

241Chapter 25

Severus woke to the pounding in his head and his ribs protesting as he moved slightly. His hand dangled over the side of the bed and he frowned, did Blake take up the bed again? He rolled over and flung his arm out, hissing slightly at the pain. Blake wasn't there.

He blinked open his eyes and looked up at the ceiling and groaned, he was in the hospital wing.

"Good to know other people have the same reaction that I do to this place." Blake said softly from beside him.

Severus looked over to the man sprawled out in the chair next to his bed, the cut on his forehead mostly healed, with a book in his lap.

"You've been out for three days," Blake said softly. "Ry was hoping you would make it four."

"Three days?" Severus asked in confusion.

"Nasty concussion," Blake replied. "Next time, I'm going to apparate us."

"What happened?" Severus asked.

"You tell me," Blake countered. "It was just lucky that some parts of us didn't end up, not with us."

"You're not making sense," Severus snapped.

Blake gave him a grin and Severus noticed how tired the man looked.

"Have you slept?" Severus asked in concern.

"Ah," Blake replied as he ran a hand over his head and Severus could see the way that it shook slightly. "Not much. You, however, have had three days of sleeping. So, should be nice and refreshed to torment your potion students."

"Have you had chocolate?" Severus asked softly.

Blake gave him a lopsided grin and he groaned until Blake's eye flicked up as Poppy slammed her door loudly.

"Mr Sun!" Poppy's voice lashed out in a hiss.

"Not doing anything," Blake said softly and held up the book in his hands. "See, just reading my book and minding my own business. He's awake by the way."

Poppy gasped and hurried over and quickly pulled her wand as Blake sprawled back in his chair and watched her with unreadable green eyes.

"How do you feel Severus?" Poppy asked kindly as she looked down at him. "Do you feel sick or is your head spinning?"

"No," Severus replied. "I'm fine."

Blake snorted and Severus looked over at him but he just looked back mildly, but Severus could pick out the tension in the other man's body.

"Enough out of you, Mr Sun!" Poppy snapped at the man and Severus frowned.

"I'll be leaving then," Blake said and pulled himself to his feet and placed his book on the bedside table. "I'll be back tonight, Severus."

Severus's watched him with sharp eyes and could tell the man was still hurting as he grasped his hand before turning and limping out of the room, his cane tapping softly. He turned to see Poppy watching him with sharp eyes as well.

"You were hit by a spell we haven't seen before," Poppy said softly, drawing his attention back. "Took him a day to work it out while we were all scrambling around. I wanted to send you to St Mungo's but he refused. I called in some healers from St Mungo's to assess you and I was sure he was going to use his sword against one of them. You don't have a next of kin listed and he is your partner but that only went so far…He can be a bit scary when he gets angry, Albus had to come down and remove him. He's refused all medical help since then."

"He doesn't look well," Severus replied.

"No, he doesn't." Poppy snapped, then softened her tone. "He hasn't stopped since you both came back. The stubborn man, if he keeps this up he is going to collapse."

"What was the spell?" Severus asked softly.

"It was attacking your magic," Poppy said quietly. "But it seemed to have a delay in it, it didn't kick in until you apparated to the school, then it started to drain your magic off quickly. You might feel a little weak for a while but your levels are already starting to go up. Blake mentioned it was an adaption from an old Russian spell. He could tell you more since he cast the counter charm."

Poppy ran her wand over him one more time and he could faintly feel her magic settle over him. Severus reached over and snagged the book Blake had been reading off the table but it was written in Russian so he placed it back on the table.

"You are free to go," Poppy said with a small smile. "Blake brought you up some clothes, they are in the bathroom."

"Thank you, Poppy." Severus said quietly.

The woman gave him a small smile before turning and heading back to her office. Severus looked up at the doorway, but Blake wasn't there.



Harry looked up as Kingsley moved towards him and he gave the man a small smile. He watched as the man's dark eyes looked him over before he gave him a nod and led the way into the building they were using to keep the death eater from the raid a few days before.

"How's Snape?" Kingsley asked softly.

"Awake," Harry replied. "Still not snarky yet, but give him time."

Kingsley bared his teeth in a grin.

"A few of my Aurors have been spreading stories about his fighting and those glass balls that you two had," Kingsley remarked.

"About him fighting on our side, right?" Harry asked with amusement.

"That too," Kingsley said in amusement. "Plus, he did teach some of them. So, I don't think they were expecting that from him."

Harry gave the man an amused smile as they worked their way further into the building and towards the cells. They had brought the building off a muggle that needed to off load it quickly and had out fitted it as a prison easily from the office building it had once been. It stood at five stories but Harry had been working on building underground levels months before the raid happened and he'd worked the wards into the dark mark.

By linking it to the dark mark, anyone that walked over the threshold that had one would be trapped by the wards. It was a one-way spell and very advanced in not only magic but in time as well since the spell hadn't been invented yet. They had a muggle contractor that delivered all the food they needed every day to keep the number of wizards and witches that knew about the prison to a minimum.

Harry and Kingsley surrendered their wands and anything else with a pointy end at the check point. Harry could tell that Kingsley looked uneasy about giving up his wand as Harry just placed them down calmly, without caring. The Auror looked his wands over in interest.

"What is this one made of?" The Auror asked, holding up the elder wand.

"No idea," Harry replied. "Some type of dark wood. The other one is made from cherry wood, with a silver core."

