
Come on, I'm invincible and a horror game comes along?

"Three years after three years, ten years have passed, system, I'm invincible, where's the horror game you promised?" Elon came to this world for ten years, the horror game avoided him for nine years. Elon entered the horror game, the squid game with 99 mortality rate, was played as a speed pass game by him. No one passes through the classroom of death, Elon one person and a sword, sitting on the podium. The ghost, who was originally invigilating the exam, sits down and answers the questions. Elon: "Ming ate 5 apples, dad ate 8 apples, how old is grandpa?" "If you can't answer, you all have to die." Ghosts: "Who the hell is the scary game."

DaoistSLUWtM · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
140 Chs

Chapter 40 - Your broken skills are useless to me.

Dozens of people gathered around and hammered and kicked at the few invigilators.


  In the middle of the playground, the screams continued.


  "Where is that great god?"


  Someone is tired of fighting and wants to thank Elon properly.


  Without Elon's help, they wouldn't have had a chance to get their revenge.


  But turn around.


  Didn't see Elon at all.


  "Where did the Great God go?" The crowd became curious.


  The viewers in the live stream, on the other hand, were beyond freaking out.


  "Why didn't you find the big god's live room."


  "I'm dying to see a live view of the Great God."


  "What on earth would it take to see the perspective of a great god."


  They feel very sorry for it.


  "You can't have a great god on the air, just like the West can't have Jerusalem."


  And this time.


  Elon had walked back into the school building where he had just taken the test.


  Follow the arrows.


  Elon quickly found a staircase leading to the second floor.


  Three floors up, the arrow pointed deeper into the corridor.


  Finally stopped in front of an office.


  "This is it." Elon muttered.




  He lifted his foot and kicked the door open.


  It's a sturdy doorway, but it won't hold up to this kick from Elon.


  The hinges were strained, and the whole door detached itself from the frame and slapped right in toward the office.




  The doorway hit the wall hard and nestled right in.


  The cracks spread rapidly across the wall, crawling all over it in the blink of an eye.


  Elon walked in and turned his head to see an expressionless middle-aged man.


  Arrows pointing at him.


  Explain that he is the principal.


  Elon scanned his data.


  [Name: Principal


  Race: Demon


  Physical Fitness: 20


  Strength: 28


  Speed: 7


  Spirit: 215


  Skill: Compulsion]


  [Compulsion: Probability to make the opponent lose consciousness and become a puppet at one's mercy, the lower the opponent's spirit, the higher the probability.]


  There are skills.


  Elon remembers the last time he met a large octopus.


  These two monsters, both of which have skills, are truly bosses.


  A bit of a leveler.


  "What are you?"


  The principal doesn't tense up when he sees Elon kicking in the door, but instead chortles coldly.


  "Do you know what this place is?"


  Elon didn't bullshit him and went straight up and threw a punch.


  He didn't come here to reason with the principal.


  The requirements for the hidden quest are right in front of you.


  Defeat the principal.


  Seeing Elon's sudden strike, the principal frowned and immediately jumped up from his chair.


  What's wrong with this guy?


  Why don't you do it without a word, just after meeting?




  Elon's punch hit the wall behind him and punched through it on the spot.


  The principal's pupils shrank when he saw this scene.


  You're wearing it out?


  What power that would take.


  Even he couldn't do such a thing.


  Is this the kind of power a human being can have?


  But the principal quickly reacts that the stronger Elon is, the better it is for him.


  By compelling Elon and making Elon his puppet, wouldn't that become his fighting force?


  "Jiejie, you're just in time."


  The principal said with a big smile.


  The laughter rendered Elon speechless.


  "Jiejie, what Soul Temple Elder?"


  Turning around, he threw a punch towards the principal's shoulder.


  This time, the principal didn't duck.




  His eyes, steeply glowing with a weird red light, were seductive.


  At this point in the game, the principal unleashes Charm, looking to take direct control of Elon.


  Just the next second.




  Elon's fist, straight into the principal's shoulder.


  Black blood and flesh flew across the room as the principal screamed and backed away, only managing to stop when he hit the wall.


  He looked incredulously at his mangled shoulder.


  Surprisingly, it was hit!


  It shouldn't, much less could.


  How could a mere human be free from the control of his compulsion?




  The principal gritted his teeth and asked, "Why were you able to get out of the compulsion I had on you?"


  Elon looked at him like he was a fool.


  "What do you mean get rid of the compulsion?"


  "When did your crap skills ever work on me?"


  The principal gave a start and snapped out of it.


  It's not that the compulsion was gotten rid of.


  Rather, it was never in effect from the beginning.


  That's harder to take than being rid of it.




  "How can you, alone, nullify my skills?"


  He's killed, not a hundred, but dozens.


  The skill of compulsion, tried and true, never fails.


  But now.


  A human who ignored his compulsion.


  The principal was trembling, unable to take it in.


  "What's impossible?"


  Elon took out his Bladeless and slowly approached towards the principal while saying, "I'm stronger than you, so naturally your skills will be ineffective."


  With a lift of his hand, the longsword pierced right through the principal's throat.


  Then with a slight twist, the principal's head spun and flew.


  He's grasping at straws.


  Late is late.


  What if something strange suddenly runs out and saves the principal.


  The hidden quest that came to him could not be allowed to fly away.


  Elon looked at the principal's corpse and said, "Your school, which can't even come up with questions for the exams, might as well close while it's still open."


  "Don't get it wrong."


  The principal's head, at this point, is looking at Elon with a horrified expression.


  It's not human.


  It was clearly a humanoid monster.


  How can anyone kill him with one sword?


  It's not possible.


  He tried to say something, but opened his mouth and nothing came out.


  One can only die violently on the spot with fear and regret.


  Elon also heard the system.


  "Hidden mission completed."


  The principal is gone.


  This exam, naturally, is all over.


  The sound of a horror game plays.


  "Game over."


  "All players, will leave this game in three minutes."


  The players were in a hurry when they heard this.


  "Three minutes?"


  "How can I leave when I haven't fought enough?"


  "A few of them aren't dead yet, let's all get together and hurry!"


  A couple of invigilators, which instantly drew an even more horrific attack.


  The punches and kicks fell like a storm.


  Even with their high physique and the strength enhancement from the horror game, they couldn't withstand the gang's rounds of attacks.


  It hasn't lasted more than a minute.


  And they were all killed alive.


  One by one, bloodied and dead.


  Players and spectators watched it and called it a success.


  There were also a bunch of people who outright cried.


  "I never thought that I would have the chance to kill a demonic evil with my own hands in this life."


  "My dad would be so proud of me if he knew."


  "Brother, I've avenged you."


  It has always been horror games and demons and monsters that have brutalized humanity.


  It was the first time they had ever seen a demonic evil hung up and beaten like this.


  "We could never have done it without that great god."


  "What the hell is he?"


  "Coming and going in a hurry, it can't be a god, can it?"


  "I feel like he's more open."


  Three minutes flew by.


  All of the players, turned into a white light and disappeared.


  Game over.


  It's time to collect your reward!


  Players are divided into individual spaces and wait for the game to hand out rewards.


  "Being scored at ..."


  "Level 1: Cultural Exam, pass with perfect score, 10% bonus added"


  "Level 2: Physical Education Exam, pass with perfect score, 10% bonus added"


  "Hidden Quest: Defeat some of the Physical Education Examiners, 10% bonus to the reward"


  "Evaluation: excellent."


  "30% increase in cumulative rewards"


  "Congratulations on the following reward: 30 points of game experience."