
Chapter Two.

I wake up and Zoey hands me a piece of paper. "Mark told me to give you this." She says. It reads:

'Hey, hope you didn't forget about that little dare. Meet me in my dorm when you're awake.


"Shit..." I say to myself. I show her the note and we make a plan to hide it. She'll say she lost it while looking for her book in her dorm and forgot about it. "Hey, where's Cody?"

"He went to get coffee and stuff." She explains. Suddenly, my phone rings and it's my cousins wanting to face time. I pick up and there's all three of them. Silvia, the oldest and most responsible, Anne, the middle and the tomboy, and Nat, the youngest and sweet redhead.

"Hey, Addie!" Anne yells.

"Hey! How's college going?" Nat asks.

"Well, I mean, I've only been here for a day." I say. "But fine so far."

"Who are your roommates?" Silvia asks, curious.

"Well, there's Zoey," I turn the phone to face her and they all say hi. "And two guys. One's Cody. The one we always called Twinkle Biscuit."

"Heh, that's funny." Nat giggles. "Who's the other?"

"Cody's friend. I don't know him all that much." All of a sudden, Mark walks in and sits next to me. And Cody comes in with coffee. "Speak of the devils."

"Are they hot?" Silvia asks, trying to embarass me. I look over to face them both then look back at her.

"No." I joke. In all honesty I think they both are.

"Hey!" Cody laughs and lightly punches me on the shoulder. Mark just smiles and laughs a tiny bit.

"Well, I was thinking of going to the park in a minute." Silvia says. "Wanna come, too. Since you don't have school for the day." I smile and say yes. "Cool! Anne and Nat can't come, they have stuff to do."

"That's a shame."

"Oh, really?" Silvia lifts an eyebrow, knowing I'm lying. I like spending time alone with her. She's the only one who's into the same stuff I am.

"Oh, but before you hang up, how are you and Alex doing?" Alex is her boyfriend. Has been since they were both eleven.

"We got into a fight yesterday about some random shit, I can' remember what. But afterwards he got me flowers!" She says in a dreamy voice. "Sunflowers. I'm gonna get Anne to plant them for me. You know, since I don't like dirt and stuff."

"Okay, well, It'll take me about ten minutes to get there if I'm walking." I say.

"I have a car." Mark chimes in. I look to Zoey and she shakes her head, meaning she doesn't. And I know that Cody doesn't either.

"Oh, okay, well then. Can Mark come? He's the only one with a car..." I say.

"Sure." She smiles. "I'm on my way now, see ya there!" All of them say bye and wave as do I.

"Alright, let me get dressed and I'll then we'll go." I say to Mark, who's already dressed.


The car ride's pretty quiet until Mark speaks up. "So, what happened last night?" He says, not taking his eyes off the road.

"Oh yeah. Sorry, I fell asleep on accident." I reply.

"Mhm." He hums, clearly not believing me. I stay quiet, not knowing what to say or do at this point. He's still an - almost - complete stranger to me, so I don't know what he's interested in or anything to say to start a conversation. Luckily, we got there in only a few minutes.

We get out and I can see Silvia just pulling into the parking space a few spaces down from us. Then we go over and see her. "Hey!" I say and hug her.

"Otto hello!" She says in a silly voice she does sometimes. "How're you?" We walk into the park and talk. "So, this is Mark?" She looks at him. He smiles and waves.

"Yup." He says. "I'll be back." He says and walks back to the car.

"Sooo..." Silvia says slowly. "He's cute." She's been trying to get me to date for the longest time, but the weird thing about me is, I don't usually get normal crushes. It's always celebrities and no one knows why.

"Yeah." I admit. "But he's a perv." I add.

"How so?" I explain last night. "Oh, well, maybe he was just like that only yesterday. Is he acting like it today?" I shake my head. "Well there you go. Also, maybe it's just cause he likes you."

"Or cuz he's horny." I retort. "Probably likes all girls."

"Addie, you're making assumptions too quick, okay?" She smiles. "Anyways, how's Zoey?"

We spend a while talking until it's around one in the afternoon. "I should probably be going." Silvia says. "But I'll talk to you later, kay?"

"Alright, bye!" I wave and she leaves. "Okay, well, we should probably go, too." I say to Mark.

"Agreed." We both ride back to the college. We walk in the dorm and Zoey and Cody are on the floor laughing. "What's funny?" Mark asks.

"I- Cody was-" Zoey starts, but can't stop laughing. "Few, okay ... Cody said..." They both look at each other and burst out laughing again.

"Nevermind." Mark and I say in unison. "I'm gonna watch TV or something." I say.