
Come on, I'm invincible and a horror game comes along?

"Three years after three years, ten years have passed, system, I'm invincible, where's the horror game you promised?" Elon came to this world for ten years, the horror game avoided him for nine years. Elon entered the horror game, the squid game with 99 mortality rate, was played as a speed pass game by him. No one passes through the classroom of death, Elon one person and a sword, sitting on the podium. The ghost, who was originally invigilating the exam, sits down and answers the questions. Elon: "Ming ate 5 apples, dad ate 8 apples, how old is grandpa?" "If you can't answer, you all have to die." Ghosts: "Who the hell is the scary game."

DaoistSLUWtM · Fantasy
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140 Chs

Chapter 36: What Devil's Exam Questions

"You're just in time."


  Elon saw the brat and immediately smiled, approaching slowly with his longsword.


  The Kid swallowed hard.


  It really panicked.


  This man, so terrifying, the pleas for help from the ghost in the suit just now still ringing in my ears.


  He's the devil.




  A being more demonic than the devil!


  Elon looked down and asked, "Can you see?"


  The kid immediately cried, it was that question again, the ghost in the suit, who had just been forced to die by that question.


  Answer no, don't answer no.


  There was no choice at all!




  The little ghost immediately begged for mercy and said, "Let me go."


  "You're thinking about fart eating."


  Elon went straight down with his sword, piercing the brat's body and picking it out from under the covers.


  Throw it straight to the ground.


  "You will die today."


  Elon said, "You know, you just hid somewhere?"


  The Kid fought through the excruciating pain, looked to the covers, and then said, "Bed?"




  Elon said, 'It's the quilt'


  "Don't you know there's a rule that says under the covers are knots."


  "Never harm a quilt


  He walked up to the brat with his sword and stabbed it through the brat's body, pinning it to the ground.


  "You broke the rules."


  "What do you say, do you deserve to die?"


  The little ghost cried loudly, "I don't know."


  "Then pay attention in your next life."


  Elon finished, paused, then added, "Never mind, you don't have a next life anyway."




  The Kid screamed in desperation.


  Elon, however, didn't bother to pay attention to it, and with a force in his hand, golden lightning immediately burst out from the longsword, madly surging into the brat's body.




  The little ghost screamed piteously.


  But in just a few seconds, its body disintegrated.


  There's not even ash left.


  Destroying the last of the ghostly creatures in the room, Elon raised his hand and put away the Wrath of Heaven.


  "Is there anything else in the room?"


  Elon asked.


  Seeko finally snapped out of the shock.


  The two ghosts and monsters that made her feel incomparable fear had died just like that?


  It's too fast.


  It's not even five minutes.


  "No, no more." Seeko couldn't speak well.




  Elon sighed and whispered, "What a shame."


  Still thinking about brushing up on my experience a bit more.


  "What did you say, Big Brother Lin?" Seeko suspected that she had heard wrong, how come Elon seemed to look dissatisfied.


  Is it too few ghosts and ghouls?




  Elon rephrased, "No is good."


  He took the clothes out and handed them to Seeko.


  "You helped me find five ghosts and goblins today, so consider that a deposit."


  Elon said, "The clothes are for you."


  Seeko took it and asked with some hesitation, "You really don't charge for it?"


  "No charge."


  Elon gave her his phone number again and said, "Here's my contact info."


  "Whenever you have a ghostly encounter, call me."


  "There's nothing to do, so I'll be off."


  After the explanation, he turned and left.


  Seeko hurriedly called out to him, "Brother Lin, do you want to stay here for a meal."


  "No." Elon refused and left without looking back.


  Now he just wanted to look around the building.


  See if you can meet any new ghosts.


  Right now, he had 1100 points of game experience in his hand.


  Leaving Seeko's room, Elon opened his system and pulled the experience of the Taixuan Sutra straight to full.


  Open your data again and take a look.


  [Name: Elon


  Race: Human


  Body mass: 1300


  Strength: 1300


  Speed: 99


  Spirit: 999


  Technique: Tai Xuan Jing (Grandmaster 0/3000)


  Stance: Misty Sword Technique (back to basics), Star Chasing Steps (back to basics)


  Weapons: None


  Item: Sword Score (3/99)


  Number of points: 100


  Dragon Coin: 130,000]


  Physique and strength, surprisingly, directly skyrocketed from 1150 to 1300!


  That's a 30% boost!


  Consumed 1900 experience points but added 600 attributes.


  It's too profitable.


  Other players, if they wanted to improve their attributes, they could only honestly trade 10 points of experience for 1 point of attribute.


  1900, at best, for 190 attribute points.


  It's more than three times more for the same number of points straight away.


  If this news were to spread, it would definitely cause a sensation all over the world.


  "It takes so much experience to get to the next level, though."


  3000 experience points.


  Then yourself, kill at least 30 ghosts and goblins.


  "There's no such thing as a ghostly door opening wide and a hundred ghosts walking around at night." Elon suddenly thought of this.


  He circled the building twice.


  Nothing was found.


  Just as Elon was about to go downstairs and go home, his cell phone suddenly vibrated.


  Take out your cell phone and take a look.


  The entire screen went red with the words, "In ten seconds, the test will begin."


  Horror games, here we come!


  "Just when I was lacking experience, you came along."


  Elon laughed.


  A white light flashed and Elon disappeared directly into the hallway.


  Probably after a few seconds.


  It took him a moment to get his feet on the ground again, followed by a clear view of his surroundings.


  A room.


  A very large, snow-white-walled room, to be precise.


  There were several cameras set up in various corners of the room.


  And inside the room, there were dozens of other people who were standing with blank faces.


  Dang it--


  A pounding sound of clashing steel caught everyone's attention.


  Elon looked in the direction the voice came from.


  Immediately, ten tall, expressionless men and women were visible.


  Five men, five women.


  They were as good as dead, their faces white and indifferent, staring coldly at everyone present.


  "There's an exam today."


  "A perfect score."


  "Ninety passes."


  "Those who fail, all out."


  Hearing this, many people were outright confused... a hundred points out of a hundred, and then ninety points to pass?


  You're relying on subject one.


  But once they thought about the fact that this was a horror game, they could only swallow all the dissatisfaction in their hearts back into their stomachs.


  There have been direct challenges to horror games before.


  It turned out to be a horrible death.


  "No talking to each other during the exam."


  The invigilator is announcing the rules.


  "All manner of cheating is prohibited."


  "Once discovered, eliminated on the spot."


  "Candidates are now invited to take their seats."


  Everyone had a sign in their hand, which was the exam number, corresponding to each table.


  Elon is number 66.


  In less than five minutes, everyone was in their seats.


  No one dared to speak.


  The papers began to be distributed, and when they saw the test questions on them, a bunch of people were dumbfounded.


  [Question 1: How many pieces of five-colored stone did Nuwa make when she mended the sky? (10 marks)]


  [Question 2: There is a ship that brought a lot of cows and pigs because of the biochemical crisis outside, there are 40 cows and 100 pigs respectively, ask the captain who is the captain? (10 points)]


  [Question 3: What are the characteristics of database applications in a dows environment? (10 points)]


  What kind of anticlimactic exam questions are these?


  Is it really a test for people?


  Who remembers how many stones Nuwa refined to mend the sky, only that the Monkey King was an extra piece.


  The latter is even more outrageous.


  A pig and a cow. Who's the captain, you ask?