
Collecting the piece's

[Finished] “If you want to protect someone you must sacrifice yourself. That is the world we live in.” Subconsciously a boy named Kiyora Jin had implanted this thought in his head. After going through the unsuccessfull life,not being able to protect the loved one he was in shambles but he kept on living until life decided to give him a second chance and he is determined to use it no matter what. ••••••• A slife of life story with a bit of murder mystery,drama and of course MILF'S. So try reading this book. It might become your favorite book some day. “Who knows?”

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Talk with parents

Chapter 17: Talk with parents.

I woke up and looked around my room. After some light stretching I decided to get of the bed and walk towards the bathroom. After finishing my bath and I got out of the bathroom. I wore a bath robe which covered every single parts of my body.No part of my body were exposed. Like in the those useless cringe anime or manga.

Right after sometime Alfred walks in and bows his head. I shook my hand.

" Leave the food on the bed ." I told him and he nodded his head , placing the food on the bed.

Today is a special day. A very special day. Today is a weekend. For many a weekend is just a normal day to them because they don't have exciting things to do but to me. It's different. Today is my date with Jin. After long wait I am finally able to go on a date with him but before that I must do something that is very important.

I grabbed my phone and called Jin who picked it up after few rings.

‹ Hello Rina good morning.›

" Hi Jin um...can you come here ? At my dorm? There is something I need to do."

‹ And may I ask what that is?› why does he sound so sus all of a sudden.

" Well I have a reason so why not come here."

‹Ok then I will be there.› he hangs up the call. Well now the time I need to set the things up.

" Alfred are you there?" I called him and after some time he came.

"Yes madam how may I help you?" he replied.

" Bring those papers." I told him.

"What papers?"

"The papers I told you to brought."

" .....I see then I will bring those said papers." he gets up and was going to leave the room.

".... Thank you ." He looks at me , confused as to asking why I am saying such things.

" Why?" as expected.

" For taking care of me when my parents were absent." I told him.

He smiled and nodded his head.

" That's my duty." he said and walked out of the room.

He has been there since the time I was a child. He been there for me and helped me when I need it. In both this life and the past life. He helped me sleep when I was scared ,he feed me food when I was hungry,he kept me company when I needed it the most. He was an ideal adult.

In my past life I looked at my parents as ideal ' Business man or women' but not as ideal adult. I didn't expect from them. And in my past life Alfred moved from our house when I was really young. So all I could do is to search for a ideal adult or if I have to be more specific then an ideal human being. Which is was unable to find.

Forget about past life. Let's focus on the current life of mine.

" Mistress here it is." he handed me a file which had some documents and a paper.

" Alright thank you Alfred. "

"Your welcome." he said and walked out of the room.

Now let's start preparation.





Who could it be? Ringing at such time.

Well I shouldn't make this person wait to answer the call.

" Hello?"

I picked up the call and decided it would be best if I could greet the person behind the call.


"I will be there." I said and place the phone down.

" Alfred."

"Yes my lady?"

"Lets go to home."

He nodded his head. If you are wondering why he was able to answer my call so quickly is because he stays at the next door and right at the next door is the dean. Due to some reason.

It's time to go back to home.


Rina and him were dating again.

If he were to put his thoughts into words then the word 'again' would have already been noticed by others. But it's true. But there is slight difference.

The difference being he isn't as useless or clueless as he was in his previous life. Also he knows where to put his money on to gain good income. The word 'again' wasn't needed here.

As said before today was the first date of Jin and Rina in this new life and he wants to talk with someone about this.

But he was unable to do so. Why? Because his heart was overflowing with emotion. He doesn't know what to do so he let's his instinct back him up for the time being.

After taking on the way home from college and as she points out that he wanted to go one a date with her. He was quite embarrassed. The reason being he was quite tired and due to his head no working perfectly he just did what came in his mind.

He again shared a new bond with his new love. The girl he felt head over heels for in both his past and current life.

It would make sense that he would be elastic .

It hasn't been long since they met again. How much time did they spend? 2 or 3 months.

Being away from his love ,it felt quite like forever.

In his previous life after a whole year of being friends with her he realized that he had fallen for her. And for 4 more months he kept that feeling to himself. Those four months may have passed away like a wind but for him. Those 4 months felt like forever.