"Silver?" Kingsley asked in interest.

"Yes," Harry replied mildly. "It's better at channelling magic for wards than something else, makes it harder to break as well. The black wand is just temperamental. Feel free to have a play around with it, just watch how much magic you put into the spell. Oh, and it bites."

"You are allowing me to use your wand?" The Auror asked in shock, as Kingsley looked over at the two wands in interest.

"Sure, the black one that is. Don't try the other one." Harry replied. "If it bites you, don't come crying to me. Lead the way Kingsley."

The tall man gave him a grin as they left the stunned Auror behind as they moved into the building's cell area.

"I think you just like to shock people," Kingsley said mildly.

Harry gave the man a lopsided grin.

"I try," Harry said mildly. "I bet there will be about a dozen of them there when we come back."

Harry paused for a second and Kingsley turned to him.

"Do you need a minute?" Kingsley asked in concern.

"Coffee first?" Harry asked and Kingsley barked a laugh.


Severus looked up when Blake's door opened and the man walked in, with a heavy limp. He looked Blake over as he came into the room and the other man gave him a smile.

"Where have you been?" Severus drawled.

"Prison," Blake replied, with a lopsided grin. "We are still working through the death eaters we arrested and the dark mark is being a pain."

Blake moved to his lounge and collapsed back onto it with a sigh.

"How are you feeling?" Blake asked as he looked over at him.

Severus got to his feet and moved over to Blake and looked down at the man without answering.

"Kingsley said I'm not allowed to bring my black wand to the prison again," Blake said with amusement in his eyes. "His Aurors got into trouble with it."

"They used your wand?" Severus snapped.

"With permission," Blake replied with a glint in his eye.

Severus groaned and rubbed his face before looking back at the man sprawled out over the lounge and Blake gave him a grin that went straight through him.

"It only bit one Auror," Blake said in amusement. "So, it must have been in a happy mood."

"You talk about it like it's alive," Severus said softly.

"Of course," Blake scoffed as he pulled the wand out and held it out to Severus.

Severus took it in his hand feeling the rough wood under his fingers and the power. He had held the wand a few times and it still surprised him, how easily Blake would hand it over without a care as the man looked at his watch.

"I'm going to head to bed until dinner," Blake said as he pulled himself to his feet. "I have a couple of students to teach after that. Have to be back at the prison in the morning, going to get a nice pay check from the Department this month."

Severus watched the man limp towards the bedroom in amusement as he still held the man's wand. Struck again with how little he knew about him. Blake paused at the bedroom door before turning and giving him a grin with intense green eyes.

"Good to see you up, Severus." Blake said softly. "Look after that wand for me, would you?"

Blake gave him a wink before slipping into the bedroom leaving the Slytherin holding the man's wand in his hands, a little unsure about what had just happened.


Severus woke with a start and frowned unsure what had woken him. He could feel Blake's back resting against his and he tried to relax back. He was just drifting off when Blake muttering something, startling him awake and he wiggled over onto his back with a frown. His ribs and stomach were still tender as he lifted himself up and looked down at the man curled up away from him.

Blake muttered something under his breath with a frown on his brow and Severus laid a hand on his side. Blake flinched slightly at the touch and Severus frowned.

"Blake?" Severus questioned quietly, but the man was out.

The slight light in the room let Severus see the thin line where Nott had cut his skin and the bruising on his side as he pushed the covers back. Blake curled up slightly and Severus ran his hand over his head but that just unsettled the man more, which was unlike him.

Blake muttered something and Severus was sure it wasn't in English as Blake's hand curled into a fist and he moved slightly.

"No," Blake suddenly whispered and his eyes seemed to flick under his lids.

"Blake?" Severus tried again and grabbed his shoulder.

He shook his shoulder slightly but the man didn't wake and Severus frowned. Blake was a very light sleeper and could go from asleep to awake, very fast, unlike anyone he had seen before.

"No, Alissa." Blake whispered, and pushed back against Severus. "Nikolai!"

Severus jolted at the name and paled as Blake muttered a couple of other words he couldn't understand. The man was dreaming of his son.

"Blake," Severus tried again.

Blake pushed back against him and Severus wrapped his arms around the other man when suddenly Blake pulled himself away with a cry and fell from the bed with a crash.


Severus scrambled across the bed and looked down into puzzled green eyes of the man on the floor in a tangle of the blanket.

"Did I just fall out of bed?" Blake asked, as he looked around puzzled as he ran a hand over his head.

"Evidently," Severus replied in amusement.

"Oh," Blake replied. "Oops."

Blake pulled himself up and Severus winched in sympathy when Blake grimaced as he got his feet under him and Severus pulled the blanket back onto the bed.

"You were having a nightmare," Severus said softly and Blake stilled.

"Do you want me to sleep on the couch?" Blake asked, not getting into the bed.

"What?" Severus said softly. "Why?"

Blake ran a hand over his head, just standing there naked and Severus ran his eyes over the bruising and the way the man stood.

"So, you can sleep," Blake replied, mildly.

Severus frowned as he looked at him, while Blake just looked back with unreadable eyes.

"Okay," Blake said softly. "I'll sleep out on the couch."

"No," Severus snapped and Blake flinched. "Come back to bed."

Blake just stood there looking at him and Severus's frown deepened.

"Hurry up," Severus said softly. "I have classes in the morning."

