
Collecting Stats

I found myself in a forest with odd creatures and a lack of people. now a screen keeps popping up annoy saying I'm gaining stats.

Tacoma12 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

First job

After the whole sparring incident I was thrown into a cell. On the bright side I got food. It wasn't till the next day when some one came.

Tadano came in with a cane. Instead of an angry or upset he wore an amused grin.

"I'm sorry about having you locked up." He apologized walking to the cell door. Reaching into his robes he pulled out a ring of keys.

He flipped through the keys until he found one. Taking it he clicked it in the door and unlocked it. He swung the cell door open. Seeing this I cautiously walked out of the cell.

"It's fine mistakes happen." I say keeping an eye out for anything. "I'm sorry I burned you."

Hearing this he chuckled. "Your alright in fact its an honor to be left a mark from the fires blessed."

"Fires blessed?" I ask in confusion.

"It someone who's flames take a blueish hue. It is a sign of the fire spirit's, Agni, blessing. It usually signifys a large change will happen." He answered like it was basic knowledge.

"The thing is some was already born with blue flames." He continued. "Thats never happened before."

"That's neat. So whats that mean for me." I ask kind of not listening to the religous speal.

"Well I'm not sure. So we are waiting for the fire temple to send word on what to do." He says unsure. "I guess since your part of the military we can test you."

"Test me? Didn't you already yesterday?" I say looking at his bandaged chest.

"No that was so I could get a feel for you." He says embarrased. "But its safe to say that you very strong."

"So I got the job." I said in some excitement.

"Yes now I'm going to send you on a simple mission." He says. "You just need to help guard a supply cart to the nearby town of Crust."

"Alright. Quick question when do we get paid." I ask changing the topic.

"You get paid at the end of you shift friday for the previous week." He explained with a perplexed look.

"Go to the armoury and get some armour and a few spears." He said bringing the topic back on track.

"Can I use my own armour and weapon?" I ask remebering my stuff.

"You can use your own weapon but diffrent armour can oly be worn by high ranking officials. It's also helps us from hitting each other." He explained.

"But the armour you guys wear will melt." I try to reason.

"Well since you are Agni's blessed they might make an exception. However until the a fire sage comes to check you." He tries to explain before a thought comes. "Also won't your armour and weapon melt to?"

Realizing my mistake I quickly reply "It's special."

"Well why don't you show me them. Where are they?" He says sounding skeptical.

"I left them outside of the town." I lie. "Give me a minute and I can get them."

Saying this I ran out before he could stop me. I quickly ran out of through town and out of its gates. As I left the town the guards tried to stop me.

Soon I got a ways out of town and into the woods. Wen I finally stopped I made sure no one was nearby. Seeing no one around I transformed my necklace and bracelet. Now dawning my equipment.

With this I made my trek back. As I got to the gate I saw some paniced guards. Once they saw me approach me they put all their focus on me.

"Stop!!" They yell.

Groaning I reach up with my free hand to remove my helmet. Now seeing my face they both relaxed, the one on the right kept his guard up though.

"Were you the one who ran out earlier?" The cautious one asked.

"Yes." I said keeping an eye out for sudden movements.

"Why did you run away?" He asked getting more tense.

Hearing this I started to move to get ready for a fight. Both of us grew more tense ready for who would move first. The other guard seeing this started to panic.

"I'll get help!" The cowardly one said as he ran into town.

Seeing this the tension left the air.

"Your partners an idiot." I spoke relaxing my muscles.

"He's a moron." The other guard said easing his stance too.

"So why did you leave town earlier?" Now that the danger seemed gone he asked me.

I told him the story about why I left, leaving some details out. He just stood there listening. Once I finished the story he sighed in annoyance.

"I'm going to need you to stay here until the dumbass comes back." He spoke. Continuing he explained what he planed to do. "I can't leave the gate unprotected. So we either going to wait until shift change or the idiot comes back..... We might be hear awhile."

Hearing this a groan escaped my lips too. "How long till your replacement comes?"

"Two hours."


So there we were waiting. I was sitting waiting. The guard just stood in positioned doing his job. Whenever I tried to speak he just ignored me.

An hour into it I heard some clopping came out of the gate.

"Toshiro!" Someone yelled. Looking up I saw a horse bird hybrid thing drawn cart approach.

On the drivers seat sat a girl. She was waving incessant to the guard. She had a girl next door feel to her, while not gorgeous she was cute.

"Toshiro huh?" I asked in a giggle.

Seeing my giggling he turned to the girl in embarrasment. "Why are you here jun?"

"Well my family has me going to Crust." She said ignoring his embarrasment. "I'm just waiting on someone."

"I'm sorry about that, he should be here soon." Came a familiar voice.

"Thats what you've been saying!" Jun said in fustration.

Soon Tadano head popped out of the carriage. He went to try soothing it over but saw me instead.


"Get in now." He ordered before turning to jun. "We're all here now lets go."

Hearing this jun smiled and hyahed the beasts. They began to move fast. I jumped in the back as it passed me. Getting in I saw Tadano sitting comfortablely.

"Change." Was all he said will throwing me a bag of armour.

As I changed I heard Toshiros voice yelling. "Be safe jun!"