A saying goes like this 'First love doesn't bear fruit ' but that didn't apply for Jin and Rina's case. Both in this life and past life.

He sighed. He was tired and sleep driven. Thinking about this date was still in his mind.

'I am too young for this'

'wait...I am in the current age for this...!!'

He sighed. He indeed is at the age of such thought.


He arrived at the dorm but was met with Alfred who looked at him.



The two were staring with each other. There was a quietness that could be sliced by kinfe.

"*Sigh*If you want to meet young mistress then you need to go to her house."

"And how do I do that? "

"....Take a taxy...."

"I meant where is her house...?"

"The two of you have been dating for months....and you don't know where he house is...? You know I am astonished..."

"Ya I don't know. So mind.... giving the address.."

"Sure. Give me your phone number I will send you the location."

Jin gives his phone to Alfred "Thanks"

"Not a problem."


Holy!!! No matter how many times I see this place it shocks me to the core.

I am currently in front of Rinas house. And good damn it's huge.

"Hello are you the boy Rina-chan always talks about?"

Rinas mother came and asked me. What should I do...? First let's answer her question.

" I-Yes I am Kiyora Jin. Pleased to meet you!"

I bowed my head and greeted her. That is the most efficient thing to do now. First impression matter most and second impression goes to hell.

"Oh my~ please come in. " I am glad. Glad that is worked.

The door by it self and I walked behind her. The garden is is taken care of regularly. That's what is seemed here.

The door opened and I saw both Rina and Mr ryoma sitting on a couch,in front of each other.

There was a serious atmosphere.

"Please take a sit beside her."

I was asked to sit beside Rina who smiled as our eyes met with each other.

"So your girlfriend beside you was thinking of marriage at such a young age...? Good to know that young generations are into marriage." Mr.Ryoma said.

Now that I think about it. His eyes are closed and he is smiling. Did something happen? Was something skipped? No maybe those detail will be added later on.

"Oh my~ I don't think it's a bad thing." Mrs shiki said.

"I am not saying it's bad. But you should know that Kiyora-kun here doesn't have a income currently. How do you think he can pay for the expenses? It's not like money will randomly appear from the sky or something."

"Agreed but Kiyora-kun will have a nice taste of reality though. Though it seems he is mature enough to realize that reality isn't a play ground. "

The man and woman in front of me were walking with each other.

"So what do you have to say about this? Will you be able to afford her expenses including yours, Kiyora Jin?"

"I-," "Also I don't want answer such as "I will try my best" . I would be glad if I were to be told specifically."

I was interrupted by him. And he is not wrong. The only thing he wants is his daughters happiness. Nothing more nothing less. A parent would want their child to live a nice and comfortable life. That is the reason why most parents tell their Children that its important to study.

I can't keep silent for the whole time. I need to say something.

"Sir I don't know how life will be from now on. Before Rina entered my life it was like white canvas. But after meeting Rina it felt like that some drop of color was splashed on the said canvas. I will paint her world with beautiful colors and that will be my only goal. So I would like to have your concesnt to marry her." I said while bowing my head.

"Do you mean every single word that you said?" I was asked this question by mrs.shiki

"Yes I mean it. "

"Then....it's no problem."

""Huh!?"" both me and Rina looked at the two people on the couch with dumbfounded expression.

The reason being is the easy going voice all of a sudden. Till now they had this aura that was saying 'One wrong word and you are out of the house '. But now....it's so.... easygoing.

"Well it was to test you and I can tell that -hey raise your head first."

Shit I forgot that I was still blowing my head.

" what I want to say is you past the test. And sorry to make you worry." Mr. Ryoma said.

"Our daughters happiness is our happiness. And from the moment she met with you she was sooo happy that it couldn't be described by words. At first she was always so sad but after you entered her life she was like the happiest person on the earth. She would always talk about how much you care about her. Call her ,text her. Sometimes though she would fantasize about you while-,"

"Mom!! Stop it!!" Rinas face was as red as tomato due to embarrassment. And I think I know what they were taking about. So..it's kind of embarrassing to hear that...

"Well that aside. How about you two now go one your dates and we will ltake to your parents jin-kun. Fufufu don't mind me if I use your first name" Mrs.Shiki said.

