
Colliding Reality

What was supposed to be a short time of rest was long, tiring, painful and at times I thought hopeless. Reality can't keep it self together.

Tama_tama · Action
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Barely escaped

I led an army to it's death, felled an ogre and barely escaped.

Then I arrived here.

What was supposed to be a short time of rest was long, tiring, painful and at times I thought hopeless.

But I have friends now, I'm no longer alone.

It's strange how enemies grow on you when you're fighting side by side.

And I've found one, maybe more.

I've seen them.

They haunt the shadows, waiting for an opportunity.

The monks were right when they spoke of these assassins being able to hide in plain sight.

They aren't bandits or killers, they're just killers.

And there are many more out there just waiting to strike.

I've even heard rumors of an army forming to overthrow King Tyrion and make him their own puppet.

When I saw him on my way to the bar I had to talk to him, to thank him for what he's done.

He saved us all from death, and helped me see what was truly important in this life.

What mattered more than a kingdom, or wealth.

My hope is that maybe he's heard of what's happening and can do something.

I have to believe he's still out there, somewhere.

I just have to find him, and prove that he still cares.

That he hasn't abandoned me.

I want to thank all of you for the aid you've given me during my time away.

You've lent your strength and your friendship, and I shall never be able to fully repay you for it.

We've chased down every lead, and uncovered quite a few secrets, but we need more to make an arrest.

There are still so many questions left unanswered.

So many that I fear we'll never know everything.

But I am certain that we'll keep fighting.

This is our home.

We'll protect it from these assassins.

We'll protect each other.

I am writing to inform you of a terrible situation our house and our family is currently facing.

My parents were both away on business and a man claiming to be "uncle Errol" showed up at the house.

The man claimed to be an important man and tried to take control of our home.

My father was clearly a fake and wanted to take advantage of our parents absence.

My father eventually began attacking the man and fighting him to a standstill, all the while attempting to protect my mother.

The man's bodyguards moved in to try and stop my father, but they too were no match for the man's strength.

This is when the attack began.

The man managed to take control of the house, keeping my father prisoner and demanding that he hand over the only thing we had left of value.

A chest of valuable items that my father had acquired during his travels and which had been locked away in the safe.

When my father refused, the man opened the chest and took what he wanted.

As he left, he told us all that our time was up.

He had come to take our lives as well as our property, and he would not be stopped.

We were now his prisoners and he was now in charge.

The man claims to be a Paladin, but I cannot believe him.

He is not brave enough to face one of the Silver Knights and he certainly isn't smart enough to fool them.

I have some of my belongings,

but I fear that the man will soon find me missing.

I pray that you can find a way to stop this.

We cannot allow this man to take control of our home.

We are of no importance to him and all he seeks is to use our lives and our possessions to take what he wants from us.

My mother and father have been kidnapped from their home in the middle of the night.

We're told that they were taken from the house by a man claiming to be my uncle but he is not related to me in any way.

This man says that if we don't follow his demands that he will kill everyone in the house.

He also mentioned something about the Lionheart council.

I don't know what to do.

I fear that my mother and father are in great danger.

We have sent someone to try to reason with the man but so far without success.

He seems to have complete control of the house.

We have no idea where my parents are or even if they are still alive.

I would appreciate any help you could give.

After a week of waiting and being convinced that they were all dead, everyone decided it was time to actually do something about this.

They divided into two groups, with Greenbeard leading the group to rescue the Lucifuge and Redshivali taking the group to confront the Gnoll.

On the way, they stopped off at a small village to resupply.

While there, they were accosted by a man named Arn.

Arn offered to help the party with their mission, for a price.

Later that night, the party was attacked by a group of Gnolls and a Tatzlewyrm.

Arn participated in the battle, helping the party to defeat the Gnolls.

During the battle, however, a dire dire wolf broke into the hut, killing the Gnoll outside and the Tatzlewyrm inside.

As it attacked its new prey, the party could hear horrified screams from inside.

Aroland quickly opened the door to find a mass of bodies, including Melodia and Archmonde, dead in the hands of the dire wolf.

In addition to this, the party found the before - mentioned placard with the words' Roasted Gnoll 'scrawled on the wall.

A short distance away, the party discovered a small cabin, its door hanging off of one hinge.

They crept inside and discovered 8 Gnolls dead, along with a heavily injured Roark.

Before they could interrogate him, however, they were interrupted by a roar from outside.

The party ran outside to find a large number Orc's and Half - Orcs marching single file out of the city.

Beyond them, a large static wall was sparking and smoking.

After some deliberation, the party decided to try to break through the wall.

Aroland used a small potion that turned him invisible and began to run toward the oncoming mass.

As he approached, it became obvious that the Orc's and Half - Orcs were too far gone and too far away, so he turned back and joined the rest of the party.

The party was able to reach the opening of the tunnel before the mass of creatures emerged from the city.

It was a huge melee as the Party battled the Orcs and Gnolls from both sides.