Blake nodded and moved back under the covers but curled up on the edge of the bed with his back to Severus. He placed his hand on Blake's back and could feel the tense muscles under his hand. He ran his hand down the man's back and wiggled closer until he could wrap himself around him.

Blake relaxed slightly as Severus held him and closed his eyes as sleep over came him. He startled awake when Blake yelled out in his sleep and his hold tightened around his waist.

"Blake?" Severus whispered.

"Sorry," Blake replied softly.

"Sh," Severus said softly and ran a hand down the man's side as he shook slightly.

Blake relaxed slowly and his breathing even out as Severus fell back to sleep. Sometime later Severus woke for the third time and frowned when he wasn't curled up around Blake. He glanced over his shoulder but the man wasn't there and it was about two in the morning.

He pulled himself to his feet and moved to the lounge room. His heart clenched when he found Blake asleep on the lounge, curled up slightly with his arm hanging over the side. The man was short enough that he could stretch out without a problem on the lounge as Severus kneeled down and ran his hand over the man's hair fondly.

Blake was still restless as he ran a hand over his hair a couple of times before using the bathroom. He moved back into the living room and looked down at Blake asleep on the lounge and sighed, before moving back to the bedroom.


Harry was on his third cup of coffee as he looked out at the students before him, it was still early in the morning and a lot of students hadn't arrived yet for breakfast. He was due at the prison at eight to try and break through the spell on the dark mark so that each of the prisoners could be processed.

"Hey," Severus said softly, as he sat in the seat next to him.

Harry looked over at the man and pushed the coffee pot his way. He could see the man was tired.

"I'll be at the Ministry or the prison all day today," Harry said softly. "I'm hoping to be back in time for dinner, if it runs late, I'll stay at my apartment in London."

Harry noticed Severus's hand pause as he reached for the sugar.

"Kinsley is getting a little frustrated that the spell in the dark mark is being stubborn," Harry said softly. "Not to mention the paperwork. How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, Blake." Severus said softly.

"No side effects from the spell that hit you?" Harry asked as he looked the man over.

"I am well enough to teach potions," Severus replied mildly, but his eyes were intense as they looked at him.

"I'm sure Ry will be thrilled," Harry replied with a smile.

"Are you okay?" Severus whispered, as he leaned in close to him.

"All good," Harry replied softly, with a smile. "Sorry about last night."

"Oh!" Dracka said as he crashed into his seat on the other side of Harry. "Problems?"

"Nope," Harry said. "Want to come to the Ministry to fill out paperwork?"

Harry smirked as Dracka shivered.

"Well, I'll be off." Harry said as he got to his feet. "Severus, I'll call you if I'm staying in London. Have fun playing with your potions."

Harry gave the man a wink, but Severus just watched him with unreadable black eyes and Harry frowned.

"Leaving, Blake?" Albus asked, moving towards his seat. Drawing away his attention.

"Yeah," Harry said, as he looked over at the Headmaster. "I'll bring you back some files when I get back. Think of it was homework."

"Good luck, my boy." Albus said with a twinkle in his eyes.

Harry gave him a smile before moving away and out of the hall.


Harry looked up as Simon Giller, the Auror assigned to him today, pulled a young man into the room. He locked the cuffs around the man's wrist on the table top in front of Harry and Kingsley. Harry looked over the young man and he shifted slightly. Simon pulled the young man's left sleeve up and Harry ran his hand down his skin, feeling the edges of the tattoo under his hand but couldn't see it.

"Name?" Kingsley asked blandly.

"Ken Milton," Harry answered for the man. "Was a Hufflepuff, he graduated last year. Hold still Mr Milton."

Harry placed his hand over the dark mark and closed his eyes. He felt the dark magic under his palm and tiredly picked his way through the mark. Picking up where he had left off the day before with a different death eater.

"What are you doing?" Milton asked.

"Breaking the spell in the dark mark to reveal it," Harry replied calmly. "Please hold still and don't say anything."

Harry carefully picked his way through the spells in the mark, looking for the right one. It took him a good half an hour to find what he was looking for and he sighed as he picked up the spell and looked it over to make sure before cutting through it and lifting his hand.

The tattoo stood out on the young man's skin and Kingsley wrote in 'Death eater confirmed' on his paperwork. Harry sat back in his seat and look up into the pale face of the young man before him.

Kinsley started his questions as Harry sat back in his seat and would pick up the surface thoughts of the man in front of him to make sure if he was telling the truth or not as Kingsley went through his questions. Harry would silently indicate to Kingsley if he was being truthful or not as the Auror ran through his questions.

Over an hour later, Ken Milton was removed and the next prisoner was brought in and it started all over again.

Harry was exhausted when he finally collapsed on his bed at his London apartment that night, Kinsley wanted him back again the next morning and it didn't take long for him to fall asleep.


"Snape," Severus answered his phone as he moved towards the great hall for dinner.

"Come and collect, Blake." Kinsley said calmly and Severus froze.

"What happened?" Severus snapped.

"He collapsed," Kinsley replied. "We had a medic look him over and he is sleeping now."

"Has he woken up?" Severus asked sharply.

"No." Kinsley replied, and Severus could hear something in the man's voice.

"Where are you?" Severus asked.

"At the prison," Kingsley replied. "We locked him into one of the cells, since we don't have a medical bay set up yet. Albus has the address, you might want to bring the vampire. You won't be able to step over the threshold of the main prison."

