
Collector of Souls

I'm currently fixing stuff. I had to move sorry. Okay, I said I would update today on the 8/20 but I have realized that if I released it how it was it would be garbage I prefer quality over quantity so it needs about a day to edit and I have to go and rewrite parts that aren't clear sorry again leaves a bad taste in my mouth. First book English is not my first language will be going back to edit after I am done with at least 10 chapters I don’t know where this will go so enjoy. Even though there were gods in the land and powerful beasts, they did very little to actually stop the bloodshed that was caused by humans to other races for the sake of their gods or beats, until the very gods and beats decided it was enough. They founded the guild, a guild of hunters that would do anything for a price, even kill the gods or monsters they worked for. But before they realized what they had done they themselves were caught up in their own internal wars to conquer each other's lands and people. Until across these said battles a man started whistling a tune and before anyone could stop him she came, and she was there for the contract that he gave up his soul to complete, and for that, she would do anything. _ E -

Henry_Beck_9373 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
6 Chs

Initiating Ceremony 2

Authors note, been planning where this will be going and I have an idea so I'll stick to it and I'm changing it to first-person pov.


Looking around as I walked over to a seat I saw many creatures condensing from various places around the room from what I assumed was light but it was a tinge of purple instead of yellow, there were minotaurs the size of people and smaller, while also some as big as me if not bigger, there were people with mice heads and cat ears while also having legs with needles coming out or 4 arms instead of two like an asura in giant folktale. Moving on from the friendly-looking creatures there were arachnids with snake heads, things that looked like a beholder from fantasy books, and some people that looked like how the church describes witches as nasty, cruel, and ugly.

Looking around at the more human-like creatures I started to feel a primal urge to slaughter and consume them which was probably from the vampire genes I had picked "Well ya win some you lose some," controlling my desire to eat them I started to swish my tail back and forth to get used to this new appendage as even though I came with the knowledge on how to move it instinctually like breathing, it was still hard to make it do what I want like bending and turning it.

Reaching the aisle of seats closest to me I started to head down it as I didn't want people to keep having to step over me in order to get to another seat.

Looking at the seats I saw they were made of a slime-like substance like puddy," probably for the new appendages," mumbling to myself I sat down and felt the slime coat my body before it solidified at the surface making it so I could sit while also moving my tail," I wonder how deep it goes?" extending my tail I noticed that no matter where I went there was room but when I brought it to the surface were I was it easily broke out " useful to know."

Looking around again after I was done experimenting, the creatures were almost done seating themselves, and without me noticing or mostly not caring a minotaur had seated to my left and what appeared to be an incubus was seated to my right and I say appeared because the incubus had 4 arms and 3 eyes, not caring enough to start talking I waited for the thing to start so I could get out of here and do some fun stuff.

Looking at the center of the auditorium on the stage something strange happened.

A ripple appeared in mid-air like something was there, waiting for a bit to see what happened a few other people around the auditorium noticed but before they could say something the ripple was torn threw like someone cut open space with scissors.

Looking through the crack or squinting my eyes to see, all I saw was purple on the other side before out came a skeleton, and then 7 people soon followed, a man of fire, water, earth, air, lightning, light, and finally a woman with that could only be described as every man's perfect woman.

Looking closer at the skeleton it raised its hand before conjuring what appeared to be a microphone made out of bone with a black sphere for the speaking device. As of now, everyone has noticed it and it was dead silent waiting for the thing to speak.

"Testing, Testing, okay good, welcome one and all to this year's initiating ceremony. Before we start I would like to introduce a few of my accomplices to you all as you will be seeing them all very often."

" First before I start they all preferred to just be called by what they want as it was easier than their true name as they were all created during a planetary war for ezample, first is the destruction of war, the waves of war, the impact of war, the gust of war, the sound of war, the finality of war, and finally the one we all try to prevent and my wife the life before the war."

" All of these beings except me and life are demigods and subordinates to their original gods of fire water and so on and so forth but they may ascend to become gods of their own specialty later down the line but we'll explain that when we get there."

" As you already know why you are here I won't hold you for long, these people behind me are the various faction leaders of the association and you will need to pick one of these by the end of this inauguration to continue to the downtown area of what you will soon call home."

" First is Fire they are in charge of handling any bounties where there are chances for many things to be destroyed in fact they just killed another world eater serpent yesterday isn't that right?"

Walking up the Fire Man started to speak but I didn't know how as he was literally made of fire.

" Yes that is right, we hunt mostly beasts but sometimes people too if you are tired of the same smuck from people come to try and fight something that can level cities with a group of 40."

