

241Chapter 35

Harry sat at the back of the large room on the third floor with his feet up on a chair as he looked out over everyone. It was packed with Dracka's men, the Council, Order members, Ministry workers, Aurors, students, teachers and members of the Department. He couldn't say that he had ever seen so many people from different areas of the magical community in one room before.

Harry tapped the elder wand on his leg as he looked around at everyone and was very happy that he wasn't in control this time, the Headmaster was. However so far everyone had worked well together while they ran through plans and his eye strayed over to Dylan and the head of the Auror department, Ben Filter, as Dylan made one of his points, his voice carrying across the room. Harry saw Minerva's lips thin at the man's language and Harry was sure that the woman would be having words with Dylan and Harry would make sure he was as far away as possible when that happened.

His eyes caught on Dracka and Severus as Albus and a few others looked over the battle plans that he'd drawn up and he was sure that he would have to make a few changes as Albus wrote something down. He'd gone through the wards on the school early that morning and they had the defences in place for when Voldemort would attack but so far, they hadn't heard anything through Dracka or Albus's spy network. Not that Simpson had made any moves either and Harry tapped his wand in thought. It concerned him that both men had gone quiet, especially Voldemort with the end of the school year coming closer.

His eyes strayed to Severus and Dracka as Ry moved into the room and Severus looked over at him before moving away to speak to the boy and Harry felt his gut clench. Severus clapped a hand to Ry's shoulder and they moved towards Dracka and Albus together. The vampire flashed his fangs at Ry and the other man just looked at him mildly and Harry smirked. The boy was growing up as he stood next to Severus for a while before moving back to his friends at the side of the room.

They had slowly been bringing people into the school over the last few days for this meeting. The mass meeting didn't sit well with Harry, since it ran the chance that Voldemort could find out their plans but they'd had to do it and Harry had laid the charms around the room himself to make sure that anything discussed couldn't be spoken to anyone outside the room. At this stage they would just be planning and waiting which was another thing that didn't sit right for Harry.

Harry yelped suddenly when his wand shocked him and it went skittering across the floor of the classroom. He glared over it and glanced up to see Severus smirking at him as he flicked his fingers from the sting.

"Got away from you, Blake?"

Harry looked over at a smiling Remus Lupin as the werewolf picked up the wand.

"Temperamental thing," Harry muttered making the other man grin.

"No good wizard would let his wand leave his hand," Moody growled as he stepped towards him.

"Unless you have a back-up," Harry replied with a smirk.

"And let it be used against him!" Moody barked. "Bah, you are more of an idiot than I first thought!"

"Who says that Remus could use that wand against me?" Harry remarked. "Go ahead Remus, I'm open."

Harry held his hands out to his sides to Remus's amusement as Moody fixed both his eyes on Harry.

"Why are you even here, Dark Wizard?" Moody growled.

"I work here," Harry replied easily. "It's easier to corrupt the younger generation that way."

Harry smirked at the other man as Remus tried to keep the laughter in.

"This is no laughing matter, young man!" Moody snapped.

"Looks can be deceiving, old man." Harry countered mildly. "You should know that better than anyone."

"I know the damage your kind can do," Moody hissed, his real eye flashing. "The destruction your kind can leave in your wake. The death and stink of dark magic."

"Then feel free not to follow the battle plans I drew up in the Headmaster's hands then," Harry said as he slipped his feet off the chair and sat forward in his chair with his arms resting on his knees. "But it would just mean your death, but that is nothing compared to the blood already on my hands, Moody."

Harry spread his hands out in front of him, palms towards the other man as he glared down at him. The damage to the man's body clear to see from his time fighting against Dark Wizards that wielded the same power that Harry did. If anyone knew what dark magic was capable of, it was the two wizards as they eyed each other off.

"I'll be happy to add the Dark Lord's blood to my hands," Harry said softly. "But not yours or any of my allies."

Moody locked eyes with him for a couple of minutes before turning on his heels with a growl and stomping off. Harry looked up at Remus, the man was still holding his wand in his hand as Harry leaned back in his seat.

"You have a skill at creeping people out, Blake." Remus said quietly.

"That may have been mentioned before," Harry commented lightly to the werewolf.

"Here," Remus replied as he held his wand out, hilt first.

"Thanks," Harry said, taking it in his hand and placing it away.

