
The great questions of life

"...And what is how I ended up running a cafe,"odin said after recounting his life story.

"You know I can never get enough of this tea it's like a drug but this thing only has pros and no cons, my last record was five centuries I drank this tea 24/7 for five hundred years while pondering many great questions like why are many main characters stupid or why does every cultivation world have the arrogant young master?

" in the end, I gained some answers and then even more questions, like those young masters are for the character to get stronger either by winning a bet and getting an item to killing them and their family to gain their assets.

"the other one is easier to know the character is stupid so that the story is longer most people think they want a smart character but once one shows up they don't like it since he won't have any type of conflict and when there is it's finished so fast that it wasn't even worth it."

odin took the two teacups and threw them in the air as the went up they faded away as if they were never there.

"Let me take you to your room" Odin motions to follow with his hand the doll follows him up the stairs. Odin opens one of the doors and inside lays a similar bedroom like his except smaller. "So this is your room if you want any changes just think about them and they'll change like this." the room suddenly grows in size now being twice its original size the empty bedroom now has a few candles and some potted plants. Odin turns to leave and says. "decorate it however you want and rest it's only the first day so I'm not expecting many people." Odin walks away to come down to the first floor. he looks at the computer to make sure they are usable since they have been with him for a few universal cycles.

"Hey system notify me when someone enters I'm a play some VR Dark souls"

[yes sir]

Odin walks to the cabin and opens it and hops in the door closes and a screen appears Odin chooses darks souls 3 and everything becomes dark Odin looks around the dark space and then clicks on his last save character and his status pops up.


Covenant Warrior of sunlight

Level 300

Hollowing 10

Souls 121816

Required souls 853547


Vigor 40

Attunement 40

Endurance 44

Vitality 44

Strength 66

Dexterity 66

Intelligence 40

Faith 40

Luck 9

"Ok same old dude let's get to ng+10"

And so Odin spent 2 hours playing dark souls enjoying the scenery in VR. since this was a full dive game there weren't any assists but it also meant that there were no buggy movements that would end up killing him like accidentally taking too much estus. Normally it wouldn't be that bad but this version scaled enemies according to your strength so they were always stronger than you and most of your powers were sealed. so only technique with weapons and the in-game magic was all you had and each new game was a 2x increase in strength so Odin was fighting random mobs that were 512x stronger than him because of the major difference in strength Odin could only use his will to attack since will attacks can't be blocked unless someone has greater will. As Odin finished the lord of cinder he enjoyed the view near the bonfire he called the firekeeper and the world became dark waiting for a new age to come.

"Well, that was fun now what?"


In the watchtower was a meeting with the members of the Justice League. The dark crusader recounted his encounter with a cafe owner as the Justice League discussed how to handle the matter shazam said. "Why are we worrying about a dude selling stuff if what your saying is true.

"then couldn't we have him on our side the tech would be pretty cool VR games would be fun to play don't you think so too flash?" shazam looked at the flash with a smile flash look at him and said. " yea it could be fun but we don't know if he has any bad motives what if we all go in there and then we're all killed?

"If he has all that stuff from the future he probably has ways to stop us if he can even hack into Batman's account without him ever noticing then that's big news the guy that's prepared with every scenario doesn't have a plan this time." the flash pointed a Batman an said he really didn't want to deal with someone that could easily sell powers to wipe universes. even the technology Batman talked about was insane a reality destroyer powered by trillions of little universes. even if you went back to stop it it's immune to paradoxes so given if you stop it in the past it'll still happen as no one stopped it. he truly wondered why humanity made such a weapon in the future.

"I already tested the potions there are unknown materials but one that can be identified is ginger. the crystal I can't see anything all signs say it's a normal crystal no energy readings that are abnormal." Batman said as he looked at the black misty crystal the other members looked at it with curiosity. but then the crystal melted and merged with Batman the members reacted by trying to get to him but in just a second Batman was gone.

"The fuck where is he?" the flash spoke anxiously seeing that he couldn't touch him even when he reached him before he disappeared.

"I'm over here" batman's voice came behind the Justice League members they turn to look at a dark corner and a mist slowly took shape and became Batman. The justice league stared at Batman for a while surprise still on their face Batman's face changed now there was a smile with this he could use it to fight crime what a fitting power for the dark knight.

"So it seems those powers aren't bad maybe he could be good but still we should go and check." shazam said excitedly hoping to play some games.

"Sure but how do we get there?" asked superman.

"Follow me," said Batman this time with his usual expression.