


The sun shone brightly as Kemi's car pulled up to the entrance of the bustling college campus. It was a beautiful summer morning, and the air was filled with a palpable sense of excitement and anticipation. Kemi, a recent high school graduate, couldn't help but feel a mix of nerves and excitement as she prepared to embark on her college journey.

As she stepped out of the car, Kemi took a moment to soak in the vibrant atmosphere. Everywhere she looked, there were students and parents unloading cars, hauling suitcases, and saying tearful goodbyes. It was a scene that both comforted and overwhelmed her. She had dreamed of this day for years, but now that it had arrived, the reality of leaving her family and everything familiar behind began to sink in.

Her parents, Judy and Margaret stood beside her, their faces a mix of pride and sadness. Judy put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "You've worked so hard for this, Kemi. We're proud of you," he said, his voice filled with emotion.

Margaret, wiping away a tear, added, "We know you're going to do great things here. Just remember to stay true to yourself and make the most of every opportunity."

Kami nodded, trying to steady her racing heart. She was ready for this new stage in her life, but it was hard to ignore the butterflies in her stomach. She had chosen a college that was several hours away from home, allowing her to experience independence while still being close enough for occasional visits.

As they approached the dorm building, Kemi's eyes widened at the sight of students bustling in and out, carrying boxes and bags. The building itself was an imposing structure, towering several stories high with rows of windows and a grand entrance. It was a far cry from the familiar comfort of her childhood home.

Inside the dorm, the chaos continued. The hallways were filled with excited chatter as students greeted each other, unpacking their belongings and decorating their rooms. Kemi's heart pounded in her chest as she walked down the hall, searching for her assigned room.

The Black door with a room number 384

She found the room and hesitantly pushed the door open. Inside, she was greeted by a flurry of activity. Her roommate, Chika, was busy arranging her side of the room, her energetic personality evident in the colorful posters and array of knick-knacks scattered about.

Chika turned towards Kemi, a wide smile on her face. "Hey, you must be Kemi! I'm Chika. So excited to be roommates!"

Kemi returned the smile, feeling an instant connection with her new roommate. Chika's warmth and enthusiasm helped ease the tension that had been building up inside her. She quickly realized that they were both embarking on this new adventure together.

Over the next few hours, Kemi and Chika worked together to transform their small dorm room into a cozy space that reflected their individual personalities. They bonded over shared interests and discovered common goals and dreams. It was the beginning of a beautiful friendship, and Kemi felt a wave of gratitude for this unexpected blessing.

As evening approached, Kemi's parents prepared to leave. They hugged her tightly, their love and support palpable in the air. "We'll miss you, sweetheart," Judy said, his voice filled with emotion. "But we know you're ready for this. Just remember, we're always here for you."

Tears welled up in Kemi's eyes as she watched her parents walk away, their figures growing smaller in the distance. She knew this separation was necessary for her growth and independence, but it didn't make it any easier. It was a bittersweet moment—a mixture of sadness at leaving her family and excitement for the new opportunities that lay ahead. immediately she turned back and return to her room.

As It was the eve of a new beginning for fifteen individuals embarking on a journey called college. Their paths were about to intersect, and their lives were bound to change forever.

Mr Amos were a close-knit family of four, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Amos, their son Tobi, and their daughter Joyce. They had always been the picture-perfect family, attending every event together and supporting each other through thick and thin.

Mr Amos, and his wife Ifeoma, were highly impressed with the good news and seeing they two children moving into the college the same time. they knew it going to be difficult out there but it will be a good opportunity to meet other people and gain another experience in life.

They are grown ups, I believe they can handle any kind of challenges that might come they way, Amos said. while dropping Tobi and Joyce at the college with a beautiful smile on they face, suddenly, Ifeoma bust at cry with loud voice saying Tobi and Joyce, I'm suspecting you both plain and cooked all this. how can you both live just me and your father all alone. we are going to miss you.

who are we going to take out for dinner, shopping and events, well I'm so proud of you both, always remember where are you coming from and behave well. you are here to study, please make sure you are not departed for your aim for be here. I love you both so much. mr Amos said.

