
Colors of fate

"My King...The Crown Prince is dressed as a groom in a wedding ceremony...he is about to wed an unknown ordinary girl this instant.!" Greg finally found his tongue to speak after stammering for a while in confusion. As they suspected, the most important news so far...It made the King stand to attention from his throne, which was a rare sight even for Raymond...who was fuming from within, at the news of his greatest rival, in his aim for the throne. "What??! Are you sure of what you just said?." The King exclaimed, confused by the peculiar news which was quite unusual and bizarre, with even the thought of it. Since every single subject in this royal palace, knew of the Prince's great contempt and spite, with regards to how he viewed love and its emotional flutters with disdain, which he developed from an unfortunate incident in his childhood. To the King's amazement, who was this girl who exceeds all his expectations, to even tie a wounded lion in the knot of sacred marriage?. How did she miraculously melt the stone-cold heart of his son and drastically changed him for the better? "We leave this instant! Get the Royal Jet ready at once!..." The King ordered. Who was she??... Damien was the best-man of the groom while Andrea is the maid-of-honor of the bride, her best friend. Getting married to each other with the intention to separate after three months, Damien agreed to marry Andrea. But in the midst of all the setbacks, an undying love began to blossom between them....but suddenly, things began to fall apart! as Damien's real identity was brought to light, and Andrea's mother, woke up from a three years Coma to revealed the tragic circumstances of the couple's twisted fate. But it was aleady far too late.... WHAT NEXT?? Join me on the ride to "Colors of Fate" and let's find out how the couple, cope with these unexpected secrets of their families squabbles, as well as the depressing state of their twisted fate. However, FATE is not always as COLORFUL as it was made to seem.

NobleRemmy · Urban
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17 Chs

Getting ready for my wedding

A week before the wedding...

The Hybrid city was what one would call, the Golden city! Only the highest-ranking dignitaries and the wealthy lived there. The President's mansion was located directly in it center of it, which made the city an earnest place for vacations. With its clear ocean and the bluest skies, with an exciting ride for tourists on a cruise, toward one of the most beautiful islands located in its south.

Inside this city, was a young beautiful girl living in the heart of the city. Her luxurious house was what one could only dream of, and existed only in fantasy. The gigantic mansion was designed in a shape of a mighty dolphin, so they named it The Dolphin Mansion...It's embroidered with very unique and highly essential design on its cute beak and flappy fins, as well as a clear aquarium of fishes trapped in its tail. An extraordinary work of art, ever designed.

Inside this grand mansion, were wonderful decorations of all kinds of unique antiques, walls beautified with priceless paintings, and a world-class home deco.....exclusively designed for one's pleasure, very huge and spacious. Everything a girl could ever dream of to lead a luxuriously fulfilled life.

Ingrid Patel was the only daughter of the Patel industry's famous business legend, Harrison Patel. She was currently getting her measurements taken by the famous fashion designer, Robert Hills. He was handed this exclusive contract to design the most amazing wedding dress for Ingrid's wedding.

A grand wedding that was currently broadcasted on various media channels and was the talk of the entire city...an alliance of the wealthiest families together as one.

"I think this is okay. I want it to fit and bring out all my curves, so tighten it a bit." Ingrid informs Robert, who had his undivided attention jotting down something on his notepad.

"It's too tight Ingrid, we need to leave some space for breathing. you might likely gain a little weight since you refused the strict diet plan the doctor suggested." Robert suggested firmly.

"Are you telling me I don't know how I want my dress to look like? so you think you know better than me?.....Just keep your mouth shut and do it exactly as I say". Ingrid scolded the designer.

Robert bowed his head for his silly comment despite knowing Ingrid's awful character. He continued to work silently on his measuring and held his breath to stop himself from making another unwarranted comment. He wanted to avoid another scolding from Ingrid, because she could easily change her designer at any time. Rumors had it that, He was the third so far from all the designers her Dad hired. He needed this contract to maintain his image and continue his fame, higher beyond reach.

Just the imagination from the headlines, brought a satisfied grin to Robert's face. "Robert Hills, the world-class designer who designed the wedding dress of the only daughter of the legendary Patel corporation, currently about to wed, the Chief Justice's Son.", "the wedding dress of a century.

"What are you doing? Do you want to get fired!?" Ingrid's yellings brought him out of his fantasy thoughts. He nervously apologized to her and continued with the rest of his work.

"I have so much to do and you are here wasting my time. do you know how important this wedding is? Prestigious business tycoons from all over the country, are attending this wedding, So it had to be perfect and flawless. I can't afford even a little mistake. Do you get that?" were Ingrid's impatient warnings.

