
Chapter 1

Ellie was dumbfounded when she found herself in front of a huge and beautiful mansion.it was her first time to see this kind of grateful house in her entire existence and she has no any statement to state the house's beauty every word become under statement for her. so when she comes to reality she have no idea why she is here! her step mother told her that it was office work But she found out she was contracted to be house maid. for a year!!!!

she was really upset and asked the driver that bring her there to give her a phone to ask her step mom, because she was the one who signed the contract and fooled her. and thanks to god he agreed.

"I will give u only 5 minutes to finish,understand" said the driver and she answered quickly " yes sir,I will thank u" and with out wasting other moment she grabbed the phone and called her mom

" hello?" said her mom on the other side " hello is it Sofia?" asked Ellie " yes,who is calling?" asked Sofia " its me Ellie ,mom" then suddenly Sofia popped out and said " oh my little Ellie how are you dear? how did u get the place? is it nice" asked Sofia " oh mom you have signed a contract of me being a house maid for one year, but how? I don't want to do this work please mom help me out" plead Ellie.

But little did she know that her step mother is the one who signed it to get rid of her. Then Sofia said " oh my god what are you saying I have signed the contract because they said it is office work and they have already told me that I can't broke it,that if I did or u left the office work i will be imprisoned, so please baby can u just do it for a year only?" said innocently.

And the oh so naïve little Ellie said " okay mom just don't worry ill try t..." and before she finish her word the driver snatched the phone away. and she was then given a maids

outfit that match the other maids.

And the more shocking news was that she was ment to take care of the smallest girl in the house that was almost 19. she headed some of the maids gossip about the girl and het fate " ow so this is the new baby sitter?" said the maid called Kara " yes and I really pity her she's so young she is too young to hold on" said the other called Linda " girls stop talking and go do your works" said Dora the master of maids. and they started their work.

" hey there you are the new baby sitter right" asked Dora and Ellie replied " yes I am" " then come on let me show you the girl" said Dora and went to the main gate.

Ellie's mouth was hung open the moment she land her eyes inside the house but before she realized it Dora grabbed her hand and started walking through the huge door. before she n knew it they were in front of a door then " this is her room you van go in and introduce your self and ask her if she need some thing" said Dora and left her alone in front of the door. Ellie wondered what kind of girl she would be be fore she opened the door slightly and entered to the room.