
Collection of Horror Tales

Author: l_ovecraft
Completed · 573.7K Views
  • 38 Chs
  • 4.0
    22 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Collection of Horror Tales

Read ‘Collection of Horror Tales’ Online for Free, written by the author l_ovecraft, This book is a Horror&Thriller Novel, covering Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Each chapter is independent, but each Volume has its own tale. The first Tale is about a Daemon, hungry for souls and a ...


Each chapter is independent, but each Volume has its own tale. The first Tale is about a Daemon, hungry for souls and a soul that struggles against him. -Release rate: Im done with this website, im sorry to everybody hoping for new chapters. - new Cover made by: yaoyueyi (Thank you ^^)

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最近几年刮起了一股“穿书热”,陶瓷也赶了回时髦,不过这画风貌似有点不对。 别人家穿的全是人,轮到她时,好家伙,直接跨越物种变成兽了。 当兽,陶瓷忍了,再不济弄个神兽当当,结果tm还是上古凶兽“饕餮”,作者你出来,咱们聊聊人生,我保证不打死你。 山海经自成一方天地,名曰“山海大陆”,好不容易等某女勉强接受自己的身份,却发现她除了吃,啥也不会。 陶瓷一直以为自己很废材,后来她错了,发现自己啥都能吃,靠吃升级,开局就无敌,秒杀全场。 不过,每回无敌后便会进入“cd虚弱期”,并且每回都被同一个毒舌男捡到,欧不,应该是毒舌傲娇兽。他是传说的瑞兽“黄鸟”名叫“青釉”。 经过陶瓷鉴定,青釉这厮是个表里不一的反派大佬。 颜汪瓷vs傲娇釉小剧场: 初见时,某瓷:“公子,你缺媳妇吗?长得漂亮,上的厅堂下的厨房,还会暖床的那种……” 某釉:“不缺,你太丑,看了就反胃……” 深爱后,某釉:“美人,你缺相公吗?长得俊朗,洗衣做饭样样会,会撒娇哄人的那种……”。 某瓷:“不缺,你太娘,看了就想吐……”。 话落,某瓷真吐了,某釉脸黑了。 从这以后,青釉有个新称呼“炫妻狂魔”。 #毒舌一时爽,事后火葬场#

墨染凌风 · General
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115 Chs


How will you respond if someone tells you that everything that happens to you is predetermined and referred to as "Fate," and that you are nothing more than a pawn of God's will? God has written your fate on your forehead, and you have no free will That too, in this modern world where the world is driven by science and technology? "Just get the hell out of here, man," you'd reply. "I don't have time to listen to your bullshit." Then what will you do, when the things you pushed as bullshit become reality and you realized that you are just a pawn in God's play? You were cursed with a dreadful fate, lived a lonely and wretched life, and eventually, your life ended on a tragic note. What will you do if the God who sentenced you to this pathetic fate grants you another chance to live in a world that isn't yours? Would you be willing to accept it? "Haha, who wouldn't? " But there seems to be a problem that I'm not the protagonist or have any extraordinary abilities. Like in my past world a normal outcast extra out there in a bunch. "Tsk, This is going to be a problem." However, it is worthwhile to attempt to make the most of this new life. ============= Readers Disclaimer: Good day, Readers! It is a great honor for me that you have taken the time to read this. I hope you find it enjoyable. Because this is my first time writing, there may be some flaws, which I aim to address in the future with your assistance and support. There are several elements that are comparable to the books, such as The Novel's Extra and The Author's POV, because I used them as a starting point. Although there are some similarities, the tale is entirely distinct. I look forward to receiving your love and support.

Warlord_Challa · Fantasy
68 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :Jack´s Myth
Volume 2 :American Spirit
Volume 3 :Modern Horror
Volume 4 :Harbinger of death


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These arent your average scary stories. Theyre longer and more accurate than most of the well known stories that everyone seems to recognize. Anyways i just wanna level up lmao


This isn't just spooky stories you would read. This. Are more for the gore lovers. If you want a stomach twist or a gory nightmare than go ahead... If you dare...


It is an amazing story so far every should read it. And the it just such an amazing piece of writing. This is worth the time to read. So read it and enjoy


The stories are great and adventures. I could not wait to read the story. I was at the edge of my seat. Just enjoying each one. I'm waiting for the next chapter.


I was in search of some horrifying tales and yup I found this book. It's truly awesome . I loved it a lot . The tales are scary and not too long . I found this book way too interesting because even if u are a new reader of horror fiction genere you are not going to face any sort of difficulty while reading because the author has explained about the terms in a really simple and detailed way.


My old book, i like this as my own timecapsule


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I liked the boook but some part of that book doesn't allow me to give full ratings. I am also not able to tell what's wrong here. Please take it positively author.


so far so good, some of the stories I liked such as the suicide forest one, the one that seemed to be about the one possessed by jack the ripper or jack being demon possessed was also interesting.


Hey there! Good day for writing! If you wanted to see whether you can get paid by distributing the current work or getting financial support by writing new work, you might want to contact geekyteddyyo@gmail.com. A brief introduction, some sample charpters or links will be appriciated when reaching out.


Hey there! Good day for writing! If you wanted to see whether you can get paid by distributing the current work or getting financial support by writing new work, you might want to contact cathyringdom@gmail.com. A brief introduction, some sample chapters or links will be appreciated when reaching out.


I really liked this one it was a good read I really enjoyed the last part of the books although I feel it should have been in 2 books! Thanks for the book




I love horror stories, so this is my type of a book. If you like scary stories, check this out https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=K_XDNt0L-F4 Chilling


The story should be good but due to the constant grammar error which confused me a lot, I couldn't continue reading even if I tried. Please fix this, thank you.🙇‍♂️




It had got my interest for quite sometime now... Dear author it's a good job done.. please don't stop and give us more updates on the same. It's a decent story you have here.. kudos


Honestly I don't understand a quarter of what I just read. It's just so confusing and complicated, I had to just skip some chapters since I didn't understand what it was talking about 🤔🤔


Some are hell scary giving you nightmares and some are bit hard to understand but overall you should give it a try👏🧐. ..........................................................


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