
Collecting Waifu's in another world.

(Same with BAPTMW I finally decided to come back and rewrite my very first story "Player in HI3". I decided to start new with the same characters but in a new world rather than HI3 as it's too convoluted for my ape brain.) Synopsis: When a girl who loves collecting girls as pets suddenly died due unfortunate circumstances. She gets reincarnated by a Goddess with her wish in a world full of beautiful girls but with a condition that she does not expect... Worlds: DxD Tensura ...? Current world DxD DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of the characters aside from my OC's, they all belong to their respective owners/franchises.

Sako_6179 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

Pov: Rina

Waking up I open my eyes and see the cloudy sky. I sat up and looked around me I noticed that I was in some sort of forest.

"Hmmm where am I?"

As I was thinking of my location a letter and a box appeared in front of me.

"Guess this must be the gift RoB me." I said while picking up the letter, It said.

"Hello dear Rina here is my gift and only mission to you. You can only open the box when you have enough mastery of your abilities and about 1000 Soldiers. Remember your mission is to take care of what is inside the box. The gift is an Inventory where you can store both biological and non biological entities and the powers of the Full Herrsher of the Void as I've realized that in the world you currently are Reason won't be enough. While remaining details of your mission will be explained after you open it, also Can call me Lia not Rob." Reading this Immediately bowed and said.

"Forgive me Lia sama and Thank you for your gift!"

As if Lia sama heard me, the cloudy sky becomes clear and blue.

"Sigh it's not good trying to piss off the one who gives you powers in a world where powers are needed."

I am someone who knows where they stand and will only step out if I know I can do it.

"Hmmm So I now have Void in me?" I said trying to feel my powers when I felt like my head was gonna explode.


A couple minutes later the pain was finally gone and everything become clear to me.

"Haa... haa... ha.. I see so thats how it is."

I now have a brain capable of parallel processing, analysis and all that stuff.

"lets try again."

I once again tried to feel my powers and I can now feel like I have three Hearts all beating differently. Void is beating all over the place while Reason is beating even more stable than my original heart!

"Ok I better leave or else someone from the big guys might arrive here."

I then looked into the box before just shrugging it off and putting it into my inventory.

"Now where to? If the information is correct then I am in a forest near Kouh so I better just go there and maybe "Borrow" and house from people. "

As I was about to open a portal another letter arrive in front of me saying.

"I have prepared you an identity as a New Teacher in Kouh and if you're planning on not doing it just use clones. I know with your current abilities you can easily control multiple bodies." it said while starting to burn.

Looking at the burning letter I immediately opened the portal.

"Well looks like I'll be a teacher now but I better go as I feel something strong is approaching."

Pov: 3rd

In the area Rina just left certain Silver haired maid have appeared.

"Hmm traces of an unknown energy is still fresh here better withdraw and report this for now."

After she left Rina showed up in a portal and said.

"Good thing I can stay in a different dimension thanks to my void powers. So it was Grafia that got sent to investigate first, well that got her the first in my list of pets to collect. Also I managed to leave behind a mechanical bug on so she won't even sense it because its only powered by a couple of batteries. It should be able to hold on for a few days before going out of batteries. But for now I better test my abilities and think of a basic plan or goal."

Arriving in Kouh Rina just started walking into the house that was given tofron

"This should be it right?" Rina said looking into a simple average looking house.

(A/N: It's about the same as the hyoudou's house before it got remodeled.)

"Well it's already better than my previous one so it's a win in my book." She said examining ths insides of the house.

"Better get settled so I can start planning but before that is Baths! Nothing will get in between me and baths." Rina shouted before barreling straight into the bath.

Half and hour later Rina came out naked with only a towel covering her as she sat down on the couch.

"Now who should I start? The three lost Chickens or the innocent Nun hmm. Speaking of Nuns and chickens at which point has the plot progressed now? I quite lack information so I better start making scout soldiers now."

I then tried to activate my Rigging which basically just opens metal doors in my stomach where my soldiers will emerge.

"Well that's anti climatic, Oh well it is what it is and I guess it's better for concealme- Blurgg!"

I then started feeling heat in my stomach as I slowly saw a Figure of a naked girl walk out of the door in it. When the girl is finally out she slowly grew to my size and kneeled in front of me.


'Blurg I feel like throwing up, So this is what pregnancy feela like or something similar? Better get used to it unless it becomes a weakness. '

I looked into the girl in front of me, she has basic features but it can still be called a pretty girl.

'I bet Teenagers will immediately have hots for her hehe.'

"Who are you and what do you know?"

I know that the knowledge they get is what I give them but I still like to test it.

"Yes Creator! I am F-1 first of the F series made by my Creator Rina Izawa ready to fulfill all of my Creators request!"

"Interesting, For now satisfy me with your body till I order you to stop. You know what to do based on your implanted knowledge right?"

"Yes Creator!"

At which Rina just lay down on the bed and let F-1 do her thing. Meanwhile Grafia has arrived in Sirzechs Lucifer's office, seeing the maid arrive Sirzechs greeted her.

"Oh Grafia how was it? did you find anything about the unknown energy in Kouh?"

"Forgive me Sirzechs sama but I haven't found any traces of where it came from."

"Its fine Grafia donw worry about just tell the scouts to keep monitoring the area nearby just in case it returns."

"I shall have it done, what about Rias sama's Wedding?"

"...I'll think about it, let's just hope an opportunity arrives as I don't want my sister to suffer, you can go now Grafia."


Leaving outside the door Grafia came into a balcony and sigh.

"I am your wife here and you're still always thinking of your sister to the point of even sending me to unknown danger. just because it's near her, You down even hold me anymore." She clenches Her fist but soon calms down when she sensed another maid was passing by.

"Good Afternoon Grafia sama" the maid greeted.

"Good afternoon, you may continue your work."

"Yes Grafia sama!" Said the maid excitedly and left.

"I Better let these feelings in me die in me as this is my life now sigh." Grafia though not knowing a Mechanical bug was listening to her the whole time.

Back to Rina who is now sitting in the bed analysing the information from the mechanical bug.

"Interesting so Grafia and Sirzerch's relationship is not that good. Well that just makes it easier for me to obtain h- ah yes keep it doing there." She said further shoving F1's head into her crotch.

"Hmppp" F1 seeing her Creator enjoying her services happily continued.

"Aw thats the good stuff I'll just leave the complicated stuff later for now I'll just enjoy myself."

That night was one of he best Nights Rina got on years.

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