
Collecting the piece's

[Finished] “If you want to protect someone you must sacrifice yourself. That is the world we live in.” Subconsciously a boy named Kiyora Jin had implanted this thought in his head. After going through the unsuccessfull life,not being able to protect the loved one he was in shambles but he kept on living until life decided to give him a second chance and he is determined to use it no matter what. ••••••• A slife of life story with a bit of murder mystery,drama and of course MILF'S. So try reading this book. It might become your favorite book some day. “Who knows?”

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Peace is stolen

Chapter 5: Peace is stolen.


What is a dream? Is it just a figment of our imagination, a manifestation of our deepest desires, or a window to an alternate reality? Why do we dream and what does it mean? Do our dreams reflect our true selves, or are they just our subconscious' way of making sense of the chaos of daily life? What is the purpose of dreaming, and what significance do our dreams hold in shaping our reality and understanding of ourselves and the world around us?

This question is something that all of us think at least once. Some always ponder about it some forgets about it and moves on with life.

What is this existence called dream anyway?

Is a dream merely a figment of one's imagination, a way of processing information and emotions, or a portal to a realm beyond waking existence? Do dreams reflect our deepest desires and fears, or are they simply a product of random neural firings in the brain? Is reality merely a collection of sensory data interpreted by a complex processor, or is there a deeper and universal truth underlying the seemingly chaotic and diverse world we perceive? Is sleep and dream a mere biological necessity for survival, or does it hold some greater significance and meaning? That's a question that I want answer to.

But we,as now are unable to find any real meaning. Though we, humans now have many opinions on this.

Some thinks that a dream is a fantasy or series of images, thoughts, emotions, and sensations that play out in the mind during sleep. Dreams can range from being amusing and entertaining to being terrifying and disturbing, and they often reflect our deepest thoughts and feelings, both conscious and unconscious, in symbolic and metaphorical ways. Dreams can also be influenced by our experiences, memories, and surroundings, and they can help us process information and problems, and even offer insights and creativity. The study of dreams is known as oneirology, and there are many theories about the meaning and significance of dreams.

Or is it just a portal that helps us with escaping from reality? Maybe. But there are another version of dream which is clear to us.

We are asked questions in our childhood. ‹What do you want to be in the future?›

Some say doctor,some say engineer,some say scientist etc etc. But as we grow up we learn that the world is a series of cruelty. Where you must do everything to either satisfy those around you or satisfy yourself. But then after that it becomes a game of survival.

At one time,in my previous life I wanted to be a detective. Why? Cuz I thought that their job was cool. They can do cool stuff, jump from one building to another, use cool looking weapon and catch evil people. But as the time passed,all I cared about is money. Because I didn't had any support. I had to work in a cafe as a cook, tutor children and sometime work at the nursery. Where I would get pretty good income. And used to live in a capsule hotel. It was cheep ain't gonna lie.

Now look at me. My dream came true! Yahoo!!!









Now I have to be a real detective. I really wanted this not to happen cuz I know that you might die while on duty.

I am currently packing my stuff to go to London.

The case is like this:

Javi Leonard was a 30-year-old famous actor and singer known for his talent and charisma. He lived in a spacious townhouse in West London and were often seen socializing at various cafes and restaurants in the area. On the evening of the murder, witnesses reported hearing a loud argument coming from the actor's residence. The following morning, the housekeeper discovered the body in his bedroom and immediately called the police.

The police quickly arrived at the scene and cordoned off the area to investigate. Detectives found several potential clues, such as a broken window and traces of blood in the room where he lived. Thought even after several tries they were unable to understand who the criminal is.

Now comes the reason why I was hired. Cuz mr.ryoma is one of the most famous detective. It's quite easy to find about them. There are more than 900 detective's in this world and only 100 of them are seen as important. And among those 100 there are only 69 of them who are internationally known. And yes....among those 69 which is a SUS number there are 6 of them who are considered elite. So the reason why he put me in here cuz I think he already solved it or maybe he didn't.

So now after finishing packing my stuff and now my current location is the airport. After the checking process, this and that....I got on the plane. This is not my first time both in this life or the previous life. So after a whole 14h 45 min non stop flight I finally came to London.

Before coming here I read about London when I was like a 5 years old kid how? Because I already had memories from the past so I was able to do so.

London is the capital of England and one of the largest and most populous cities in the world. It is known for its rich history, culture, and diverse array of attractions, from iconic landmarks like the Big Ben and the Tower Bridge, to vibrant neighborhoods such as Covent Garden and Camden. The city offers a diverse mix of activities, from visiting world-class museums and galleries to sampling street food at the many markets and pop-ups, to exploring the city's many parks and green spaces. London is also home to a bustling nightlife scene, with a wide range of bars, restaurants, and entertainment options.

After putting things in my home or rented place . So after wearing a white button up shirt and jeans I went out to look around the city. This is my first time in London so might as well enjoy it.

After going through places that were recommended I can say that the person who said the places is a genius.

From looking around this place I can tell that it is home to a diverse mix of people, with people from all over the world living and working in the city. The city boasts a vibrant cultural scene, with people from different backgrounds, ethnicities, and religions. This place also has a number of museums and art galleries, including the British Museum, the National Gallery, and the Natural History Museum. People can also visit historical landmarks such as Westminster Abbey, the Tower of London, and the Palace of Westminster. The city also has a vibrant nightlife, and people can visit various bars, pubs, and clubs for a night of fun and entertainment. The roads in London are generally wide and well-maintained, but some parts of the city can get crowded and congested during peak hours.The people of London are known for their friendly and welcoming attitude, but also for their fast pace and efficiency when it comes to getting things done.

This was quite the experience. And about my parents I said that I got lucky and got a ticket to London so I came here. Also since the time I was a kid I always wanted to go to another country to explore. Well now the opportunity is here.

But this peace is short lived because I need to start thinking about this case.

Let's review what the case is.

The victim's name Javi Leonard . Mother Charlotte Leonard. Father James Leonard.

The victim went missing for 3 days. Then his body was found out at the 6th day. Or after 3 days after he went missing. I took the photo out of the file.

His body appeared that it had been there for some time. It was covered in dust and dirt, indicating that the body had been exposed to the harsh elements. The skin of the body was dry and cracked due to exposure to the air and sun. The clothes on the body were torn and dirty, revealing various bruises and wounds on the body. The hair was tangled and matted together, and there was no trace of life left in the eyes.

His relationship with people:

1.James curtur. His friend. Study's in the same class.

2.Olivia Jones. His neighbor. Known since 10 years old after they moved in London.

3. Ruby Robert. His physics teacher.

4. Sarah miller .His seatmate. Came to his house many times for projects.

5. Lucy James. His girlfriend. Been together for 4 years.

6. Mary Jane. His cousin sister.

Well I might as well take a short nap.


I suddenly hear the sound of massage notification. I took my phone and saw that there was a massage.

‹I forgot to tell you that you only have 3 weeks before your time runs out. So try solving this case in the said time. Your dear father-in-law›

I feel like this old man is the updated version of the one I saw in my universe. Cuz that guy didn't do shit while this guy is eating my head.

And my peace is stolen yet again. I guess this is the cost I have to pay for coming back in time.