
Collecting Waifu's in another world.

(Same with BAPTMW I finally decided to come back and rewrite my very first story "Player in HI3". I decided to start new with the same characters but in a new world rather than HI3 as it's too convoluted for my ape brain.) Synopsis: When a girl who loves collecting girls as pets suddenly died due unfortunate circumstances. She gets reincarnated by a Goddess with her wish in a world full of beautiful girls but with a condition that she does not expect... Worlds: DxD Tensura ...? Current world DxD DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of the characters aside from my OC's, they all belong to their respective owners/franchises.

Sako_6179 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

(A/N: I did not named the characters here other than Rina and her pet's names because 1 Am bad at naming things 2 their not gonna last 1 Chapter. So who cares about fodders anyway am i right? Also if you guys see any wrong grammar or missing word please tell me in the comment section thank you. Anyways That's all enjoy reading. ^-^

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Flash back: 12 years ago

Pov: 3rd person

Rina was just walking home from school when a group of three boys and a girl started following her when she was going home because she is attracting the attention of the boy the girl loves. But because she has already used this situation since she was a kid she learned self defense and somehow managed to bring in a pepper spray and a taser her father used to have inside the school without getting found out. Looking around if there's any people around and after confirming there's no one nearby she runs into an alley next to her apartment and the four students run after her. The moment she reaches the alley she stops and faces the four people who are still running after her. She reaches for the taser and pepper spray from her back pockets.

"Did you really think you can be better than me just because you're cute. John is mine so I am gonna make sure he will never look at your face again."

"I don't care about you and your obsession with a random guy. Not that a guy will be interested in a bitch like you in the first place anyways." Rina said with a blank expression on her face

Hearing this the girl got angry and shouted are her goons

"Get her and make sure her face never recovers I will pay the one that makes her face look like shit the most and gets higher amounts of money from me. "

Hearing this the three boys rushed into Rina not noticing what she had in her hands. As one was about to punch her to Rina she dodge the punch then prayed him in the eyes with pepper spray which caused him to scream and fall ovwr. Seeing this the other two tried to bring out a knife from their pockets but as they were about to pull their knives Rina was already in front of them. Then she sprayed one of them while she tased the other after which she ran to the girl. Seeing this the girl tried to run but Rina picked one knife from the boy and threw it to the girl's back leg making her fall on the ground. She then picked the other knife and started cutting the throats of the three boys carefully avoiding their flailing arms. The girl seeing this started to get scared and wet herself trying to crawl away from Rina. Rina then picked her bag on the ground and slowly walked towards the crying girl in front of her.

"No no no Get away from me!"

She's still trying to crawl away from Rina but As Rina was now already in front of her and lean down to her level and smile evilly.

"Looks like I'll have another pet to spend time with"

She then opens her bag getting a handkerchief

" Please I'll do anything you want I'll give you mone- Hhmp Hhmp hmmp"

Wrapping the handkerchief around the girl's mouth the girl fell unconscious.

"You should have said that earlier not that i would have missed my chance on getting a new pet to play with" She said as she walked to the dead bodies of the three boys.

Dragging each one of the bodies and throwing it into the big garage can. She returned to the girl and pulled out rope and a sack from her bag and started wrapping rope around the arms and legs of the girl then putting her into the sack and started carrying it to her home excited about her new pet. She then walked around the alleys where there were less people and was quite happy the apartment she picked was far away from many people. She hummed happily like a child after buying a new toy in a toystore.

As she was going to her apartment room She entered the emergency escape stairs on the back of her apartment building to avoid being seen around carrying something suspicious. Arriving at her home Rina put her stuff in their places first then she goes straight to the bathroom for a nice bath.

"ahh nothing beats a bath after a day's work" Rina said as she got out of the bath a few minutes later feeling refreshed

Then she goes to the dining table and just pops up 3 cup noodles and puts hot water in it. Soon the cup noodles were finally finished being cooked and Rina started eating.

"Hmmm though it's not the best it's the fastest way I currently have and am quite excited to play with my pet to prepare a proper food hehehe" Said as she finished eating.

She then giggled looking at the sack on the floor next to her. After throwing the trash away she slowly started walking to the sack and opened it revealing a. 17 year old Blond girl with a bit of a dark skin and has long ponytails with a school uniform. Seeing the girl Rina giggled excitedly on what she's gonna do on the girl. She then move the girl on the floor in her other room were she soundproofed the walls.

"Well Shall we get started "

She then got to her kitchen and got a bucket of cold water and splashed it to the girl


"kyaaa we-were am I"

The girl looks around and sees Rina looking at her from a chair. Then she remembered what happened earlier and started to cry and shake while saying.

"wha-what do you want from me"

She said it was still trembling. Seeing this Rina stood from her chair and faced the girl closer and said.

"Well since you ask I'll tell you my story so you better shut up and listen alright?