Tobi and Joyce marveled at the bustling atmosphere, filled with students unloading their belongings and parents bidding tearful goodbyes. they mother Ifeoma hugged her children tightly, a mixture of pride and sorrow in her eyes. "Remember, this is a new stage in your lives," she said. "Make the most of it and embrace every opportunity that comes your way."

As Tobi and Joyce settled into their dorm rooms, nerves began to set in. The thought of leaving behind the familiar comforts of home was both exhilarating and daunting. However, they were determined to immerse themselves in the college experience. They ventured out into the hallway, where they encountered their floor mates for the first time.

Charity, were a single-parent household. she was a very strong and independent woman, raising her daughter Beauty with unwavering love and support. They had faced their fair share of challenges, but their bond was unbreakable.

Do to a lot of challenges Charity and her daughter Beauty have been through in life make her feel discouraged going to college and Even regret why she applied at the first place.

Beauty, kept her moving to the college secret to herself. she is avoiding Charity her mom knowing about it. she might get angry and sees her as a fullish daughter who does not understand they situation and challenges . she decided to take her mind off from going to the college. and immediately she concluded that going to college is just for only rich men's children.

Charity, looking at the face of her daughter Beauty, she discovered that something is not going well with her, something is worry, she said, beauty my daughter your face looks so dull since morning that you wake up from bed, can you tell me my baby girl, what is wrong with you. I know you very well, your heart is filled up with pain, can you say it out.

Beauty, looking at her mom's innocent face, tears dropped, out for my eye and she run to her mom, hugged her and hold her tight, then she said to her, mummy I'm sorry, I just try my ability, I didn't know is going to come up this way, I got admission to the college.

wow that's a good news, please go and get two glass of juice we need to celebrate this, do you know how long I've been praying for this, I never knew you are so making attend to that, just to tell you I'm your real mother, our spirit and blood works together, I'm so proud of you my baby girl, so when are you moving to college?

mummy, that's the issue right now, I have only four hours left and we don't have any money for transportation to the college

Charity, smile and stood up, with joy and her face full of smiles, she went inside her room. Beauty was upset with herself by opening up to her. as she was battling with herself, her mummy came out with two ripped of money.

Beauty was very shock and surprised to see such kind of money coming out from they house. Charity now shutdown and called Beauty my daughter, I have been keeping this money for a very long time because I knew a day like this will come, this is my life time savings, I save it for you, it will be enough for you to go to college, your happiness is my major concern, so go and paper we are going now.

she quickly rush in and get dressed, her mother then help her to park some of her things that will be needful to her in the college, without westing of time. and they left.

As they proceeding into the college compound, Charity look at her beautiful baby girl and said, always make sure you pray, take your studies so serious, please don't keep bad friends, make sure you are attending orientations and information sessions. she hugged her, turn and start going home

Mr Moses were a blended family. Mr Moses and his son, Peter, had recently moved in with the wife Queen and her daughter, Nneka. It was a merging of two worlds, and though they had their differences, they were determined to make it work. but Peter and Nneka was opportune to get an admission to the college.

As the morning dawned on a bright they were prepared for their journey to the college campus. The cars were packed with suitcases, bedding, and memories of home. Excitement buzzed through the air as they set off on their respective paths, ready to embrace the challenges and adventures that awaited them.

Among the floor mates were Beauty and Nneka. The two girls instantly struck up a conversation, finding solace in the shared anticipation and nervousness. As they exchanged stories about their hometowns and dreams for the future, a bond formed, laying the foundation for a lifelong friendship.

Meanwhile, Peter found himself drawn to the communal area, where he spotted a group of students playing video games. Being an avid gamer himself, he hesitantly approached them and soon found himself immersed in laughter and camaraderie. It was the start of unexpected friendships that would shape his college years.

As the days progressed, the families explored the campus, attending orientations and information sessions. They marveled at the sprawling lawns, impressive libraries, and state of the art facilities. The possibilities seemed endless, and the families couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and excitement for their children.

As evening approached, the families reunited for a celebratory dinner at a local restaurant. The atmosphere was filled with laughter, anecdotes, and the occasional bittersweet moment. Mr Amos raised his glass, his eyes shining with pride. "To new beginnings," he said, and the sentiment echoed around the table.

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