Next came up the water person.

" Hello I'm the Waves of War but just call me Ms. Shelly or whatever cause I don't care but what we deal with in my department is anything that has to do with water be it killing leviathans to finding someone's lost keys in the sewer."

After that short introduction, the water lady or Ms. Shelly went back, and up came the rock man.

" Hello call me Graves and we deal with mostly things underground or in mountains like goblins or trolls that sometimes inhabit them or a rogue golem that is the mountain itself al-."

As he was explaining his voice sounded like gravel rubbing together so I just tuned him out and after some time she just waited for it to be over as they were all in charge of what they basically represented with air being in charge of aerial problems like wyverns and such, Lightning was shocking as it dealt with bugs and plants, Light dealt with rogue angels and fallen ones, and Life dealt with people, but after they all finished the skeleton also said something.

"As for me, I am whats after the war you may call me death and I deal with the dead that roam, spirits, and necromancers now all you have to do is to come up and shake one of the faction leader's hands and you will be transported to a bulletin board with a marking on your hand identifying you with your faction now before we begin we have a few more things to discuss that I forgot about."

"First is you all are as it is right now rank 1 of your species out of 12 and in order to do jobs at a higher rank you will need to evolve your specie/s, and your body instinctually knows what it needs just not how much so when you arrive you will be given a screen to show you what your body wants specifically to save your time and our resources and after you have evolved everything your core will also based on what you chose witch also brings new magic at your disposal depending on what will fit the users needs, for example, if you fly a lot then you will get magic dealing with flying but you can't evolve with materials a rank higher than you or you'll blow up or worse."

"On that note When you evolve you will be given the choice of how your body will adapt based on what it needed to evolve for example if you needed a gallon of blood depending on what blood you took you could have the strength of a troll or the speed of one the same goes for if you took goblin blood it's all up to you."

"Speaking of goblins we are currently at war with them and their gods as you all will soon come to understand every living thing can evolve and while a goblin at rank one only has the strength of a human child and the intelligence, a rank 2 goblin can very well compete with two rank 2 opponents or more depending on what their evolution was and is as smart as a normal adult so if you see report it as they never travel alone and while we would love to get rid of them they have already conquered a few planets and we can't interfere unless we outright challenge their gods to a duel."

"Now then before we let you go and wreak havoc you will be teleported to Origin City where you will most likely convene until you are at least rank 3 and can survive on our other more inhospitable planets, there will be 3 buildings you will be well associated with first being the modification building were you will or can modify your person to suit your needs but it can't add a new species to you and you can only make 1 change at rank 1 which goes up by 1 for each rank you have you can ask more when you get there."

"Next is the Bulletin Board where all your quests can be found and it will be surrounded by receptionists to help with your needs in finding a quest you want, you can take quests above your rank we just don't recommend it."

"Lastly is less of a building as there are actual markets where you can buy stuff and then the market building where you can order specific things from slaves or pets, to what you need for evolving."

"Slaves?"-Amaia mumbled to herself, this would make things a lot easier than trusting people much like herself who wouldn't even hesitate to kill her for benefit.

"Now there are more rules but there will be a big rock next to the Bulletin Board explaining the 10 rules that MUST never be broken now with all this said let the faction recruitment begin."

Just like that we all stood up and made our way to the faction we wanted but all this ceremony did was add more questions like what the hell do we do about money as he never said anything, what's the city, where do we sleep, but I could find that out later so I started walking over to Death who sat in a chair made of bone much like the others who made them out of their elements.

As I made my way to him I noticed most people made their way to Life, Fire, and Earth with only a mediocre amount of people at Lightning, air, Light, and Water and only a handful of people going towards death before they shook his hands and disappeared.

Arriving by hopping up on the stage as there were no stairs she reached Death before it asked a peculiar question," Do you accept the consequences of your actions?"-Death " I do." quickly responding as I understood what he meant I shook his hand and was teleported away.

Blinking as soon as I felt solid ground I took a step before falling on my ass because I was dizzy before quickly standing up and looking around….. It was beautiful.

What stood before me was a Bulletin Board the size of a skyscraper with a width of three and around it was a vibrant marketplace with another city surrounding it, there was so much to look at but I had things to do more important things.

I wanted to know what it was like to be free but for that, I needed to find out how to make money so I made a goal and that was to go to the Board and get a bounty.


This may change after edit I wanted to do 5000 words but that will have to wait for next time on Thursday cause I've gotten too busy I had to stay at work yesterday and couldn't upload mb.