
Collector of Souls

I'm currently fixing stuff. I had to move sorry. Okay, I said I would update today on the 8/20 but I have realized that if I released it how it was it would be garbage I prefer quality over quantity so it needs about a day to edit and I have to go and rewrite parts that aren't clear sorry again leaves a bad taste in my mouth. First book English is not my first language will be going back to edit after I am done with at least 10 chapters I don’t know where this will go so enjoy. Even though there were gods in the land and powerful beasts, they did very little to actually stop the bloodshed that was caused by humans to other races for the sake of their gods or beats, until the very gods and beats decided it was enough. They founded the guild, a guild of hunters that would do anything for a price, even kill the gods or monsters they worked for. But before they realized what they had done they themselves were caught up in their own internal wars to conquer each other's lands and people. Until across these said battles a man started whistling a tune and before anyone could stop him she came, and she was there for the contract that he gave up his soul to complete, and for that, she would do anything. _ E -

Henry_Beck_9373 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs


Looking at the screen in front of her that appeared after she got here she started looking over what it said.


Name: Amaia

Race: Human, Giant, Armadillo


[For all people accepted by the association the gods have allowed you to either change your race or improve upon it in the first of 7 stages.]

[Because of your achievements your first reward of 3 will be to change you race but also upgrade it like you other parts so begin.]

After the last message she started looking over what had popped up after what the system had said.

There where lists under the races of her past that either allowed her to change or upgrade her current self but we're divided in two either change or upgrade.

In the upgrade section there were species like high human that allowed for just an overall better body and mind so you can do things much easier. But there was also variants of this like Dusk Human that doubled your physical prowess but only at dusk.

"Who the heck would want that?" Amaia thought to herself before she moved onto the change list because she decided that anything and everything in the galaxy was better than any form and type of human she has come across.

She has met other giants who can crush humans with one finger, succubus who easily manipulate people into giving them their life essence for a time that they won't even enjoy for long, and the most powerful enemy she faced were angels and nots ones that serve gods she means actual angels that weren't artificially created they were true and with enough resources can become much more powerful than any artificial angel or that's what she thought as one angel destroyed an entire space fleet by themselves before she went in and tore their wings off and killed them.

So she decided to get rid of her humanity as she already had memories of the person she merged with and didn't see any other benefit to it she decided to switch with the thing she admired in her previous life the angels.

According to the description all that will change is her getting a set of wing and her base strength increasing but she didn't know by how much as she was already part giant and could tear spaceships in half with a beam sword.

Next was the upgrade for her race witch only showed as two paths for the angels witch were true angels and archangels, after reading over the info she decided to go true angels witch while didn't have the same skills the bloodline provided and was much harder to upgrade later was still stronger so she chose true angel.

Next came her giant lineage as she gain a lot of benefits from it she chose to keep it and started to look at the upgrades.

While she has only met normal giants the descriptions of the advanced species kinda scared her as the fire giant(Elden ring fans don't you dare.)

Have her fire for hair and a great increase in mastery over fire magic, and while she knew there was magic from the battle royal she didn't think fire magic would suit her in her new occupation in trying to find people even if it would be easier to kill them.

There were a lot of giant species like this like water and dark but the dark species was a bot weird with shadows for hair as won't they become bald in sunlight? Or maybe it just stayed like how it was as a shadow.

After scrolling for a while she landed on a race of giants that seemed interesting witch were the rage giant species.

The description of them was that they were normal giants except they had the ability to imbue the power of their killing intent into their body's for a power up with the ratios being actually quite lenient as every one person they kill they can convert it to the strength of 1/10 of that species to strength.

The only limitation was the longer the ability was activated the more likely of a chance for you to lose yourself to the rage and since she was getting a new mind and body she would have to start the slate clean with her kills, she also catches that when the system gave it description it said something about upgrading it so maybe she could be able to upgrade her mind and body's tolerance to it later down the line.

So after choosing the rage giant she moved onto her armadillo species, oh her armadillo species, this part of herself is what allowed her to conquer so much as the armor of the armadillo stacked with the rest of her races abilities and allowed her to take laxer rifles head on without any damage taken.

So of course she decided to keep this part of herself and upgrade it and the first upgrade she saw she instantly decided to get as it was the skin armadillo species.

After reading the description to make sure what she thought about it was true she was so happy as in her previous life she couldn't wear any armor as her body was covered in plates like an armadillo but this upgrade got rid of that and instead gave the toughness and durability to her skin witch allowed her to wear armor for added protection.

After picking skin armadillo the screen popped up again and stated something she already thought she did.

[Pick a magic core only one per individual.]

After that a screen showed up unlike before that had a lot of type of magic like fire,time,space and many more but it didn't have optima this time unlike before.

