wonder what kind of reward Elon would get.


  Elon is also in the process of settling.


  "Being scored at ..."


  "Level 1: Cultural Exam, pass with a perfect perfect score, bonus plus 20%"


  "Hidden Quest: Defeat all the civil examination invigilators, reward added by 30%"


  "Level 2: Physical Education Exam, pass with a perfect perfect score, 20% bonus"


  "Hidden Quest: Defeat all Physical Education Examiners, 30% bonus to rewards"


  "Hidden Quest: Defeat the Headmaster, reward added 100%"


  "Rating: SSS!"


  "200% increase in cumulative rewards"


  "Congratulations on receiving the following rewards: 5,000 Dragon Coins, 50 points of game experience, and the skill [Compulsion (non-upgradeable)]."




  Elon's eyes lit up.


  I can't believe it's rewarding skills, this is nice.


  However, he quickly remembered the effect of [Compulsion], attacking the opponent with a powerful spirit and turning them into puppets at his mercy.


  This skill, to be honest, is of little use to his current self.


  What's more, there was no way to upgrade this skill.


  The potential is too low.


  "It would be nice to change it up a bit."


  Elon muttered.


  Just then, the system's voice rang out.


  "Trigger system reward addition."


  "All rewards increased by 100%"


  Congratulations to the host for receiving the following reward: "10,000 Dragon Coins, 100 points of game experience, and the skill [Cloud Scouting Hand (Elementary 0/100)]."


  It's really changed.


  Elon was pleasantly surprised and immediately focused on the new skill he had just acquired.


  [Cloud Probing Hands: consumes 1 point of spirit per second to increase the speed of the hands by a small amount, and can reach things that shouldn't be able to be reached].


  A small increase in hand speed.


  Elon was satisfied in his mind that increasing his hand speed naturally increased the speed of his sword swings and punches.


  This is a small boost to the speed of the attack.


  It also says later that it can touch things that shouldn't be touched.


  What is it?


  Almost instantly, Elon thought of the gargoyles.


  They had no entity, and only the Heaven's Wrath Sword could harm them.


  But now, with the Cloud Seeker, could he or she hurt them with their hands?


  When I get back, I'll find a couple to try.


  It just consumed more spirit, 1 point per second, good thing he had 999 points of spirit.


  If it were any other player, it wouldn't even be enough for a long time.


  Spirit is now only able to recover through rest.


  Once it gets too low, mental depression, indiscipline, and lack of motivation are light.


  Above all, it is impossible to resist hallucinations.


  It's easy to get yourself into a crisis.


  There's more on that down the line.


  Elon continues down the page with a reminder about upgrades after that.


  "After upgrading the level of the Cloud Probing Hand, you can reduce the consumption of spirit and increase the speed of the hand."


  That's the beauty of being able to upgrade.


  It's obviously so much more powerful than [Compulsion].


  This time, although the experience wasn't a lot, with the skill Cloud Scouting Hand, it was a big profit.


  In the future, when dealing with those demons and monsters, you don't even need to draw your sword yet.


  Took a look at the experience he still had left.


  200 points.


  Elon searches for a moment and decides to use it to level up the Cloud Seeker.


  100 experience points down.


  [Cloud Scouting Hands (Intermediate 0/300): consumes 1 spirit point every 2 seconds to increase the speed of the hands and can reach ghosts and monsters].


  Consumption of spirit, saving 100%.


  This meant that the time it took to use the Cloud Seeker, doubled.




  And it's also shown directly that it's the one that can touch the ghosts.


  Elon nodded in satisfaction, then turned into a white light and left the claiming space.


  After ten seconds or so.


  He came into the middle of a corridor.


  Elon remembers that this is the apartment where Seeko is.


  Only now, the hallway was dark, as if all the lights had been destroyed.


  "It's dark, why don't you turn on the lights?"


  Elon was taken aback; was the landlord of this apartment building, even meaner than the landlord of his own building?


  Not even a light!


  What capitalists. Sooner or later, we'll have to hang them from the streetlights.


  Just the next second.


  The system's beep sounded.


  "A large number of ghosts and monsters have been detected in the vicinity, the host is requested to seize the opportunity."


  There are ghosts and goblins!


  Elon's eyes immediately lit up.


  There were tons of ghosts and monsters, and that meant tons of experience, just in time to try out the new skill he had just gotten his hands on, Cloud Scouting Hand.


  Where's Ghostbusters?


  Elon suddenly thought of Seeko, it shouldn't be at her place!


  It's just downstairs from Elon.


  Seeko was lying under the covers, eyes closed, forcing himself to stay calm.


  Because in front of her stood a full five ghosts and monsters.


  They came in all shapes and sizes, and the one standing at the front had festering skin on his body.


  Like they just climbed out of a pool of sulfuric acid.


  Pale yellow bugs that were constantly burrowing through the broken holes in his body.


  Just saw this thing.


  Seeko just about threw up.


  The poltergeist, still plastered to her now, asked, "Can you see?"


  Seeko could already smell his stench.


  If it had been in the past, she wouldn't have been able to handle it.


  Five at a time.


  It's sure to be played straight.


  But the good thing is, this time there are clothes from Elon.


  The dress reduced her fear so she was able to remain calm for now.


  The cell phone was on the nightstand.


  But right now, she didn't dare move.


  For fear that when they acted, they would touch those ghosts and monsters, and that would be the end of them straight away.


  Her body trembled gently, Brother Elon, where are you?




  There was a knock on the door, suddenly.


  Seeing that Zi was stunned, the five ghosts and monsters also turned around and looked towards the doorway.


  "Anyone home?"


  Elon asked from outside.


  At the sound, Seeko almost cried.


  Too familiar.


  Wasn't it the same Elon she'd just expected to show up?


  "Come open the door."


  Elon said, "If it's not convenient, I'll just kick in the door."


  "I'm not available right now." Seeko shouted.


  She's surrounded now and there's no way for her to get down there.


  Without saying anything more, Elon placed his hand on the doorknob and gave it a gentle push.




  The door lock detached itself directly from the wall.


  He walked in and saw five ghostly creatures who were staring at him.


  Seeing them, Elon's eyes grew bright.


  It's all experience.


  It's just the right amount of experience to come in.


  Seeing the new target, the five ghosts and monsters also came together, chanting, "Can you see it?"


  Elon closes the door behind him, then nods with a grin, "Visible oh."


  The five ghosts and monsters immediately looked delighted.


  Finally, someone to eat!


  Almost starved to death.


  The foremost one, directly opened its bloody mouth and bit towards Elon's head.


  He has a big mouth.


  Big enough to swallow a watermelon in one bite.


  It turns out that before he could get close enough, Elon punched him in the head and cracked him.


  Cloud probing hand, activate!


  Elon's hand, shimmering a faint glistening white in the darkness.


  As if carved out of jade.


  Pieces of residual shadow were left behind when he raised his hands and threw his feet.


  It's too fast.


  The eyes are inaccessible!