
Chapter 25 Why Is It Him

Wendy wasn't naive enough to believe that Jacob would remain faithful to her for three years. She had been devastated, and her reputation ruined, essentially accepting the breakup as inevitable. She could understand him finding another woman. However, that woman could be anyone except Lucy.

Since Wendy was aware of how long she had been outside, Wendy's feet had gone numb from standing still for an extended period. Yet, she remained completely oblivious to the sensation.

Finally, from inside the car came the low growl of a man and the high-pitched screams of a woman, putting an end to the heart-racing vibrations that make one blush.

With his desires satisfied, Jacob got out of the car, his face momentarily frozen as he saw the woman standing at the door. Then, his expression changed.

"Wendy? What are you doing here?"