Rina said putting her hand on the girl's mouth. While the girl is nodded intensely at Rina's word.

"You see I have been pretty lonely since I was a kid and my parents told me before they died that a pet is one way to get over loneliness. But since they never told me which pet is the best for curing loneliness it took me a while to find the best one. Then one Day I got kidnapped by this big guy and let me tell you his really really big I think about 6.10f. Anyways being a 9 year old kid I didn't have a chance of escaping his clutches so I was brought into his house then I saw the best pet I've ever seen!"

Rina then looked at the girl and said

"Do you know what it is?"


"It was humans! well females to be exact in a cage with chains on them. He put me into this cell of some sorts and I hear him talking about me being a good product to sell. Then I see him talking on the phone saying I was worth 10 million yen or something."

Then Rina stood in front of the girl and got closer to her face while holding her in the shoulders and said.

"Can you believe it I was only worth 10 million yen and am not saying that I am a big headed bitch like you who thinks they're big time and all but I know that my beauty is totally more than 10 million yen. Anyways, where was I again? a yes after that phone call he got on of the other cell and dragged a girl out from it and chain her like a dog and clamp her chain to a nearby pole next to him. At that point I was really envious of the man so i called for him."

(Rina 9 years old)

"Heyy 'Trembling voice sounds' Mi-misters can you come here am gonna tell you something."

As the man was coming closer to me I slowly pulled the small pocket knife I always carry around. Good thing that the man didn't even try to check me because I was just a 9 year old at that time. Anyway by the time he was close to me I said to him to get closer so I can Whisper to him which surprisingly he did. As he lean his left ear into me I Stab his neck twice of the knife before backing away at the back of cell and was waiting for him to Die of blood loss after all dying from bloodloss doesn't just happen in an instant so there's still I chance he can choke me if I don't got away from him.

After a few minutes of confirming that his dead I stood up from the edge of my cell and walked to his body. Good thing he died next to my cell so manage to reach out for the keys on his body and opened my cell after I got out I saw the girl he was dragging earlier and began to beg me to free her which irritated me. So I Stab her which you might be asking why dis I Stab her too when I am looking for a pet and was Clearly envious of the guy because his dragging this girl. Well thats because she was already a used pet so I'd rather find my own and I was envious that he has a pet not about his pet. After that I came back home and began to prepare a plan to get myself my own pet.

Pov: End

After finishing telling the girl her story Rina grinned at the girl. Then she walks to her and slowly ties her up to a table with her ass facing Rina.

"wait! w-what are you gonna do to me"

she said now being scared out of her wits after hearing the story of the girl not the monster in a girl's skin in front of her.

"Well for one to become a pet they must first have their owners mark on them right? Nana dear can you get me the marking rod please~."

The moment she said that sounds of tools being thrown and hitting the ground can be heard.

'clang clang cling'

After a few minutes a girl with brown hair, no clothes, a burn mark in the form of the letter 'R' in her left breast and a collar with a chain around her neck came in. She then started walking in fours brinnging a metal rod with the letter 'R' at the end of the tip by her mouth and put it next to Rina. After she put the rod she the started to nuzzle her face at Rina legs.

"Tha-that's the class president she was confirmed missing last 5 months ago. What did you do to her."

Said the girl with a mix of anger because of what she did to her best friend and fear because of what's about to happen.

"Well she was annoying me with her responsible attitude and my last pet just died so I decided to make her my new pet at that time. Nothing that much just a simple torture, drugging and some Hypnotizing techniques did the trick."

then she glanced at her side while pointing her hand in the wall full of girls pictures.

"Each of them used to be my pet but neither of them lasted 4 months Not even 2months sometimes. But the good and perfect class president here is really a great girl to be able to last 5 months while still being as good as new is really deserving of a praise right Nana?" She said while patting her pet/Lili with her hand earning another purr from the girl.

"Ok now Nana sit here and I'll tend with your soon to be sister ok. "

Earning a nod from her pet she then picked up the metal rod and started heating it up in a stove nearby. Seeing this the girl begins to wet herself again and tremble from fear.

" Please, Please forgive me I won't do it anymore I'll be a good girl. I'll give you alot of money!"

She said while Rina finished heating up the rod and is going closer to her body that still strapping in the table and opening her upper clothes.

"No no somebody help me help me. Please I'll do anything you want ple- kyaaaaaaaa."

She said screaming in pain as Rina put the Hot metal rod in her ass and formed the letter 'R' in it. After a few minutes Rina removed the metal rod and stared at the unconscious girl who passed out because of the first time being able to feel that much pain and said.

"I should think of a new name for my pet hmmm."

"I know Since you're now my cat your name is gonna be Amy!" She then looked at the girl who is now named Amy.

"Welcome my dear new pet I hope we have so much fun in the future to come" Rina said while smiling happily.

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