Robert shakily nodded his head to calm the angry bride. yet, It didn't stop Ingrid from her incessant chatters. She had so much to do since she wanted to take part in planning her own wedding_she wanted it to be flawless, the best of the best!

Ingrid proposed to do the food tasting herself, and even chose her own bouquets for the decorations, her bridal boucay, all by herself, and it's been stressful so far.

"I am done... Miss Ingrid" Robert informed her and she dashed past him towards the dining hall for the food tasting.

An entire Star Hotel chefs were waiting in line with various kinds of meals and delicacies including snacks. They prepared all sorts of continental dishes for Ingrid to taste and choose from. All the meals she would love to be served at her wedding.

Luckily for them, Ingrid's expressions during the food tasting were pleasant, she seemed pleased at what they prepared...and was quietly enjoying it to an excess. But after she tasted everything on the table, she pointed out certain errors in the garnishing, and how she wanted it done. She nitpicked on almost half of the food on the large table before she finally announced her sentence.

"Indeed, you all are not Star hotel's Chefs for nothing! It was incredible" She complimented their efforts as she stuffed herself with some of the meals in the pretense of tasting. She claimed she had nothing to eat since morning and had little dinner last night due to her busy wedding preparations, to prevent malicious gossip from circulating about her bad habits during her food tasting.

Bella and Sarah were maids on the first floor of the dolphin mansion. While every employee was busy with their own assigned work, these two maids left their duties half done, and were busily gossiping about their young Miss's upcoming wedding.

"Did you see the news? The groom is the Chief Justice's Son... Edward Reed." Bella told Sarah who seemed shocked about how extravagantly the wedding was being planned, She kept calculating the expenditure squandered to make this wedding, to their young Miss's pleasure.

"Of course...I saw the news. It's what everybody is talking about. Let's just hope this marriage will last longer than its preparations." Sarah replied in a whisper, to avoid being heard.

"I doubt that...Judging by our young miss's character? A total spoilt brat! she probably wouldn't last a week. But I hope I am wrong though" Bella added while scanning the area to see if anybody heard them.

They both paused to hide when they heard someone approaching, before they left to continue their duties, to prevent putting their jobs at risk after they whispered some sense into each other, about the consequences of getting caught or heard.

The two girls immediately went to their various posts. Not far from where they stood, was Andrea who heard their entire conversation, and heaved a surprised sigh. She took the stairs toward the bride-to-be's room upstairs.

A silent knock on Ingrid's door had Anna panicking. She knew the young Miss didn't want to be disturbed because of the boldly written 'Do not disturb' sign on her door. She had to contemplate for a minute before she knocked on her door one more time. The fear of putting her job at risk for a small mistake made her nervous.

Ingrid turned to easily get fired up at every petty thing, so they had to be extra cautious at all times, so they don't end up on her bad side or get fired for no reason.

Waiting nervously by the door, Anna fidgetted with her sweaty hands when she heard an unwelcome voice behind the door.

"Who is it?" Ingrid called out.

"It's me, Anna...you have a visitor. someone named Andrea West is here to see you." Anna nervously replied.

Upon hearing that name, Ingrid opened the door looking excited. It was whom she was expecting for a while now.

Ingrid thought her friend wouldn't be able to make it because of her mom's condition. The thought of her friend's absence placed her in an awful mood since morning.

At a very young age, Andrea West had to cope with her sick mother who has been in a coma for the past three years, after an unfortunate accident. Andrea had to always spend most of her time, looking after her mother.

When Ingrid opened the door to welcome her friend, she saw Anna there instead. She snapped at her maid to go get her friend here. But before Anna could move to do as she was told, Ingrid stopped her to ask if she was new, because she has never seen her before.

Anna was shocked at her Miss's question. she has been working here for the past three months but it seems her young Miss still doesn't recognize her.....that may seem odd to everyone except for Ingrid's employees. It was quite expected when it comes to Ingrid, because of the number of maids working in the big mansion.

However, that's not the case for Ingrid. She turned to fire people so easily to the point, she saw many different faces, who were soon employed in replacement of the fired ones.

Upon Andrea's arrival, Ingrid swept her off her feet in a tight hug, which was gladly reciprocated by her friend.

"I missed you so much, Andy". I thought I wouldn't be able to see you until tomorrow, at my bridal shower. I am so glad you made it.

Ingrid was so excited, it was as if her friend's presence was all she needed to complete her day.....her dearest friend Andrea.