
Colourful World, Cruel Stars

Lu Min just wanted to sleep silently until it was her time to wake up. However, she was forcefully awakened by an accident. Now, she must punish those who dare assassinate her brother. Along the way, she will make many friends and more enemies. Welcome to Terra, the world where Cultivation is a norm and various fearsome creatures roam. Beware for things may not be what they seem. P.S. This is a fanfic of a webnovel called "Divine Card Creator". When reading that, I instantly fell in love with myriad characters and setting of it. This is a fanfic, as such there will be many deviations from the original plot. Thank you.

MiracleFactory · Book&Literature
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3 Chs

Chapter 1

Qing Ming City, the stars were shining brightly in the night. In a certain shop, a beautiful girl sat by the window and looked at the hustle and bustle of the outside. Even though it was midnight, there were still many people. Her curious eyes gazed at them as she wondered about their lives.

This world, Terra, was filled with the energies of Heaven and Earth. Living beings used this energy to cultivate. There were thousands of different kinds of cultivation vocations. She was a Card Creator. As Card Creator, she can seal various abilities, illusions and so on into cards. It was a fairly useful vocation. However, at this point, Lu Min felt despondent. She was awakened several years more than she had expected. In her earlier decisions, she decided that she would wait until Lu Ming died naturally. Who would have thought that Lu Ming would be done in by some third-rate assassins. She had searched her body everywhere, there wasn't even a trace of Lu Ming left, just his memories. She was too late. Even if she wanted to resurrect him, it was too late. After all, the domain of Death isn't for immortals to interfere. That was the rule they set, so, it was their obligation to follow it.

Now, she was left with a card shop that wasn't doing well. She gazed outside, there were several card shops, each with more selections of cards than Lu Ming could have had. And various books with interesting titles such as, "Superior Sister Falls in Love With Me", "Overbearing Sister Forces a Kiss on Me", and "Guide to Winning Your Sister's Affection". So exciting. She felt exasperated at their existence. Sure, their sister, Lu Yan, was beautiful, dependable, strong, and caring, anything you could ask for, but….. Little Lu Ming, there were just some lines you don't cross.

Lu Min guessed Lu Ming also understood that point. That may be why he moved here, away from his sister. Lu Min sighed. He should have stayed near Lu Yan. Aside from that, there was a problem. In order to impress Lu Yan, Lu Ming sacrificed a lot. He cross-dressed and used photos of himself in a half-naked state to get loans. That wouldn't normally be a problem since Lu Ming normally liked to cross-dress, In fact, Lu Min had the suspicion that he was suffering from Gender Dysphoria and his habit of cross-dressing may stem from that. The issue was that when Little Lu Ming cross-dressed, he looked just like her. There was no way she was going to let indecent photos of herself circulate. So, she would have to pay back her debts in a week. She gathered all of Little Lu Ming's reference books on love and stored them for later reference. Anyway, even with her top-notch look, Lu Min had to admit that Lu Yan was very beautiful.


As for money, this matter was very simple. It's been a while since she or Lu Ming contacted their parents. Lu Min opened her phone and found Father Lu quickly.

Lu Ming: Father


20 minutes later,


Lu Min looked at the phone with contempt. Father Lu… this thing was as unreliable as ever.

"Forget it," Lu Min muttered to herself.

No matter where it is, the most precious thing would be, of course, energy. She would just sell them. Now, she would have to think about the level of energy. It couldn't be too high, otherwise, that would just draw troubles, and it couldn't be too low, or it won't make much. She counted the level of cultivations, 1 star, 2 stars, 3 stars, …, 9, and more.

"7 stars would be the best," Lu Min decided. With a thought, a blank card materialised in her hand. With that, her hands began to move at the speed of light. After a while, she gazed at the pile of ten thousand 7 stars energy cards.

"Heh," Lu Min laughed. She still got it, didn't even need to bring out extra arms.

All that was left was to go to the website of the richest association to get the contact information for their Headquarter.

"Hello. Is this Card Creator's Association".

"Hello, thank you for calling the Card Creator's Association. How can we help you?"

"I would like to sell energy cards".

"In that case, please tell me how many and what grade they are".

"Ten thousand 7 stars energy cards".

"This isn't a place for prank calls. Thank you for contacting us," the receptionist lady said sweetly, and there were only dull tones of hanging up.


"Forget it," Lu Min was speechless. It seemed that she needed to rethink again. From a certain perceptive, energy cards of 6 stars and above were considered rare not because they were hard to produce but because people wouldn't be willing to sell them. After all, to a bunch of these mortals, they might as well be life-saving treasures.

Just as she was thinking, the door to the store opened. A fat teenager walked in. Lu Min remembered him from memories she inherited from Lu Ming. This was Zhao Xiaopang. One of Lu Ming's few and cheap friends.

"Lu Ming, it's been a while, I am here to tell you about a goo-" Zhao Xiaopang stopped mid-sentence when he saw who he was talking to.

"Who are you? You can't be a customer, this place only had energy cards, no one would buy from here," Zhao Xiaopang said confidently. Lu Min suddenly filled up with a desire to beat this guy up.

"I am Lu Min, Lu Ming's twin sister. From now on, I will be living here," Lu Ming said impassively.

"No way, Lu Ming, that bastard didn't tell me he has such a beautiful sister," Zhao Xiaopang muttered to himself with resentment. Lu Min's eyebrows twitched at his words.

'Little Lu Ming didn't even realise I exist. As for big sis, Lu Yan, she would have killed you off with a slap,' Lu Min thought in her heart.

"So, where is Lu Ming? Did you return to his hometown or something?" Zhao Xiaopang asked.

"Oh, he's dead," Lu Min replied nonchalantly.

Zhao Xiaopang stopped in his tracks like a statue.

"What?" He said with an unbelievable tone.

"Come on, this isn't funny," Zhao Xiaopang said with a wary smile.

"I'm not," Lu Min said, her face set in a dead serious state.

"How is that possible?! I just accompanied him to buy clothes for his loan just a few days ago," Zhao Xiaopang exclaimed.

Lu Min's face darkened at that.

"I believed he died after being beaten by a bunch of mobs," Lu Min could only throw the pot to that bunch of no-good thugs. It would be dangerous for him to know about these things anyway.

"I can't believe this. These bastards, I will never forgive them!" Zhao Xiaopang shouted with trembling hands, "Don't worry, Little sister, since Lu Ming is already gone. I will protect you in his stead. You can trust your brother, Zhao Xiaopang!" he said righteously. As if to prove that, he even tapped his chest.

"If you want to help, then, I, indeed, have something that needs your help," Lu Min said. Anyway, he had lived in this world more than her who only surfaced occasionally, so he must have a lot of experience.

"Tell me, Little Sister," Zhao Xiaopang said.

"I want to sell cards, can you tell me which types of cards are popular now?" she asked.

"Popular cards? Hmm, nowadays, people are looking for entertainment, so cards like that would be popular," Zhao Xiaopang thought for a moment and answered. Of course, entertainment in his mind was very crooked. Zhao Xiaopang may not be seen like it, but he was from Illusion Vocation and his skills in illusion were very good. There were many single dogs from his dormitory paying him for entertainment.

"Entertainment, huh," Lu Min thought carefully for a moment. And then, she had an idea.