"You know," Remus mused as he took a seat next to Harry. "Moody's right, most wizards wouldn't let their wands out of their sight, let alone flick it across the room."

"Good to know I'm not like everyone else then," Harry stated with a laugh.

"But that just makes me wonder why," Remus replied mildly.

"Don't tell me that paranoia is catching?" Harry asked with a grin. "My son is bad enough. Severus is convinced it's a Potter thing."

"James had his moments," Remus remarked. "But he was an Auror."

"I've read some of his files," Harry admitted. "How is Black still alive?"

"Black family luck," Sirius cried as he took a seat next to Remus. "We are built from tough stuff."

"And good timing," Remus remarked.

Harry snorted as he looked at the two men and hoped everything would work out for them this time around.

"I'm sure the luck came first," Harry muttered as he looked around. "We could use some at the moment. I don't like feeling like a duck sitting in water when it's hunting season."

"I don't know, Blake." Remus said quietly. "I've seen those plans of yours."

"I'm concerned about the parts I can't plan for," Harry said and looked at the two men beside him as he brought up a silencing charm. "There's a prophecy at play."

"What!" Sirius yelped.

"Why do you think the Dark Lord tried to get into the Department?" Harry remarked quietly. "And needed Ry there?"

"Harry," Remus whispered, his eyes wide.

"Yes," Harry confirmed. "Severus and Dracka have a plan."

"You don't know it?" Black demanded.

"No," Harry replied, which still grated on him. "But they know my plan. Whatever happens I need you to let them do what needs to be done. My son's life could depend on it."

"But-hey!" Sirius yelped as Remus elbowed him.

"If that's your plan," Remus said quietly. "We'll respect that."

Black glared at Remus before turning on Harry.

"If he dies," Black hissed. "It's on your head!"

Harry's eyes hardened as he looked at Sirius.

"You think I don't know that!" Harry snapped, his temper flaring. "You don't think that I want to go over there and grab the boy and leave here!"

Remus laid a hand on his arm.

"We both feel the same," Remus said softly.

Harry cupped his head in his hands before slowly running them over his head.

"I trust Severus," Harry said quietly. "…I have to trust him."

"And if you have placed Ry into the hands of a death eater," Sirius spat.

Harry looked up at Sirius Black standing before him, his grey eyes blazing as he glared down at him. Black seemed to deflate at the look in Harry's eyes and Harry wasn't sure he wanted to know what the man saw in him at that moment.

"I have already buried my children," Harry said softly. "I do not plan to bury another."

Remus paled and even Black looked shaken by the soft words.

"I have buried a wife and lovers," Harry said into the silence. "I do not take death lightly or place my trust blindly. I would not place my son's life into the hands of someone I do not trust completely, not only with my son's life but my own life as well."

All the fight went out of Black and he collapsed back in his chair as he stared at Harry.

"Who are you?" Sirius whispered.

Harry smiled sadly at the man in front of him.

"A man that has seen too much and lived too long," Harry replied softly and would say no more on the subject.


Harry tapped his pen against his table in his rooms as he looked over his plans once again, with any adjustments that Dracka or the Headmaster had written in to make sure they were still sound. Everyone had left after being briefed on the battle plans for the school. They had to be seen at their jobs and the Ministry so that the Dark Lord didn't pick up on the fact that they had a plan in place for when he would attack the castle or the Ministry.

Severus moved into the room and made his way over to Harry and looked over the maps as he placed his hands on Harry's shoulders and started to massage the tense muscles.

"Everyone should know where they have to be and what they have to do," Harry said softly. "Albus is keeping a close eye on the wards and is ready to send the signal when the Dark Lord attacks. It's just a waiting game now."

"We don't have long until the end of the term," Severus muttered as he looked at the map.

"Yes," Harry agreed. "If he's going to attack it will be soon."

"Come on, Blake." Severus whispered in the man's ear. "You need sleep."

Harry sighed as he looked over the table as he ran plans through his head, looking for loop holes. He looked up at Severus, his green eyes locking with Severus and the man gave him a soft smile. Severus stepped back as Harry got to his feet. The other man was right, since he would be no use to anyone without a good sleep as they moved towards the bedroom.


Miller moved into the café that Blake had asked to meet at and glanced around the busy shop. It took him a little while to spot the man, sprawled out in chair, near the glass windows and he gave a small smile. The man had a way of blending in and with the way he held his magic, he felt just like every other muggle moving around him as Miller stood in line to order.

