
Dragon Subjugation

"Are you ready for the subjugation on the dragon?" asked Corn Dude as he sharpened his sword preparing for the next battle. Corn Dude was made of glistering corn from his head to his toes. He was known to be able to say some corny jokes.

"I'm ready, but I am still afraid. The dragon has defeated many heroes and destroyed many towns, who says we won't be destroyed like the others?" Leaf Man asked Corn Dude as he worried about his future. Leaf Man was made of leafs from the world tree that was centered in the middle of the world. It was guarded by pixies and elfs whom grew plants to protect the tree with them. Corn Dude and Leaf Man were two of the guardian plants.

Ring, Ding, Ring, Ding sounded out a loud clock standing approximately at 175 feet. They knew what that meant. The dragon was here.

"I wish the dragon would just leaf us alone," said Leaf Man as he stared into the sky watching for any signs of movement. There were fluctuations of wind in the air, then they saw it. The dragon was big and mighty standing at 250 meters long and 75 meters tall. The dragon was as black as the void and it claws were razor sharp looking as if it could cut the world apart. The dragon then spoke it's deep ancient like voice.

"If you would like to challenge me then come on or I will destroy the world tree and bring chaos to the world." Said the dragon in it's deep voice almost scaring Leaf Man and Corn Dude. They lost control over their body's and started to quiver in fear, as the dragon stared down everyone within the vicinity of the world tree.

"Everyone get into your formations!" Yelped the guard as he saw everyone cowering in fear. The twenty-thousand elites of the elfin kingdom started to get into formation to take on the dragon. The archers, mages, and priests stood back while the knights went to the front line. The dragon just stood there gazing at the ignorant elf's and their guardian plants for thinking they could stop him.

"Are you ready to experience my all mighty might?" said the black dragon questioning his opponents as they got done gathering into their respective formations.

"We are ready to take you on any day, you pitiful snake," shouted Corn Dude.

The dragon started the battle by firing his fire breath at the plants, making them take substantial damage. They weren't destroyed however because they were all equipped in fire resistance armor. The knights started their advance onto the dragon. They rushed with all their strength. The dragon swiped his claws left and right, but the knights still charged forwards.

"Ready! Fire!" ordered a commander to the archers on the battlefield. The mages also received similar orders. The archers started firing special arrows meant to penetrate dragon scales. They enchanted the arrows as well making them faster than normal. The mages were divided into two groups, the druids and the battle mages. The battle mages fired their fireballs, ice spears and even casting advanced spells which were hard to come by. . The priests were ordered to heal any comrades who were taken back to camp. They also had abilities which enhanced the defensive abilities of those who were in the battlefield. The defensive buffs ranged from a silver white radiance surrounding the body to putting temporary defensive buffs on the knights armors.

The dragon started to get angry at those pitiful ants biting him, as the saying goes with enough ants they could even kill the strongest of beings. This was evident here as the dragon started to grow tired and was sustaining injuries. The dragon knew it couldn't go on this way forever, so it started to chant a forbidden spell to kill those who go against it.

"Aam Maar Nau Fin Nivahriin Jul," the dragon started to chant his spell commanding the world to come to an eerie silence. The dragon was gathering what seemed to be a pure black energy, which seemed to come from the void itself. This energy represented chaos and destruction and it was gathering to serve the dragons purpose. "Lo Fin Lok Ahrk Al Evenaar Fin Gol," The dragon was close to finishing its chant, if it wasn't stopped soon their army would be obliterated.

Leaf Man was holding the hopes of many people as he had nearby mages diffuse their mana into his last arrow. It was a rush to destroy the dragon before it destroys them and even worse the world tree. This arrow was one of many attempts to kill the dragon while he was chanting, however this arrow was special. It was a keepsake passed down from guardian to guardian through the ages and the shaft was made of mithril an rare and strong metal. The arrow on the back of the arrow shaft was made of phoenix feathers while the tip was made of Orichalcum and was dripped with hydra poison. Leaf Man steadied his aim and shot towards one of the only venerable parts on the dragon, his eye. The arrow flashed through the air and arrived before the dragon's eye and pierced it. Blood oozed from the eye as the dragon roared in rage and pain as the people whom he deemed ants injured him. The dragons chant was broken and

"Don't let it recover, use your greatest defensive spell and quickly," yelled Leaf Man as he saw most of his comrades were in a daze from the enraged dragon mighty roar. The dragons failed spell started to become unstable and could explode at anytime. Corn Dude and the other knights saw this and rushed to put up their shields or swords in hopes of defending off the spell. Corn Dude raised his sword high. His sword was special he too was passed on an ancient weapon, but unlike Leaf Man it was a sword. To be exact it was a dragon slaying sword. The orb of chaos exploded annihilating the surrounding however only twenty percent of the army died.

"Corn Dude!" Yelled Leaf Man as he saw Corn Dude getting obliterated from the blast.

The dragon had died from the black, but at what cost? Leaf Man thought as he stared into the battle field. He had lost his best friend and the elfin kingdom had lost 20 percent of its elites. The elfin kingdom would later find out that the dragon had destroyed many towns and cities on its way to them, causing a devastating lost. A grand banquet was later thrown that night and all those who served in the dragon subjugation were invited. They drank all night long to forget the pain and loneliness of their lost comrades. A memorial was later resurrected near the world tree with all those who died on it.