Severus could feel a coldness in his stomach at those words.

"Why can't I step over the threshold?" Severus asked as he moved towards the Headmaster and Dracka at the Head Table.

"You can, but you won't be able to leave," Kingsley said softly. "The prison wards are tied into the dark mark, Snape."

"I'll be there soon," Severus said and hung up the phone.

"Is there a problem?" Albus asked when he saw him.

"I need the address to the prison." Severus said sharply, after he brought up a silencing charm around them. "Blake collapsed."

Dracka hissed a breath and his eyes turned red as Albus looked at him with wide eyes.

"He what?" Albus said in shock.

"Kingsley just called," Severus replied.

Albus pulled a piece of paper out of his robe and a quill and wrote out the address and apparation point before handing it to Severus, looking pale.

"Come on, Dracka." Severus said, as he nodded at Albus in thanks. "We have to break Blake out of prison."

Albus snorted.

"Always thought we would have to use those words," Dracka said softly. "But I was thinking more of a muggle prison."

Severus turned on his heel, his robes flaring as he marched from the hall with Dracka on his heels. Once they were passed the wards Severus grabbed the vampire and looked down at the piece of paper and apparated.

Severus and Dracka looked around the normal looking muggle neighbourhood and the two men shrugged out of their robes, shrunk them and placed them away. They shared a look before moving out of the alley and onto the busy street as Severus lead them to the address on the piece of paper.

They stopped outside a normal looking five story office building in interest.

"Blake's magic is on the wards," Dracka said softly.

Dracka stepped forward and opened the door for Severus, waving the other man in as Severus smirked. They walked into the nice entrance of the building and the woman behind the desk looked them over with interest. She was dressed like a muggle as she gave them a smile.

"Severus Snape and Rolf Dracka?" The woman asked.

"Yes," Dracka purred, moving closer to the woman with a smile on his face. "And you would be?"

"Auror Milly Sendon," The woman replied.

"So, nice to meet you." Dracka purred and held out a hand.

When the woman took his hand, he kissed her fingers and the woman blushed as Dracka gave her a wink.

"Dracka." Severus growled at the vampire, before turning to the woman. "We are here for Blake Sun."

"Oh!" The woman said as Dracka released her hand. "I'll just call up Auror Shacklebolt for you."

Dracka looked over his shoulder at Severus who scowled at the man as the woman kept eyeing the vampire off.

"Hungry, are you?" Severus hissed.

Dracka's smile widened as his eyes glinted.

"Are you offering, Severus?" Dracka asked as he moved closer to the other man.

Severus drew himself up as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked down his nose at the shorter man. Dracka just gave him a leer as Severus glared.

"Snape," Kingsley's voice broke into the stand-off. "Mr Dracka, please follow me. Severus, you can wait here."

The two men looked over at the tall dark-skinned man as he looked them over with dark eyes and a frown on his brow.

"No," Severus snapped, as he moved closer to Kingsley.

"You won't be able to step back over the threshold, Severus." Kingsley whispered softly to the man so that Milly couldn't hear them.

"Yes, I will be able to." Severus drawled. "Now, show us where Blake is."

Kingsley started, as he drew back a step before moving in close to Severus. They were of a similar height as Kingsley grabbed his left arm, where his dark mark used to be.

"The wards are tied to the dark mark," Kinsley hissed.

"Show us where Blake is," Severus hissed back.

"Is there a problem, sir?" Milly asked from her desk.

Dracka moved towards the woman's desk with a sly smile.

"Nothing to worry about, my dear." Dracka cooed.

Severus moved his body slightly and Kingsley released his arm. Severus pushed up his left sleeve, just revealing pale skin. Kingsley frowned and placed his hand on the man's forearm while Dracka distracted the woman.

"I will be able to pass over the wards," Severus said softly.

"How?" Kingsley gasped, since he couldn't feel the mark under his fingers.

"Who do you think?" Severus whispered.

Kingsley snatched his hand back, like he had been burnt with large eyes.

"Now, show me where Blake is." Severus hissed, his eyes flashing.

"Follow me," Kingsley said softly.

"Dracka!" Severus snapped. "Stop playing with your dinner!"

Dracka and Milly looked up and Dracka gave him a leer as he patted the woman on the shoulder and moved smoothly over to the other two men.

"Jealous?" Dracka drawled as he got closer.

"Of your next meal?" Severus questioned lightly. "Hardly. I'm sure with all these death eaters around, you could find an easier meal than an Auror."

Dracka perked up and twin dark eyes looked over at Kingsley and the man shifted slightly.

"Ah," Kingsley stuttered.

Dracka barked a laugh and clapped a hand to the man's shoulder.

"I'm sure Blake will do," Dracka replied and flashed his fangs in Shacklebolt's direction and the man paled.

Severus smirked as Kingsley stood rooted to the spot.

"Regretting asking the vampire to come?" Severus asked softly, with a glint in his eyes.

"I find these situations just come with having Blake Sun around," Kingsley said slowly, before moving off down the hallway. "You would think I would be used to it by now."

Severus and Dracka shared a look of amusement before following the other man. They stopped briefly to hand over their wards before moving into where the cells were. Kingsley stopped at one and pulled a key from his robe and unlocked the door and slid it open.