He could feel a couple of eyes on him as he took stock of the shop and everyone in there and the exits but that was more due to his training than the chance of trouble. His eyes caught on Blake again as the man stared out into the street, looking like he wasn't paying attention to anyone but Miller knew better.

Miller took a seat at the table across from Blake and the man looked up with a smile and shook his offered hand.

"Hey, Miller." Blake greeted.

"Nice place," Miller commented.

"Close enough and yet far enough away from the Ministry," Blake replied as he leaned further back in his chair.

Miller had never met someone that took sitting in a wooden chair to the height of comfort as he looked the other man over. He may look relaxed but Miller could pick out the tension in the other man. He knew Blake very well as those green eyes looked him over.

"Dylan has us on standby," Miller said softly and he felt a silencing spell go up around them. "Am I taking my orders from you?"

"You'll be taking your orders from Severus and Dracka," Blake said softly.

Miller pulled back slightly and looked the man over. Now that he was looking at him closer, he could tell that something wasn't right.

"There is a prophecy between Harry Potter and Tom Riddle," Blake said softly as he sat up in his chair and laid his elbows on the table.

"Your son or you?" Miller asked.

"My son," Blake replied with a hard look in his eyes as he ran a hand over his head. "Severus and Dracka have a plan to combat this. I need you and your team to have their backs. Even if it means putting me down."

Miller sucked in a breath as he looked at the other man, he had not been expecting those words.

"Blake?" Miller whispered.

"I've asked Severus to meet me here in about twenty minutes," Blake replied as he glanced at his watch. "You two need to work out the plan. Severus has a brilliant mind and with Dracka backing him up with strategy I believe they have thought of everything…"

"But you want me to check it over," Miller finished.

"You will have to work out the right teams of Aurors to have in place as well," Blake pointed out. "I have an idea of what they are planning."

"Why are you not finding out this plan, Blake?" Miller asked in interest.

"I am too close," Blake replied with a sigh. "I believe that the killing curse will have to hit my son."

Miller sucked in a breath and could see the raw pain in the other man's eyes and knew that Blake wouldn't be able to let that happen. Would not be able to stand to the side if that was the case and Miller's gut clenched at the thought that the other man could be killed to save his son. Miller was well aware that they lived on a knife's edge in their line of work but that didn't ease his thoughts.

"You have looked at different ways around this?" Miller asked and yet knowing the answer.

"Yes," Blake said simply. "Harry Potter is a horcrux and the part of the Dark Lord's soul needs to be broken for the man to fall. Breaking through that connection needs to be done by either Ry or the Dark Lord, I can't do it."

Miller looked the man over and could tell this was tearing the other man up. Blake looked up at him and Miller held his gaze.

"I need to hold on to the hope that if I survived," Blake whispered. "He can survive, but he doesn't have the protection that I did. The ritual was different. This Dark Lord is different. So many things could go wrong."

Miller grabbed the other man's curled fist in his hand. He could see the frustration and rage in the man's body language. He tightened his grip on the man's hand and Blake's eyes locked with his.

"Do you trust Severus?" Miller whispered.

"Yes," Blake replied without hesitation.

"Then we'll do our best," Miller replied. "I'll have the right people around you when we need them."

"Thank you, Bob." Blake whispered and placed his other hand over his.

Both men looked up when Severus's magical signal touched on them and they watched as the man walked into the café, adjusting his jacket uncomfortably and Miller could feel the man across the table relaxing slightly. Severus's dark eyes landed on them as Miller released Blake's hands. His eyes darted between the two of them as he made his way over.

"You're early," Blake said softly as Severus moved through the silencing charm dropping it.

"Albus just got a new supply of lemon drops," Severus remarked as he took a seat next to Blake as his dark eyes looked Miller over as he gave him a nod.

"Ah," Blake said with a grimace. "I think I might check up on my office in the Department for the afternoon."

Blake got to his feet and Severus looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.

"You have plans to make with Miller," Blake said softly before leaning down and whispering something in the other man's ear.

Miller could pick out the slight widening of Severus's eyes, but if he hadn't been looking for it, he wouldn't have noticed. He knew Severus's history, since he'd pulled his file once Blake started to take an interest in the other man but reading something in a file was different to seeing him working in real life. It had always intrigued him why Blake had chosen this man but Blake had never played by the rules.

