
Come on, I'm invincible and a horror game comes along?

"Three years after three years, ten years have passed, system, I'm invincible, where's the horror game you promised?" Elon came to this world for ten years, the horror game avoided him for nine years. Elon entered the horror game, the squid game with 99 mortality rate, was played as a speed pass game by him. No one passes through the classroom of death, Elon one person and a sword, sitting on the podium. The ghost, who was originally invigilating the exam, sits down and answers the questions. Elon: "Ming ate 5 apples, dad ate 8 apples, how old is grandpa?" "If you can't answer, you all have to die." Ghosts: "Who the hell is the scary game."

DaoistSLUWtM · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
140 Chs

Chapter 33: Of course you pay for it

The gang crumbled when they learned that there was only footage of the first three levels.


  "I want to see the gods solo the back levels."


  "How did he cross the glass bridge and jump rope by himself?"


  "It's not scientific!"


  Further back.


  They heard the octopus crying, laughing, and begging for mercy.


  All of them were dumbfounded.


  "The octopus not only laughed, but cried?"


  "What against all odds?"


  "How the hell did this happen?"


  In this moment, the world's unsolved mystery, one more.


  Everyone was incredibly curious as to what Elon had done to make the octopus cry and laugh.


  After watching the video, people on the forums ran back to the resolution.


  "First of all, we must thank the mysterious Great God."


  "Without him, we might never have thought of this pass."




  For the first level, those who have no confidence in themselves can simply stay put and wait.


  Then have a couple of the more powerful ones go over there first and just fuck the puppets up.


  For the rest of you, it's all through.


  Seeing this method, many nodded approvingly.


  "This method of that mysterious great god is really good."


  "Everyone gets to live and get a nice reward too."


  Then came the second level.


  Don't hide, everyone. One hundred people, right around that broken puppet.


  When he's still counting, just fuck him up.


  This also passes the test.


  Everyone's eyes lit up.




  "That's a great way to do it, thanks again to that mysterious god."


  "Without him, we didn't really know these dolls could be busted."


  Then comes the third easiest level.


  Ten million dollars is a lie. Let's all be honest and sleep in peace.


  Everyone agrees on this point.


  Because anyone who has seen the video knows that 10 million dollars is fake and doesn't exist.


  That's still what the octopus himself admitted.


  The rundown isn't long.


  But this is a pass that the poster has carefully looked at every move Elon makes and analyzed it.


  "I'm responsible."


  The poster said, "This is the most efficient and easiest way to get through the gate that I have ever seen."


  "It's almost like having hands."


  "Not seeing that great god live is a regret and loss in our life."


  Think of a live view without Elon.


  Many people are feeling incredibly distressed.


  Like the loss of some earthly treasure.


  "I don't know what that great god, is doing right now, it would be nice if he would come out and talk about his experience."


  And this time.


  Elon is at home huffing and puffing.


  A sleep until dawn.


  After nine o'clock, he packed his clothes and potions in a backpack and left the house.


  Remember there was a deal going on.


  That restaurant was right in the center of town, and it didn't take half an hour for Elon to arrive at the door.


  Walk in.


  At a glance he saw a pretty young girl sitting in the corner.


  She had long black hair down to her waist, a short youthful lining, and a pair of knee-high black stockings.


  Only her face was a little white and there were heavy dark circles under her eyes.


  Elon walked over and asked, "Are you Seeko?"


  The girl looked up expansively, somewhat startled, at Elon, then nodded heavily.


  Not the wrong guy.


  Elon sat across from her and asked, "Have you eaten yet?"


  "Not yet." Seeko shook her head.


  Where does she get the appetite to eat?


  When she woke up today to brush her teeth, she also looked through the mirror and saw the evil spirit behind her.


  Scared to the point where she hasn't slowed down yet.


  "Then eat first."


  Elon said, "Let's talk while we eat."


  With that, he picked up the menu and even called the waiter over to order.


  Seeko hurriedly said, "Mr. Lin, let me treat you this time."


  Elon glanced at her.


  "Of course it's your treat, what were you thinking."


  See son: "..."


  After casually ordering a few dishes, Elon asked her, "Tell me about yourself."


  Seeko lowered her head and nervously told Elon what she had encountered.


  Lately she would encounter things that no one else could see.


  They were hideous and grotesque, and some of their bodies were disintegrating.


  Whoever can see them will be eaten by them.


  So Seeko had to pretend he couldn't see them.


  But every time they show up, they're out of sight and out of mind.


  It will appear the moment you look down and up, the moment you lift the covers, even when you turn around.


  Seeko was on the verge of tears, "I can't take it anymore."


  Elon listened and asked happily, "There's more than one?"


  Seeko froze and looked at Elon with some consternation.


  You seem, like, happy?


  Elon noticed this too and shook his head straight, saying, "That's too bad."


  Seeko just assumed that what she had just seen was a hallucination.


  Because I haven't gotten much rest lately.


  "Mr. Lin, the dress, did you bring it?"


  Seeko said carefully, "I want to buy it."


  Clothing that reduces her fear level doesn't completely immunize her, but it does toughen her up a bit.


  "How much money do you have?" Elon asked.


  "One hundred thousand."


  Seeko said, "I've scraped together a hundred thousand dollars, is that okay?"


  Elon thought for a moment and said, "Here's the deal."


  "Tell me every dirty thing you come across."


  "Each one offsets ten thousand dollars."




  Seeko was confused.


  Is this an attempt to give away clothes for nothing.


  Because the ones you run into on your own are close to ten a day.


  But the truth is.


  Each of the ghosts and goblins, which brought Elon more than a hundred thousand dollars.


  So Elon blood money, no loss at all.


  Not to mention that this dress, for him, is so useless that it's too big to be used as a rag.


  The food is coming up.


  Elon went straight to work and hasn't eaten much since last night.


  Seeko felt hungry too as she watched Elon eat so happily.


  Just just took two bites of dinner.


  She then suddenly froze and looked behind Elon with a horrified look on her face.


  Just for a moment, the terror in her eyes was gone.


  It became a forced composure.


  "Ghosts detected around the host."


  The system's voice rang out, "Ghosts and monsters are not bound by the laws of physics and therefore carry more rewards."


  "Please be on the lookout for the host."


  Elon's hand lurched as he ate.


  This is coming?


  Also, the system just said something about carrying more experience!


  Where is it?


  Elon immediately looked up, and then saw Seeko across the room, looking behind him with a stiff expression.


  Behind yourself?


  Elon twisted his head slightly.


  Then it was with a head, four eyes.


  It was a face that had melted.


  It was as if a pot of thick sulfuric acid had suddenly been thrown on his face, and his whole face crumbled.


  Eyes were about to fall out.




  That thing asked Elon.


  As long as Elon is acting horrified, it's visible.


  And then it's going to step in and kill Elon.


  Elon swallowed his mouthful of food, then said, "Visible."


  The ghost was delighted and immediately opened his mouth.


  But not before it bites Elon.


  A long sword that instantly pierced through its body.




  Electricity jumped above the longsword, instantly splitting the thing into ashes.


  While ignoring the laws of physics.


  But lightning, being a heavenly punishment, nothing can evade it.