So even though she was tempted by all of the flashy magic cores she could use she scrolled down and choose soul as that was what said would be one of the best for her in the battle royal.

Now that that was done another screen appeared.

[Please choose your type of messenger bird.]

"What a messenger bird?" Even though she asked that she got no response and a list of all types of birds came out after the message.

There were Toucans, Crows, Robins, Blue Jays and many more there was even a phoenix but she chose the crow as even though she didn't know what they did she didn't want it to get shot down because it was to flashy or didn't belong in the region but crows did as they always are at places filled with death specifically battlefields.

[Please choose one free basic combat mastery from our store.]

Just like before a list appeared before her except this time she pondered on what the message meant as this could mean she could buy something else later.

As she was looking threw she started looking for the chain weapon she had been using as like before it was recommended that it was what was best for her.

After finding the item she was looking for she selected it and the next screen to pop up surprised her.

[As the 2nd to last part of your benefit you may choose 3 racial abilities from other species you haven't already.]

This surprised her so much because she could pick the strongest abilities she wanted before but couldn't get.

After reading this the same screen popped up from when she was changing her races except they were just specific things like claws of a dragon born, or gills like fish men.

After scrolling down enough she found what she wanted witch were vampire physique, dragon tail, and soul rip.

The first two were self explanatory as the vampire physique gave her fangs and the ability to grow stronger by consuming blood and the dragon tail gave her well a dragons tail but soul rip allowed her to if the target has become weakened enough to not resist imbue her weapon with soul magic to rip out the persons soul if then strikes with it.

While she wanted this ability before she didn't want it to have any negative effects with her angel species as the ability was from the demon species.

After selecting all of the things she wanted she moved onto the second to last step of her modifications.

[Please choose the nickname or alias that clients can ask for specifically and for later use.]

This… stumped her as she didn't know what to call herself as she was given a name from her creators and it was the thing that a lot of people may call her that she could decide for herself.

After around 5 minutes she decided to name herself as Miramar as from the memories of the Japanese woman she was created with she remembered that is meant soul and as she had a lot of things related to things about the soul she found it a fitting name.

If only she knew later that she would instead be referred to as something much darker than what she had previously imagined.

Finishing with that as after she thought about that as being her name the screen just disappeared and moved onto the last stage.

[Would you like to change our appearance from you previous life or no?]

Thinking of yes immediately as she liked her previous body's appearance and didn't know how her choices would affect her new body.

After looking at a holographic screen that appeared she was actually shocked with how nice she looked.

In her previous life she was 12 foot 3 with red hair, white eyes, and an ample bust in her butt with her cup size around H but because of her body's height it's was around a human point of big but somewhat manageable with a bra.

Looking at whole screen now she saw on the left side there she could see the stats of herself and on the right she saw she could change the muscle density of her body and a few more things like color.

Moving back to her body on the screen she saw she now had 2 wings on her back and a tail coming out of… well her tailbone duh.

Looking to her stats she was shocked as she was now an astonishing 15 foot 7 witch she expected was from her giant race being upgraded with a wingspan of 11 feet with the tail stretched to 9 feet with a girth of 2.5 feet with the wings looking well like angel wings except lightly brown and a her tail having scales all around it with spike on the top leading to the tip.

After looking at her new features she moved onto her main body witch looked the exact same as her old one except that she had fanged teeth and and smooth brown skin instead of armor plating that used to cover her entire body.

Looking at her face again she noticed her eyes had changed from being just completely white before to being completely red with white dots in the middle witch she guessed was from her giant lineage again.

Looking over to her right side she decided to adjust her height to the same as her previous life and change her wings and tail by 1 foot but keeping the tail the same girth.

Switching over to her stats again she hit the finish button because she realized that even if she increase or decrease the muscle density would stay the same so even if you made yourself really big and tall the muscle would just stretch that far to make up for it instead of adding gaining the muscle.

She guessed that was put in place so people wouldn't be able to just keeping growing and have the power to crush a planet and so they could fit inside the so called association and later she would find out she was right, partially.

Finalizing her looks she mentally said she was done and a few more screens appeared for what she was hoping would be for the last time.

[For your last benefit we added the benefit of retractable wings but we couldn't do anything about the tail sorry about that.]

[You will now be transported in your new body to the waiting area where you will be picked up from after everybody has finished with their changes.]

[Good luck we wish you the best of hunting.]

Just like that everything returned to black before she felt a force so powerful she blacked out.


Authors note: yes it's messy I said I'll edit it after 10 chapters so don't worry and sorry for the late chapter, caught a cold so I'll do another one tomorrow thx for even looking at this book and I'll change the synopsis soon see y'all later.