Blake gave Severus's shoulder a squeeze, once he straightened back up, and Miller could see the silent conversation pass between them before Blake gave him a small smile before turning to Miller.

"I'll talk to you later," Blake said with a grin. "I'm sure Dylan will find something for me to do, once he realises I'm in the Department."

Miller barked a laugh.

"He'll find you," Miller remarked. "He always finds you."

Blake gave him a lopsided grin before limping from the café, looking just like any other muggle out for lunch in London. Miller looked back to see Severus looking him over with dark unreadable eyes and he held back a shiver. The reminder of Severus's death eater past in that stare.

"Blake has explained some of what you have planned," Miller said into the silence. "I'll be taking orders from you or the vampire and I'll have the Auror teams I want at my back."

Severus's eyes narrowed slightly and Miller couldn't help but think that Blake and Severus were like two sides of a coin. Both were dangerous but in different ways.

"You will not stop what we have planned?" Severus stated more than questioned.

"Correct," Miller confirmed. "But I do need to know what you have planned."

"That sneaky bastard," Severus cursed.

Miller gave the man a grin.

"You get used to it," Miller commented with a slight grin.

Severus and Miller shared a look and Miller could see the moment that the other man came to a decision as he relaxed slightly and brought up a silencing charm around them.


Severus woke with a start when Blake's arm tightened around his waist before the man rolled out of bed. Severus looked over to him. He was standing next to the bed looking around with a frown on his brow. Severus took a moment to look the man over before those pale green eyes landed on him.

"Something isn't right," Blake muttered.

The words had Severus out of bed and dressing as the other man did the same.

"What is it?" Severus asked as he pulled on his clothes and slipped his wand into its holster.

"I don't know," Blake said softly and the silver sword of his appeared in his hand and he placed it through the loop on his belt. "Something is calling."

Blake turned and Severus grabbed his arm stopping him.

"Is it the Dark Lord?" Severus asked.

Blake patted his hand and smirked.

"You're still half asleep," Blake said with a smile. "I'll ignore that question."

"I mean," Severus drawled. "Does it have something to do with the Dark Lord?"

"I don't think so," Blake replied. "Come on."

Blake grabbed up his cane and they started walking. Severus followed close behind him through the silent hallways of Hogwarts. Blake led them out of the castle and stood for a moment on the front steps before turning to the right. Following something that Severus couldn't see or feel.

Blake stopped when he reached the greenhouses and looked down at his watch. Severus tensed when the other man cursed and his face paled slightly.

"It's the night of the last battle," Blake whispered. "I had forgotten."

Severus looked around at the silent castle and grounds.

"Another time difference?" Severus asked softly.

"Yes," Blake agreed shortly.

Blake pushed open the greenhouse door and Severus gasped. A glowing rip was the best he could describe it as, was in front of him. It stood as tall as him and he could see the other side of the greenhouse through it, like it was glass window with a glowing frame in an odd and changing shape.

"Time rip…well more of a dimensional rip since it's connected to the same time but different timelines…the magic of two times touching in the same place." Blake confirmed as he stepped forward. "A large one as well. This would have been the night…"

Blake trailed off and Severus gasped as he was looking at himself but not himself. The man on the other side of the rip was pale, paper white really, with dark bags under his eyes and with limp black hair and cruel black eyes as he glared at them. He looked years older than Severus but they both knew they were looking at Severus Snape. The man's mouth twisted up in an ugly sneer as his eyes locked onto Blake.

"Potter!" The other Severus Snape snapped. "You idiot!"

Blake stepped forward and Severus wondered how the man knew Blake was Harry Potter before he realised that his lover didn't try to hide the way he looked. Yes, he probably looked older and had shorter hair but probably still looked the same as the Harry Potter of his time. Even if he didn't look like the Harry Potter that Severus taught in this time.

"Snape," Blake replied softly.

"Disregarding orders again, Potter!" Snape snarled, baring his teeth. "Always believing orders are for other people! How many will die for you this time?"

Severus gasped at the venom dripping off the man as he glared at Blake as the man looked back at him calmly. Severus had to give Blake credit as he stood before the rip with his back straight as he looked straight at the man on the other side. Facing the other man head on and unflinchingly.

"Too many, Snape." Blake replied calmly.

Snape sneered as he stared at Blake. Cold hatred in those dark eyes that even Severus pulled back slightly from.

"We don't have long, Snape." Blake said, stepping closer. "Say your piece."

