
Collecting Stats

I found myself in a forest with odd creatures and a lack of people. now a screen keeps popping up annoy saying I'm gaining stats.

Tacoma12 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs


As the beasts approached the village I picked up the spear. I then ran full speed to meet them. As I ran I was able to move around due to my control of my muscles.

[New skill learned

Flowing wind- you are able to move at high speeds with control and accuracy with no lose of speed

Rank- Divine]

I quickly got to the rocky plains. As I waited for them I could see them slow down. Some of the moved around the rocks to surround me. A few others seemed to stay in the back observing the situation.

As they stalked me the leader approached me confidently. Standing a few feet away from me it seemed bored. I pulled the spear forward leveling it towards its face.

Seeing this seemed to anger it. Its frill puff out with a hiss. It then swept a larged clawed hands at me. I bent backwards at 90° and watched the claws pass over me.

As soon as the claw passed I stood straight up. Then I stabbed the spear forward grazing the leaders face. Due to not actually being familiar with a spear I had missed.

With the spear still outstreched I gripped it with both hands. I swung it side ways hitting the its head like a baseball. The beast flew away slaming into a boulder.

[New skill learned

Basic Spearmanship- the ability to use spears

Rank- Divine]

With that I could understand how to use the spear. It would be helpful if not for the fact that the spear had cracked into pieces.

The spear had cracked due to it being used by me full strength. One more hit like it would destroy it. So I needed to be careful.

Looking to the beast it had been stunned by the hit. The other beasts that had been hidden jumped out. Two of them went in front of the leader to protect him.

The other two jumped out from behind me. Quickly I formed a two fire spears firing at them before the got close. They both hit their mark destroying the majority of the beasts body.

Seeing this the beasts in the back rushed forward in anger. I threw the cracked spear pinning the downed leader. I made a flame spear but instead of throwing it I grabbed it.

With it in hand I charge forward apearing in front of one of the beast defending the leader. I stopped quickly not stopping the spear letting momentum take it forward. It stabbed the monsters head impaling it.

Then without pulling the spear back I swung it around burning a path out of it head. It came up behind me blocking the claw aimed at my back.

As the claw hit the flame the claw was burnt. The smell of burnt flesh came to my nose as a roar followed. With a quick flick of my finger the spear was repositioned.

It was now pointed to the ground. With a sweep I brought it back in front of me. It had sweeped the back claws of the attacking beast. It feel over now missing it back legs.

With the same motion I had slashed the last beast protecting the leader. Now only three remained.

The survivors looked to one another then seemed to make a decision. Instead of continuing the attack they ran. They gave no head to the pinned leader or the one with three legs missing.

I could see them running away. As they tried to run away I made a flame rod. I shot it between the three before they could leave my detection range. As it struck it bathed the area in a blue flame. The cowards were engulfed in fire killing them. Sighing in relief I stabbed the beast missing its legs in the head killing it.

Walking to the leader it seemed resigned to death. I did feel sad for it all it friends either were killed or ran away. With a quick wrist flick I had beheaded him. With this done the fight had come to an end so I dispelled the flame spear.

[Tutorial boss killed

New feature earned

Class system

Recommended classes

Spearmen- Specialize in spears

Pyromancer- specialize in fire bending]

'Huh? Was I suppose to fight them sooner?' I asked no one.

Lets go with it. I decide to pick spearman. I like it, it make me feel strong.

With that I tried pressing it with my finger.

[Spearmen choosen]

Suddenly my dirty clothes changed into that of some basic armour and a simple spear popped into my hand.

As I stared at my clothes a new prompt appeared.

[Conditions have been met

Class can be upgraded

Sun lancer- the lance is imbued with your fire making every attack burn the body and spirit

Snake lancer- the lance acts like an snake capable of bending, shrinking, and extending

Unbreakable lancer- the lance is able to block the mightiest of blows and deal mountain crushing blows

Unstoppable lancer- the lance is caplable of breaking the sound barrier and able to slip through any crack]

As I read them they all sound cool but I want to stay with the flame. So with that I picked the first option. Soon a another screen replaced it.

[Class change quest added

Three beasts of the flames-

During the three phases of the sun, sun rise, high noon, and sunset, a beast of myth will arrive to challange you. The beasts will stay until they are killed or you perish.

Diffuculty EX+]

"Fuuck" I groan to myself. By they way it was worded if I dont kill them before the next one came they would attack me together.

Then to spite me I saw some rays of light peaking out from the horizon.

'Fuuuuck.' I groan again.

To continue my misfortune I could see a shadow flying through the sky. It was still to far to see what it was but I had a feeling I knew what it was.