Severus moved forward to see Blake was curled up on his side on one of the beds looking pale. He knelt down beside the bed and ran his hand over the other man's head gently.

"Why did he collapse?" Dracka asked quietly next to Kingsley.

"Medic said exhaustion," Kingsley replied softly. "That's the problem with curse breakers. I should have called for another curse breaker to watch him as he worked, to stop this from happening. I think we forget sometimes…when it's Blake."

Severus ran his hand down to the man's shoulder and shook him gently. Blake jolted slightly and pale green eyes silted open to peer up at him before the man lifted a hand and rubbed his face before glancing around.

"Ah, shit." Blake whispered. "What did I do this time?"

"Used to waking up in prison, Mr Sun?" Severus asked softly, as Dracka and Kingsley snorted.

"Only when they catch me," Blake replied with a lopsided grin, but his tired eyes gave him away.

Blake rolled over onto his back and glanced over at the two men in the doorway with a frown.

"Why is the vampire here?" Blake asked.

"Kingsley thought I wouldn't be able to pass over the wards," Severus said softly. "Dracka was the back-up plan."

"Ah," Blake replied. "Hungry, Dracka?"

Dracka growled softly.

"Kingsley," Blake said softly. "I'm sure you can find something for Dracka. Ms Carter might be interested?"

"Come with me, Mr Dracka." Kinsley said with a smirk and led the vampire away.

Severus looked after them with wide eyes before turning back to Blake. The man gave him an amused smirk.

"He isn't going to let the vampire…" Severus trailed off.

Blake gave him a grin in answer before pulling himself into a sitting position and Severus stood up and looked down at him. Blake ran his hands over his head.

"I collapsed, didn't I?" Blake asked softly.

"Yes," Severus replied.

"Damn it," Blake swore. "Kingsley is probably going to have someone watching me now."

Blake reached over and picked up his cane before getting to his feet, swaying slightly. Severus resisted the temptation to reach out and steady him. Blake got his feet under him and Severus stepped back to the doorway.

"Are we leaving the vampire here?" Severus asked softly.

Blake looked around, his eyes slightly hollow and Severus frowned in concern.

"Sure," Blake replied. "Kingsley will look after him."

Severus adjusted his steps to Blake's as they moved through the hallways with Blake in the lead. The Auror at the main desk of the cells gave Blake a smile as he handed over his wand and Blake passed it to Severus, to the Auror's surprise, as Severus held his hand out for his own wand. The man hesitated slightly before handing it over to Severus and he placed both wands away.

"Hope you are feeling better soon, Blake." The man said.

"Thank you, Tom." Blake said with a smile. "I'll see you in a couple of days."

The man gave him another smile as Blake and Severus moved through to the main entrance. The woman looked up with a smile that dimmed slightly when she didn't see Dracka but then brightened when she saw Blake.

"Feeling better, Blake?" Milly asked with a smile.

"Yes, thank you." Blake replied with a smile and grabbed Severus's hand. "Bye, Milly."

Severus started slightly and glanced down at Blake in surprise but the man was looking over at the woman before limping towards the main door.

"Bye, Blake." Milly called out after them.

Blake apparated them as they took one step out of the doors and before they could move out onto the street. Severus grabbed the man when he stumbled into his side as they landed. Blake didn't pull away and Severus tightened his arms around him.

Severus and Blake soaked in the cool night as they stood there, listening to the animals calling out softly as they looked up at the castle. Blake leaned back into Severus's chest as the taller man wrapped his arms around his stomach.

"Fawkes is out," Blake pointed out. "I swear he always seems to burst into flames when the Headmaster calls me up to his office."

Severus snorted in amusement, while the two men watched the phoenix.

"What was the spell that hit me?" Severus asked quietly.

"I'm still not sure," Blake replied. "It seemed to be an adaption from an old Russian spell. It had a delay on it, which was lucky for us, or it could have kicked in when you apparated to the Weasleys shop."

"That would have been a shock for them," Severus said quietly and Blake snorted.

"It was a battle field spell," Blake said softly. "Do you remember which death eater cast it?"

"No," Severus replied. "I know I got hit with a blasting charm."

"Yes," Blake replied. "I read the files from the Aurors. They were impressed by your skills, by the way. I also think that they will be lining up outside the Weasley's store as well. Nott won't be happy when he gets the damage bill for his house."

Severus chuckled and tightened his hold around the other man.

"I like that man." Dracka said suddenly, as he apparated near them with a box in his hands.

Severus and Blake looked over at the vampire and he gave them a grin with a glint in his eyes.

"Even if he does make me do the heavy lifting," Dracka smirked, as he moved up towards the castle.

Blake groaned and tilted his head back against Severus's chest as the taller man held him.

"Oh, god." Blake moaned. "What have I created."


Harry sighed as the warm water ran over his back, relaxing the tense muscles.

"I hope you haven't drowned in there?" Severus called and Harry snorted.

"Hovering like a mother hen, Severus?" Harry called back.

"Only so you don't crack your head open if you fall asleep standing up," Severus drawled back.

Harry groaned and knew he wasn't going to live this down as the water pounded down on his head.

"It's not like this is the first time," Harry remarked.

"Of you collapsing at work," Severus said softly. "Yes, it is."

Harry started, as he realised that it was the first time that he'd collapsed at work while he'd been with Severus.

"Is this something I should get used to?" Severus asked mildly.

Harry stepped out of the shower and grabbed the towel Severus held out.

