
Colorless & Colorful [GL]

the girl with a colorless life meets the girl with a colorful life How will things plan out? (art is not mine besides text)

vurse · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Thirteenth Color (R-18)

Turning over to the loud noises, there were groups of people holding signs as well as handing out different designed kimonos.

"Let's check it out!" said Pallas.

"Sure, I want to see what's happening too." replied Athena.

As they made their way towards the big marching crowd of people, the words on the signs were now easier to see.

It said, "Vurse's first novel Anniversary!"

"What's the date today?" asked Pallas.

"It's December 4th." said Athena.

"It really is his first anniversary." said Pallas looking at her phone.

"Would you like one?" asked a blonde haired girl.

"Yuzu, don't just go up to people like that, you'll scare them!" said the black haired girl.

"You're too strict Mei, anyways would you two like one?" asked Yuzu.

"Yes we would, thank you." said Athena.

Yuzu handed out 2 kimonos as Pallas took them in her hands.

"Sorry about that, she has a tendency to go up to random people and talk." said Mei bowing.

"It's fine, we were going to answer one anyways." said Athena.

"Mei! Hurry up, the crowd is going to the next place!" said Yuzu.

"Alright, alright." said Mei turning back to us, "Please excuse us and we'll see you around." as she walked towards Yuzu.

The blonde girl linked arms with the black haired girl and had a pink atmosphere around them.

"They're so cute together!" said Mei.

"They sure are." said Athena.

Athena was imagining them as herself and Pallas, hoping one day they could be like that. But Athena already had something in mind, she was going to confess to Pallas today at the right moment.

"Let's follow them from behind!" said Pallas.

Athena couldn't say anything as she was pulled, 'I guess Pallas has a tendency of pulling me.' She smiled and kept up with Pallas's pace.

They followed the crowd from behind as there were people cheering and fireworks setting into the afternoon sky.

"There's a lot of people here." muttered Pallas.

"Well, that just shows how big Vurse's novels were." said Athena.

"I guess so." replied Pallas.

They followed the marching crown, listening to the loud cheering, and gazing at the bright fireworks in the sky.

Suddenly, Athena grew some bravery and intertwined her hands with Pallas. Pallas who was surprised by the sudden action flinched a bit and looked at Athena with surprise.

"Sorry, I can let go if you want."

Athena said it in a hurry due to Pallas's flinch and the surprise in her eyes.

"It's fine, I was just a bit surprised."

Pallas held Athena's hand even tighter, Athena who felt Pallas's hand tighten, started growing red and looked the other way so Pallas wouldn't see the redness in her cheeks.

"We should change into the kimonos." said Pallas.

"Why?" questioned Athena.

"Because everyone else is wearing the kimono, plus we're near our inn. We can change and follow the crowed." said Pallas.

She did have a point, the marching crowd all wore different designed kimonos. It looked comfortable and easy to move in anyways. Agreeing with Pallas, they headed towards the direction of their inn. Entering their room, they started changing in separate rooms since Athena would definitely get embarrassingly red.

Putting on their kimonos, they both came out as Athena looked at Pallas in awe.

'How can someone be this beautiful?' thought Athena.

"Helloooo? You're staring too much." said Pallas pinching her cheeks.

"Sorry, you were just too beautiful." blurted Athena.

Realizing what she said, she turned away due to the embarrassment. In the corner of her eyes, she saw Pallas's cheeks that was tinted with a light pink color.

"T-thank you, you're also beautiful." replied Pallas.

They were now red in embarrassment and walked out of the inn with an awkward yet lovey dovey like atmosphere around them. They caught up to the crowd once again and now Pallas was the one who made the first action to hold hands. Athena was used to it by this point but her heart still skipped a few beats at the action.

The crowd stopped at a large field to rest after all the walking they did. Athena and Pallas decided to walk around the area to sight see. They entered a garden that was called, "The Garden of Words." The place had a bench with a roof covering it. Taking a seat, they gazed at the colorful flowers that filled the garden. The setting sun made the flowers more aesthetic than it already was.


Athena turned her head over to the sound and saw Pallas holding her phone.

"Did you take a picture of me?" asked Athena.

"Who knows?" replied Pallas with a wink.

Athena closed her eyes as she laid her head on Pallas's shoulder. It was comfortable, she had a soft and slender body while Athena was closer to a fit body.

"Get up, they're leaving now." said Pallas.

Athena mentally sighed at the crowd for ruining the moment.

"Alright then. let's go."

They couldn't run in the kimono they were wearing so they walked fast instead. When they caught up, there were even more people than before as the noise got louder. There were signs that paid respect to the late author and that had the name of his first novel.

Soon enough, the sky got dark as the crowd was now split up through the big area that was going to hold the firework show.

"I wonder how how it'll look it." muttered Pallas.

"How what would look?"

"The fireworks."

As they gazed into the dark sky, multiple fireworks were lit into the sky.


It exploded spelling out Vurse in a turqoise like color along with multiple colored fireworks surrounding the words A rapid fire of fireworks were shot into the sky as it lit up in colors, the stars shone in reply.

'This is the perfect chance.' thought Athena.

"Pallas." said Athena.

"Yes?" asked Pallas.

"I need to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I like you or....I love you actually. I'm not sure which one since it's the first time I've felt anything like this. Though out my entire life, it had been colorless. Everyday was the same as I did nothing except my daily routine. Just when I thought my entire life would go like this, you showed up. You brought colors to my life as you started to change my life in many ways. As I spend more and more time with you, my feelings for you began to grow gradually. Every smile you make would make my heart skip a beat, every touch I felt from you made me go red like crazy, just you being here would bring joy to my heart. That's why I'm going to ask this question."