"You look older," Snape smirked, eyeing him.

Blake huffed a laugh. "I am old, Snape."

Snape moved closer to the rip but didn't touch it as he looked at Blake.

"You survived," Snape stated softly, dark eyes completely focused on Blake. "The Dark Lord?"

"Dies," Blake confirmed.

The time rip was starting to close very slowly.

Snape's face twisted up in an ugly mask, his black eyes glinting in glee and Severus couldn't stop himself moving forward and laying a hand on Blake's shoulder. Snape's eyes flicked up to him and he shivered at the look that the other man gave him as a sneer graced his lips. It was disjointing to see a face so much like his own twisted up as his eyes glinted in twisted glee.

"I should have known," Snape snarled. "Is he too much like Lily for you? It's the green eyes staring at you, isn't it? Hope he's a good fuck at least!"

Snape turned suddenly, at a noise they couldn't hear, and his eyes widened as he pulled his wand. Blake pulled Severus away as the time rip quickly got smaller as yelling and hissing started up on the other side. Severus followed him feeling pale and shaky. They closed the door to the greenhouse firmly, the man's dying screams ringing in their ears.

Blake leaned back against the door and held his head in his hands. Severus didn't know what to do as silence fell around them again, with only the night-time animals and men's memories to keep them company. Severus understood now what Blake had been talking about, when he would talk about the Severus Snape that he had known.

"Um," Severus started. "That was…"


"On the night of…"


"I was that much of an ass?"

"He was, yes."


Blake looked up at Severus, pale green meeting his. Severus could tell that other man was seeing something else as he looked through him. The look always gave him a shiver down his spine, knowing that the man was somewhere else in his mind and he worried that there might be a day that he wouldn't be able to draw Blake back from his memories.

"Severus Snape killed Albus Dumbledore," Blake said softly.

Severus reeled back in horror.

"Albus was dying," Blake continued.

"The horcrux?"

Blake nodded.

"There was no Blake Sun to save him," Blake said softly. "He poisoned himself to get to a second horcrux. He would have died within the month. Draco Malfoy had been tasked to kill Albus by the Dark Lord."

"What!" Severus squeaked. "He's a child!"

"That did not matter to him," Blake said calmly. "The ritual that they used to bring him back in my timeline was different, he wasn't sane Severus."

"Why did I…he kill Albus?"

Blake ran a hand over his head.

"As far as I could work out." Blake replied slowly, looking off into the distance. "He took an Unbreakable Vow with Narcissa Malfoy to finish Draco's mission if the boy failed. Draco and myself sat down after the battle and before his trial and compared notes."

"Trial?" Severus asked, his head spinning with the information.

"Um yeah," Blake said. "He was marked as a death eater."

"Draco?" Severus gasped.

Blake gave him a small smile.

"The Dark Lord of my time marked many children, something that is very different in this timeline." Blake said softly. "This Dark Lord seems to be very careful with who he marks, even Charmling wasn't marked."

"What happened then?" Severus questioned.

"Severus Snape took over Hogwarts," Blake said softly. "Hermione, Ron and myself had to go on the run, from both the Ministry and the Dark Lord. We had been tasked with finding the horcruxes with no idea about where they could be. There was a bounty on my head."

"You were seventeen?" Severus asked softly.

"Yes, I was." Blake confirmed and wrapped his arms around himself, his eyes distant.

Severus looked down at the man and couldn't imagine the seventeen-year-old version of this man on the run from a powerful Dark Lord with just two other teenagers with him for support.

"Hermione was the one that saved us," Blake said suddenly into the still air. "She had been ready the whole time, while Ron and I had just been thick. If it weren't for her we would have died."

Severus made a mental note to be nicer to the girl from now on, he had a feeling he didn't give her enough credit.

"We managed to find all but the last two horcruxes," Blake continued. "And headed back to the school. We snuck in via one of the secret tunnels in time for the final battle that would have been tonight."

Severus looked around at the silent grounds and couldn't imagine what Blake seeing as he stood there silently. His arms wrapped around himself and his green eyes far away. Severus shivered at the haunted look in the man's eyes.

"This time is very different," Blake said quietly. "We still hold the Ministry of Magic and Hogwarts. The Dark Lord has not gathered the support he had before. We also have the support of the Council, which took a lot of people with creature blood away from the Dark Lord. He could not recruit in those circles due to the Council giving them protection. He will still attack this school."