"Sorry," Harry replied. "And probably. Happens when working with spells and wards, you are too focused on them and nothing else around you. You don't notice you have pushed too far, until you are tipping over the edge, when you pull back from the magic."

Severus looked at him with dark unreadable eyes as he looked him over.

"Why did you want to sleep on the lounge?" Severus asked softly, throwing Harry.

Harry paused as he ran the towel over his head, spiking up his hair.

"So, you could get some sleep," Harry replied mildly, hanging his towel up. "Just easier than dealing with a grumpy lover in the morning. My wife used to kick me out of the bed when the nightmares were bad. They settle down eventually."

"You can talk to me about them, if that would help." Severus offered softly.

"I would rather not," Harry replied.

Severus pulled himself up to his full height as he crossed his arms and Harry silently cursed, he had hurt the man.

"Shit, Severus!" Harry cursed and ran a hand over his head. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that."

Severus looked him over with dark unreadable eyes.

"They are just nightmares and will fade," Harry said softly. "Nothing to worry about."

"You don't normally have nightmares," Severus replied.

Harry nodded and said, "But when I do, you know about it."

Severus's lips twitched and Harry gave him a grin and Severus's expression softened.

"Bed?" Harry asked softly.

"Bed," Severus agreed.


Severus woke to the feeling of Blake sprawled out over his back and snoring softly in his ear. He winched slightly at the tender feeling in his ribs as he grabbed Blake's hand and curled his fingers with the other man's. Feeling the rough feeling of his palm. Blake shifted slightly in his sleep and Severus breathed a little easier. He pushed back and Blake shifted until he was curled along his back instead of squashing him into the mattress. Severus smiled softly as he listened to the man's soft breathing before tangling his legs more with Blake's and falling back to sleep.


"That's the last of them," Harry said as he placed the file in front of Albus a week later in the Great Hall as he brought up a silencing charm around them. "Twenty-six with marks and eighteen without. The ones without go on trial next month, I have Mr Boulder's firm looking them over now. I'm sure we can draw it out for a few months. Leaving the Dark Lord short in supporters that little longer. I'm sure some paperwork could go missing as well for a while."

"Thank you, my boy." Albus said with a smile as he looked the man over.

"I'll need to borrow Dracka for a day to pick out the ones with creature blood," Harry said calmly as he looked over at the vampire who leered at him. "I'm sure he won't mind. Ms Carter has been asking for you Dracka."

A glint came into Dracka's eyes as Severus groaned.

"One of your meals, Dracka?" Severus asked smoothly.

Dracka turned his leer onto Severus as Harry looked at the two men before turning to Albus. The Headmaster was looking him over with an odd look in his eyes.

"What?" Harry asked softly.

"Nothing, my boy." Albus said softly. "I'm sure that Dracka can spare a Saturday or Sunday to help you."

"We'll keep them at the prison," Harry said. "I'll be reinforcing the wands next weekend."

"Why are you looking for creature blood?" Albus asked softly.

Harry stilled as he reached for the tea on the table and Dracka and Severus turned to him as well.

"It will become important," Harry said carefully. "But not yet."

Dracka sat up in his seat and focused on him, his eyes intense with a slight frown on his brow.

"But that is a concern for another day," Harry said calmly as he sat back in his seat and looked out over the hall.

"Care to explain?" Severus drawled.

"No," Harry said shortly and the conversation dropped.


Dracka watched Blake out of the corner of his eye as they walked down the muggle street just before dawn. It was mostly deserted as they walked along and Dracka knew it was going to be a long day since they wouldn't be leaving until after the sun set. The man looked better than he had over the last couple of weeks but he still looked tired as they walked along and the demon in the back of his mind took notice as the man's scent reached his nose as they moved.

Blake paused at the office building, serving as the prison and grabbed the front door and held it open for Dracka with a glint in his eyes. Dracka flashed him a grin as he stepped in and he eyed off the woman behind the desk, since the prison was manned twenty-four hours a day.

"Mr Dracka," The woman greeted with a smile, eyes only for him as he smoothly moved closer.

Blake sighed and moved towards the chairs next to the door that lead into the main prison as Dracka smiled at the woman at the desk.

"Milly, my dear." Dracka cooed as he moved closer and the woman's scent rolled towards him.

"Are you here for long, Rolf?" Milly said as she brushed her brown hair behind her ear.

"Just the day," Dracka replied, as Blake took a seat near the door at the back, watching them but not saying anything.

"Oh," The woman said with a smile. "I finish just before lunch if you wanted to get something?"

"I'm sorry, Milly." Dracka said softly. "I already have a date."

Milly's eyes flicked over to Blake and the man gave her a wink as he sprawled out in the chair.

"But," The woman stuttered.

"Perhaps another time?" Dracka said softly, with a smile.

"Ah," Milly said with wide eyes as he looked between Blake and Dracka.

Dracka gave her a disarming smile and moved towards Blake. The man got to his feet and opened the door to the main prison with a smirk.

"I'll see you later, Milly." Dracka called over as he moved passed Blake, making sure he brushed against the other man and watched Milly blush nicely.

Blake fell into step with him without a word and Dracka glanced over to him but the man's face was closed, not giving away his thoughts, as they moved through to the check point.

"Blake," Simon greeted with a smile. "How are you?"