Athena's heart was racing as she took a deep breath.

"Would you like to be my g-girlfriend?!"

'AHHH I MESSED UP! I STUTTERED!' thought Athena.

All she heard was silence, she looked back up and saw that Pallas had tears flowing down her cheeks. Athena immediately thought something was wrong and began to worry.

"D-did I say something wrong?" asked Athena.

Her hands were trembling as she didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, she was embraced with warmth as she felt soft lips on her own.

Athena's mind blanked out, she's being hugged and kissed!

She just won at life!

"YES! I would love to be your girlfriend! I love you too!" said Pallas kissing Athena again.

Parting away, they looked at each other in the eyes, a pink firework shot into the sky as they kissed again, but this time it was more passionate.

Then, they both heard claps...

Parting away, they saw people watching and clapping.


"When is the marriage, invite me!"

"Ah, the younglings sure have it good."

Realizing they saw everything they did, they both dashed away in embarrassment.

They were now in front of the inn catching their breath.

"Sorry about that, I didn't even know there were people watching." said Athena.

"It's fine, it's just that..."



Athena didn't know what was wrong, although Pallas said nothing, the look in her eyes said otherwise.

When they went back into their room, Athena was about to start undressed when she was suddenly pressed onto the bed with her stomach pressed onto the soft mattress. Looking back, she saw Pallas with mischief in her eyes.


"We were interrupted and I didn't like that." said Pallas in a husky voice.

Athena was surprised at the sudden personality change in Pallas but...it turned her on a bit?

"I-i said sorry for that." said Athene facing back forward.

"If you really are sorry, then let me do this."

"Do wha-"

Before Athena could even say anything else, Pallas put 2 fingers in her mouth.

"Suck." she ordered.

Athena couldn't resist, her was burning as she enjoyed it. As Athena started sucking on Pallas's fingers, she started undressing Athena with her other hand. Once all of Athena's clothing was off, she took off her own clothing as her kimono dropped to the ground.

Taking out her wet fingers that was being sucked by Athena's soft tongue. She flipped Athena over and saw Athena who widened her eyes in surprise that her kimono was already off revealing her naked body. Pallas stared at Athena's fit body that had a stoned stomach and decent sized breasts.

"When did you-"

Before Athena could say anything else, Pallas pressed her lips against Athena's lips and slipping her tongue in. As Pallas's tongue slipped in, Athena let out a soft moan that was music to Pallas's ears. They were now making out, along with their tongue twisting against each other as saliva was dripping out of their mouth.

After a few minutes of making out, they both parted away with heavy breathing. But Pallas wanted more, cupping Athena's breast, she started massaging as well as using her mouth to suck on Athena's nipples.

"Ahhh! Mmm! I-it feels good!" Athena moaned out.

"I'm going to touch you down there okay?" asked Pallas.

Athena nodded in reply as she softly moaned.

With Pallas's free hand, she slipped in a finger into Athena's fleshy walls earning a loud moan. Athena kept moaning as the volume increased due to feeling the pleasure in 3 different places, but she moaned even louder as another finger entered her as Pallas thrusted her fingers even harder than before.

When Pallas added another finger, Athena let out a loud moan, "AHHHH!" Her pussy was throbbing with pleasure as wet liquid came out of her pussy which covered Pallas's fingers.

"Look how much you came." said Pallas.

Athena blushed in embarrassment as she couldn't say anything.

Pallas suddenly sucked the juicy liquid that Athena let out.

"D-don't lick it!"

"Why is that?"

"Because it's embarrassing."

Pallas looked at her cute girlfriend who was red in embarrassment.

"But you taste sweet."

"Dont say such things!"

"I wonder how'll you taste down there."


Athena couldn't even comprehend what Pallas just said as she felt Pallas's tongue inside her. Due to the unexpected pleasure, Athena cried out a moan as she closed her eyes. Pallas started sucking Athena's pussy and started licking it faster and faster. It was already wet and Pallas's tongues skills didn't make it any better. Athena arched her back and let out a loud moan as she came again.

She was panting heavily and trying to get some breaths.

"We're not done yet."


Pallas was now under Athena. "It wouldn't be fair if you were the only one to feel good, now pleasure your master."

Athena's horny levels rose when she heard Pallas, she learned quite a bit online.

Not wasting any time, Athena kissed Pallas as her tongue started to explore every inch of her mouth. Sticking a finger into Pallas who let out a soft moan in reply, she started thrusting faster. Athena's boobs made contact with Pallas's balanced boobs making them both feel more pleasure. Pallas on the other end was moaning in the pleasure she felt, she never expected Athena to be this good.

"A-athena! I'm cumming!"

Athena's hands were covered in Pallas's juicy liquid, becoming curious, she licked the liquid that was on her fingers.

"You're delicious." said Athena.

"I know, now start licking me down there."

Athena listened to her master's orders, with one hand, she massaged Pallas's hard nipple along with her breast, with her other hand, she thrusted 2 fingers into Pallas as well as using her tongue to lick it. Licking Pallas's fleshy walls, she used her fingers and spread her open a bit which resulted in Pallas screaming louder in pleasure.

Licking even faster than before, Pallas's walls started to tighten as more liquid sprayed out and entered Athena's mouth.

They both laid on the bed naked and started catching their breaths.

"I didn't know you were that good my cute little girlfriend."

"S-shut up..."

"It's true though, the expressions you made were making me wet."

"Stop with the perverted lines, I never expected you to be like this."

"Haha~ Surprise!"

"Whatever, are we done?"

"Nope, after all, I'm still not tired."



"Wait- AHH! Mmm! P-pallas!"

Their night was filled with endless moans...