"How do you know?" Severus asked.

Blake flashed him a grim smile, that sent a shiver down Severus's back.

"That man has a thing about this school and Harry Potter is here," Blake said darkly. "He will come."

"Why did you not tell us?" Severus asked softly.

Blake looked at him sharply and pushed away from the door and stepped closer to the man until they were almost touching. He reached out and grabbed Severus's hand as the man looked down at him.

"My memories," Blake said softly. "Are not this time's history. I have worked so hard to give my son a life as happy as I could make it. I have made deals and contracts with people that would never have seen eye to eye for many years. In my head, I hold hundreds of years of history, Severus."

Severus felt a chill at the look in the man's green eyes as he looked up at him.

"What happened back then," Blake said looking away. "It feels like a dream, like something that happened to someone else. I was just a child with no understanding of what I was doing. About what impact my actions would have. What I do now, Severus, is rewriting what happened then. Truth be told, I would rather just let go of those memories and focus on the now. In some ways I have. It's moments like this that brings them back up again. Just nightmares and ghosts."

Severus placed his hand on the other man's cheek and turned his head back towards him. He leant down and kissed the man softly, deepening the kiss when the man opened his mouth under his.

"I don't want those memories to divert my attention somewhere else," Blake said softly, when they pulled back. "I can't rely on those memories or someone could die. Or the Dark Lord won't fall. So much has changed and it's all because Blake Sun is alive in this time."

"Don't inflate your ego too much, love." Severus purred in the man's ear.

Blake stilled for a second before smacking his ass with a laugh.

"Ha!" Blake cried, with a smile. "Knew I could count on you, to bring me back to reality."

Severus grinned and stood up taller, taking the man's hand and pulling him away.

"Come on," Severus said with a smile. "I have classes in the morning."

Blake fell into step with him as they walked away from the place that would have been where he died but that was another time and place far away from them.


"Dracka!" Harry called.

The vampire turned with a grin as students moved around them. Harry held up the daylight pendent for the man. He'd wrapped the pendent in a soft cloth covering so that vampire wouldn't have to worry about burning himself, like he had last time.

"About bloody time!" Dracka snapped, moving forward.

Students sniggered at the use of language as Harry looped the cord around the vampire's neck.

"This one should last two weeks," Harry said. "You do know I have to use gold powder to make these things!"

"Do I have to start taking you out to dinner in repayment?" Dracka asked with a leer as a third-year girl giggled.

Harry laughed and clapped him on the shoulder.

"I've heard that line before," Harry said with a wink. "It can never end well, plus Severus wasn't impressed the last time we went out."

Harry walked passed the vampire and headed down the hallway.

"Blake!" Dracka called out.

Harry turned back as a few students looked over at them.

"But I was going to take you out somewhere special!" Dracka called out down the hallway, to the amusement of the students around them. "Might even ask Severus along."

"I'll like to see you ask him," Harry called back. "He was just saying the other day he could use some vampire blood in a potion he's been working on."

Giggles sounded around the hallway.


Harry adjusted his tie one last time as he looked in the mirror. He'd already spoken to Albus earlier that morning and everything was in place. Albus would see to his men and Harry would look after the castle with Dracka's men and the Ministry workers as support. He would be in place to back up the Headmaster once Voldemort made an appearance. He'd already gone through every way into the castle he knew and had used Ry's map as well as Sirius and Remus to make sure that they had covered every entrance.

Harry was sure that today would be the day as it was the Seventh-year graduation, so if Voldemort wanted to attack the castle to get to Ry. Today was it. He nervously untied his tie again as he ran the plans through his head. Simpson had gone to ground so if Voldemort attacked, which Harry was sure he was going to, this was their best chance to take the man out before Simpson got used to his power.

A lot hung on bringing Voldemort down and soon. He retied his tie as he looked at his reflection in the mirror. He had let Albus and the Order keep tabs on Voldemort as he had focused on Simpson and he was happy that his attention hadn't been split between the two men. Yes, the Dark Lord was powerful and held more power than Harry did, but he was more concerned with his son than facing Voldemort. Harry turned away from his reflection in the mirror and pulled on his long coat with a shrug to set it right, before picking up his cane and moving out of the room.

He stopped when he reached the front steps of the school and looked out at the grounds. A stage had already been placed on the grass with seats lined up before it as students milled around getting everything ready under Professor McGonagall's watchful eye and sharp tongue.