"I'm well, Simon." Blake said, with a grin as he passed over his cherry wand. Dracka placed his light-coloured wand next to his, his wand an inch longer than Blake's. "We are just going to go for a little walk down the cells."

Dracka gave Blake a leer as the Auror took their wands and placed them away.

"Kingsley already rang," Simon said with a smile, as he slid a ring with keys on it towards Blake who scooped them up and placed them away in his pocket.

"Perfect," Blake replied as the Auror buzzed them into the cell area.

Blake and Dracka moved into the main cells and Dracka moved to the first cell with Blake behind him.

"Well," Blake said softly. "Do your vampire thing."

Dracka turned to the man in the small hallway as the noise of the men and woman in the cells washed over them and he stepped closer to Blake, his demon near the surface of his mind.

"Ms Carter, is in the fourth cell along." Blake said softly.

Dracka flicked his eyes over to the cell before turning back to see the smirk on Blake's face.

"Would you like me to put up a silencing charm?" Blake said with a leer that went straight through Dracka. "Or do you like an audience?"

Dracka smirked and stepped closer to the man and could see Blake tense, even if nothing showed on his face.

"I don't mind sharing?" Dracka said with a leer.

"I do," Blake replied mildly.

Dracka smirked at him as the demon in him growled but he pushed it to the side.

"Work first," Dracka replied mildly. "Pleasure later."

Blake's lips twisted up in a smile as he looked at him and Dracka stepped back to the first cell as Blake pulled out a notebook to write down anything Dracka could get from the prisoner.

They worked through the prisoners for the next few hours with Blake staying back and watching from outside the cell as Dracka moved forward and took a sniff of the death eaters. Blake's eyes on his back, as he worked with each person in the cells. Getting any information, he could, while still staying within the law.

They stopped for lunch in the rec room before moving onto the second level of the prison. Dracka looked Avery Nott over with a sneer when Blake opened the cell and stepped back to the wall.

"I was wondering when you would be back," Nott sneered as he looked over at Blake and Dracka growled slightly.

"Feeling lonely, were you?" Blake asked mildly as he leaned against the wall outside the cell.

Dracka moved into the cell and Nott's eyes flicked between the two men.

"What is this?" Nott demanded.

"This is my pet vampire," Blake said mildly. "Rolf Dracka."

Dracka leered over at Blake and Nott took advantage of his inattention and smashed into his side. Dracka growled and grabbed the man as he tried to dash towards the open cell door. Nott lashed out with his fist and Dracka let it fall on his ribs as he twisted the arm he held in his hand and pushed the man back and let him go.

Nott stumbled back with wide eyes as Dracka stalked forward, with the demon at the forefront of his mind. Nott scrambled back across the cell as Dracka moved in on the man.

"Do something!" Nott yelled at Blake.

"Why?" Blake said blandly.

"He'll kill me!" Nott yelped, as Dracka grabbed him.

Nott lashed out but Dracka used his added strength to twist the man around and push him face first into the wall. He twisted the man's arm up as he pushed his body into his back. Dracka licked up the side of the man's neck as he shook under him and the smell of fear rolling off the man made his mouth water.

"Sun!" Nott yelled.

Dracka glanced over his shoulder but Blake was just leaning against the wall calmly, with no expression on his face. Dracka turned back to Nott and breathed on his neck.

"This is against the law!" Nott squeaked.

"You attacked him first, Nott." Blake replied calmly. "He has a right, since at the moment, he is working for a member of the Ministry of Magic. If you didn't swing your fist at him, you wouldn't be in this situation."

"No!" Nott yelled as Dracka plunged his fangs into the man's neck and the man cried out.

The man struggled briefly as he drank in the man's blood and magic and the demon in him hummed in pleasure. He could feel Blake's eyes on his back as the man under him started to relax, he eased up and pulled back. Nott's eyes were glazed over as Dracka licked over the bite mark, just slight marks on the man's neck and let the man go.

Nott crumbled into a heap on the floor as he glazed up at Dracka with a slight smile on his face and Dracka sneered down at him before turning to Blake and stalking towards the other man.

"No creature blood there," Dracka said softly, as he moved close to Blake. "He should be out for a while."

Blake looked down at his notebook and wrote it down before moving around Dracka and closing the cell door.

"Next one then," Blake said calmly.

Dracka leaned in as the man went to pass him and took a sniff of his scent and Blake paused and glanced at him.

"Yes?" The man drawled.

"I hope the next one decides to fight as well," Dracka said with a leer, watching Blake carefully.

"Oh, god." Blake moaned as he moved to the next cell and opened the door and looked into the room. "I don't think you'll have a problem with this one."

Dracka moved forward as Blake moved back to the wall and he looked into the room to see the cowering man and he sneered.

"You take me to the best places," Dracka drawled over to him and Blake gave him a grin.

"Proceed, Mr Dracka." Blake said calmly and waved his hand.

A couple of hours later they made their way back down to the first floor and Dracka moved towards the cell containing Ms Alice Carter, Blake following behind. Blake moved forward and opened the cell before stepping to the side. Dracka gave him a leer as he moved into the cell and the woman looked up with a sly smile.

"Are you going to watch Blake?" Dracka asked over his shoulder, as he moved towards the woman and her smile widened as she got to her feet in a smooth movement.

"Just give me a call when you're done," Blake replied and closed the cell door but Dracka could still smell his scent in the hallway.

That added to the excitement as he moved towards the woman.