"No mam it's a pleasure if you use my first name."

"Don't call me mam. You can call me mother or shiki."

"...Well I will call you shiki-san then."

"sounds good. " she smiled and looked at her husband.

"Dear....?" is something going on.

"To talk with your parents mind giving me your father or mother's phone number."

Makes sense cuz how would they talk with my parents when they don't have their number.



After giving them the number Jin was asked to go home and was escorted by Rina and was told to drop her on his way home.

"Well now we don't have to worry about your parents approval. "


"Something wrong?"

"Nk it's just that I feel so nice and comfortable now I don't know how to say it. Ugh I am confused!!"

"Well out date was cancelled but what happens happens for good. No?"

"Yes I guess....well I also didn't knew that they would talk about that kind of stuff. And I am very mad at mom for selling my secret."

"Well that was kind of unexpected if I am being honest."

"Huh~now there are few things left before the bucket if filled up. "

"And that is?"

"A date , marriage and your parents approval."

"I didn't think about that. Well don't worry I can convince my parents. "


"Yeah...no need to worry."

"I hope nothing bad happens."

"Agreed. "

"Sing me a song."


"I want to hear a song. So sing it."

"..If that is what you want then no problem but it will be filled with random words and also I have a very bad voice."

"No worry's. Just sing."

Jin takes a deep breath and releases it

[Verse 1]

"The breeze is cool and gentle as it washes over my face,

The air is fresh and clear, cleansing my lungs with every breath.

The sun shines, warm and gentle, casting rainbows in the sky,

And birdsong fills the air with cheerful chirping and cheerful melodies."

His peaceful, calm voice is like a soothing, tranquil breeze. It fills anyone's ears nearby with a sense of serenity and calmness, sending warm ripples of comfort through my body. The voice is soft and soothing, with a gentle and caring tone. It sends shivers of joy down everyone's spine and filled them up with a deep sense of tranquility and contentment.


"This peaceful walk fills my heart with joy

A tranquil stroll by my side,

A gentle walk through fields of flowers,

A carefree walk free from worries."

[Verse 2]

"The sun-warmed grass caresses my feet as I walk,

And each step is an adventure through a world of beauty and light.

The flowers bloom with such softness and elegance

Radiating a calming glow onto the path I walk."


"This peaceful walk fills my heart with joy

A tranquil stroll by my side,

A gentle walk through fields of flowers,

A carefree walk free from worries."


"It's like a dream-like state, this peaceful walk,

A blissful journey through heaven and earth.

Feeling the sun against my skin and listening to the birdsong,

It's the perfect escape from the everyday stresses of life."


"This peaceful walk fills my heart with joy

A tranquil stroll by my side,

A gentle walk through fields of flowers,

A carefree walk free from worries."




After he finished rina and everyone that was around them kept on clapping their hand.

"Damn that was nice."

"O man that felt great."

"After the whole shitty day of work I really needed that."

" It felt like I was near by a river bank and goodness that felt so nice."

"I feel sleepy..."

"Your voice was so nice and peaceful I felt like I will fall asleep."

He was given compliments by every single person around them. He smiled, happy for receiving such nice compliments.

He had slight pink hue on his face and he smiled with embarrassment.

"Lets go away from there."Rina said and Jin just grinned.

' jealous much.' he thought with a grin.


After some time they arrived at rinas dorm or for Jin ,her apartment.

"Well I will lose you soon."


Jin turned around and was going to go home.



He turned around and was going to be kissed but dodged it.

"Hey!! Let me kiss you."

"Not now. "


He walks towards her and bents down to her ear.

"Because when the times right I will let you kiss me all over my body. Every single part of my body. Be it upper part or lower part. I will let you kiss me all over the place. Also i wil return the favor by kissed on your both set of lips. So wait patiently. Then we will have all the fun your mind can even imagine." he whispered in her ear.

To Rina it felt like a devil was whispering in her ears anf it almost got her wet down there.

"O-o-o-ok. Th-then I will take my leave." She ran away towards the room.

Jin smiled and walked off. Towards his home.

'This was a tiring day. I should make something cool to calm my mind off. '

He thought and walked towards his home, throwing away all of his previous thoughts.

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