A soft scuff on the stones behind him had him turning to see Ginny Weasley standing there. Harry's eyes locked with the girl and Harry gave her a small smile.

"Ms Weasley," Harry said softly. "How are you? Looking forward to seeing your brother graduate? And to seeing your parents?"

Ginny smiled shyly and moved forward to stand next to Harry. The girl's red hair shone in the sun as they looked out over the grounds and she stood about the same height as Harry. She looked the same as Harry remembered but wasn't as hardened and still seemed as shy as the first time he'd met her. She was a girl that the war with Voldemort hadn't hardened, unlike how his wife had been at her age.

"Can I sit with Ry?" The girl asked softly.

Harry looked over at her and she tilted her chin up, a movement he knew very well.

"You are welcome to sit with your parents," Harry replied. "They should be arriving soon."

"Ry said he starts the Auror program in August," Ginny stated. "They wouldn't let me start early."

Harry stilled.

"That's right," Harry said carefully. "You still have one more year of schooling to go, Ms Weasley."

"But they let some of other sixth years in!" Ginny said in a rush. "But not me and I applied and everything. I want to start with Ry and Ron."

"What's one more year?" Harry said with a laugh as he clapped a hand to the girl's shoulder. "Just think of all the extra spells you could learn and use against the boys."

Ginny just gave him a look that Harry knew well and he smiled disarmingly at her, it was the same smile he would have given his wife when he'd done or said something stupid which had been often enough when he'd been married.

"Don't worry, Ms Weasley." Harry said softly. "You will be there kicking their butts in no time."

Harry gave the girl a wink and she blushed before nodding shyly before running off. He looked after her fondly, his wife would have thumped him one and used a few choice words if he'd said that to her.

"What did you do?"

Harry turned to see Severus standing behind him with an odd look in his eyes and his arms crossed over his chest. Harry turned to lean on the stone barrier behind him and raised an eyebrow in question.

"To Ms Weasley?" Severus clarified, as he smoothly moved closer.

"She wasn't happy about not starting the Auror Program with the boys," Harry replied mildly. "Since a couple of the sixth years have been accepted in."

Severus looked down his nose at Harry for a few minutes, his black eyes intense.

"What?" Harry asked as he fiddled with the handle of his cane.

"You didn't have anything to do with that?" Severus asked silkily.

"With what?" Harry asked with a frown. "Ginny or the sixth years?"


"Ginny doesn't have the marks or skill to get into the Auror Program early," Harry said slowly. "And the sixth years that did, do have the marks and skill. Nothing to do with me."

"I find that hard to believe, Mr Sun." Severus drawled.

"What?" Harry drawled back. "Do you think I have time to change every little thing to the way I want it?"


"Do you think that I can know what will happen if I change something?" Harry cut in. "Or could really be bothered?"

Severus stood up a little taller as he looked down his nose at the shorter man.

"Ginny was never an Auror," Harry said softly with a sigh. "And yet I am very sure she will be this time."

Severus stepped closer until they were almost touching.

"Do you have everything in place?" Harry asked changing the conversation.

Severus's dark eyes settled on him, saying more than words ever could and Harry sighed and looked away.

"As much as we can Blake," Severus whispered.

Harry nodded and looked over at the stage and the rows of seats as McGonagall snapped at Ron and Ry as the seats they were moving suddenly smashed into each other with a loud crash.

"Good morning, boys." Albus said softly as he moved closer and brought up a silencing ward around them.

Harry looked away from his son to focus on Albus.

"Good morning, Albus."

"We are getting reports of Voldemort moving," Albus said as he looked around the grounds.

"Towards here?" Severus asked.

"Both here and the Ministry," Albus replied. "We are unsure, at this stage, which one he will attack."

"It will be here," Harry said, with conviction.

Albus nodded in agreement.

"Kingsley has the Aurors on alert," Albus continued. "And the parents should start arriving soon for the graduation."

Harry looked down at the stones at his feet.

"I'll have Dracka move some of his men towards the Ministry, just in case. I'll give Dylan the heads up, so he can have some teams in place. I need Miller and his team here." Harry replied. "We can't leave the school, Albus. We have to make a stand here."

"And if the Ministry falls?" Albus asked.

Harry tapped his hand against the stones behind him and glanced over at his son and his friends.

"That might be the price we pay," Harry said softly.

Harry's words hung between them.