Harry let his head rest back against the wall outside the cell as he casually cast the silencing charm on the cell as he waited on the seat he had conjured. It didn't stop him from hearing what was going on in the cell, for he would still have to hear Dracka when the man wanted out, but at least the Aurors and prisoners wouldn't hear the vampire's antics.

He tuned them out as much as he could as he looked over the notebook in his hands. Once he was finished he pulled another notebook out of his pocket placed the two books together and with a whispered spell he copied one book to the other as the noise increased in the cell. He ignored his own reaction to the sound as he placed the two notebooks away. Bloody vampires.

He felt almost jealous with how much easier it was for them as he waited. From the sounds of it, Ms Carter was enjoying herself as Harry leaned his head back against the wall behind him and closed his eyes. The woman wasn't very powerful, but had vampire blood. Too much, from Dracka's reaction and her reaction to him. Bloody vampires.


Dracka licked his lips, very satisfied, as he pulled back from the woman under him. Alice looked up at him with a sly smile and ran her fingernails down his sides drawing blood and he growled softly and she eased off.

The woman shivered as their magic settled along her form and Dracka leered down at her before pulling himself to his feet. She looked over his naked body slowly and he gave her a wink. He had marked her as part of his Coven now, so she would fall under his protection as he looked her over. Only blood was necessary for that, but he would take whatever she wanted to offer and he had been very happy with what she had offered.

"Know any French?" Dracka asked as he slipped his pants on.

"No," Alice replied. "Will I need to?"

"It would help," Dracka replied. "My Coven is in France."

"My father's Coven is here," Alice replied with a smile as she sat up.

"You have two choices," Dracka said stalking closer. "Here in this cell or my Coven."

The woman grabbed his hips and pulled him closer to plant a kiss on his bare stomach and Dracka growled softly and she pulled back tilting her head slightly.

"You grew up in your father's Coven?" Dracka asked softly.

"Yes," Alice replied.

"So, you know the language," Dracka said softly as he placed his hands on the woman's shoulders.

"Yes," Alice replied with a smirk.

Dracka's eyes strayed to the dark mark on the woman's arm and ran his fingers down the tattoo. She shivered under his hand and pulled him closer as she flicked his belt back open with a sly smile.

"Too much vampire blood in you," Dracka muttered as she pushed his pants back down.

"That's rich coming from an elder vampire," Alice said with a smile before pulling him closer.


Harry started slightly when Dracka called his name having fell asleep on the chair he was sitting on as he waited.

"Open the bloody cell, Sun!" Dracka snapped.

"Yeah, hold on." Harry called, as he pulled himself to his feet stiffly. "I would say keep your pants on, but I think that would be a bad choice of words."

Dracka barked a laugh as Harry opened the cell and stood to the side as Dracka stepped out, looking very satisfied and well fed. The man gave him a leer and Harry ignored him as he closed the cell door behind him.

"She'll be moving to my Coven," Dracka stated calmly.

"After her trial," Harry replied mildly. "Then she will fall under your protection. It is likely she will be exiled from England, if you take her to France."

"Very well," Dracka purred and closed the gap between them.

Dracka stepped in close and gave him a sniff.

Harry lashed out with his fist and copped him a good one in the side and Dracka stumbled back with a grunt in surprise as he looked up at Harry with red eyes and a growl. Harry barred his teeth at the vampire and stepped forward with a soft growl of his own. Dracka's eyes widened as Harry stalked closer, forcing Dracka back a step.

"Do not push," Harry hissed, as he moved in close to Dracka and the vampire pulled himself up to his full height, holding his ground.

Harry closed the gap between them, his eyes blazing green and Dracka stepped back instinctively. Harry growled low in his throat and Dracka tilted his head slightly to the side. Harry held his ground for a second before taking one step back.

"Shall we go?" Harry asked mildly, as if the whole exchanged hadn't happened and the tension eased between them.

"Are you taking me to dinner in repayment for all this work?" Dracka asked softly.

Harry gave him a smirk in amusement.

"I thought I already did?"


Severus looked up as Blake and Dracka moved through the doors of the Great Hall together. Both men moving smoothly, even with Blake's cane, as they spoke quietly. He eyed them over while they were distracted and the easy way they moved. He could understand why some people would think that they were lovers as they made their way towards the Head Table and he watched the two men with dark eyes.

Blake turned slightly and gave him a grin as he moved towards Albus and placed a notebook in front of the Headmaster as Dracka moved around the table. Blake spoke quietly to the Headmaster and since Severus couldn't hear his words, he knew the man had thrown up a silencing charm around them. Dracka collapsed in the seat next to him and he glanced over at the vampire.

"You look happy," Severus drawled.

"More than that," Dracka drawled back with a leer that put Severus on edge.

"Have fun at the prison, did you?" Severus asked as he sat back in his seat.

Dracka gave him a wide smile, showing off his fangs as he lounged back in his seat.

"Ignore him," Blake said as he took a seat on the other side of Severus. "He's drunk on death eater blood."

Severus shivered as Dracka looked over at him.

"If you are sick later, it's your own fault." Blake said mildly as he filled his plate. "God only knows what's in Nott's blood."

"Didn't you handle his blood when you broke the blood wards?" Dracka pointed out, mildly.

"That's what magic is for. To burn away anything in the man's blood." Blake replied, then grimaced. "…And bleach."