
COLD REVENGE( a taste of one's medicine)

My name is Adrian Rodriguez and I am what you call a hybrid. The werewolves and vampires had always been natural enemies, but two hundred years ago something happened. For the first time in the existence of wolves, a werewolf was mated to a vampire and this created a problem in the supernatural realm. Irrespective of warnings, they both went ahead with the relationship and I was born from the said unholy union, my parents did their best to hide me but then, they heard word of me. They hunted my parents and I for years, and we kept running until one fateful night my parents were murdered and I was kidnapped by the vampire association. They experimented on me and later forced me to be their killing machine. Now, I will stop at nothing to get my revenge but then, revenge tastes better when served cold.

JxTDiebere · Fantasy
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13 Chs



The pack warriors were training on the training grounds. Since the Delta was in charge of the training, he was there overseeing the fights. When Steve walked into the training grounds, they started snickering, it was something that happened very often, being a hybrid, he always struggled with acceptance. He lived in a world where everyone would run over him because they felt they can. But he was use to it, there was a time when he was bothered by it but now, he just didn't care, he was stronger, he was better.

"Steve",Gared called, Steve turned and walked towards the him

"Delta Gared", he said

"You shouldn't be here, Alpha's orders"


"You need rest"

"But I feel okay"

"The doctor said you need rest and the Alpha insisted that you rest until you are fully recovered"

"Fine!", he said and was about to walk away when Gared asked "How are you?".

Steve smiled, Gared had always been the one who cared about him, whenever he was bullied, he was always there to defend him along with Jacob. When he was sick or punished for no just course, he would speak up for him and he was grateful for that.

Turning around he said," I am fine, but I feel weird like a piece of my mind is missing "

"You were asleep for three days , it is bound to happen "

" I know that, it is just I can't really remember what happened after I went to the Alpha's office, why did I faint and wake up with injuries, all that, I can't seem to fathom "

Gared touched his shoulder and said," I don't think you should dwell on these things, the doctor said you shouldn't try to overthink so that you don't get a relapse, you need to take care of yourself steve"

"Sure I will, I will get going "

After Steve left, Gared couldn't stop feeling guilty about happened to Steve, he was technically the one that stopped him from killing Cain.


Gared was with Mark and Callum discussing some pack business when their eyes glazed over, he knew that it must have been that someone was mindlinking, well who could that be, there was only one answer to that and it would be the Alpha. Only an Alpha had the ability to mindlink two or more people at the same time. But why would the Alpha mindlink both the Beta and Gamma when he was supposed to be talking to Steve on supposedly punishing Steve since he refused to follow his orders.

At first, he wanted to stay away from this but, it could be like the other times where Steve is punished unjustly or rather given a cruel punishment. He knew if he stayed away, his conscience wouldn't let him go and Jacob's spirit would be angry with him for failing to keep the promise he made.

So he followed them but not in a way they would notice his present since he masked his scent which was one of his abilities.

On getting there he couldn't believe what he saw . Steve and Cain were fighting dangerously and the amazing thing was that Steve was in a half man , half beast form. He was a lycan, lycans were supposed to be extinct since they existed in the 1600's. Does that mean that Steve comes from a generation of lycans.

He saw that Steve was gaining the upper hand in the fight ,that he could kill Cain and the others. Well, he couldn't just let him kill the the Alpha, not like he liked Cain though, it was just that it would put Steve in trouble and have the Werewolf Council coming after him, since they would see him as a trait to their power. So he did what he could do and that was hitting Steve on the head which made him fall down with a loud thud.

Cain, Mark and Callum looked up to see what made Steve fall , and they saw that it was Gared.

"Thank you Gared", Cain said to him

"I was only doing my duty Alpha", he responded, if only Cain knew the truth he would have his head on spike.

"I think we should take him to the pack hospital and find out what is wrong with him ", Mark suggested, and Cain agreed immediately.

Gared on the other hand knew he had to do something. So when they got to the hospital, he commanded the pack doctor to never tell Cain the truth using his Alpha tone. It has been long since he ever used it but he knew he had to use it to save Steve's life, he also couldn't have Cain finding he was an Alpha not that he was afraid of Cain but because he didn't want to expose his identity, so, he compelled the pack doctor to forget he ever talked to him and also told him to tell Cain that Steve has a problem between his wolf and human side and that was exactly was happened. Cain on the other hand, believed the bullshit.

When he found out that Cain wanted to erase Steve memory, he didn't do anything about it and allow it happen because he thought it was the best thing to do. Steve shouldn't remember what happened as that would be the best way to keep him safe.


Gared was brought out of his thought by Callum's voice

"Gared, Gared !", Callum called

"Oh sorry about that"

"Lost in thought again"

"Something like that",he replied

"You know I think you should get laid so you could blow off some steam "

"I think I can blow off steam with a good fight"

Callum raised up his hand in surrender, "No can't do, certainly not ready to get punched in the face"

"Yeah right, I guess that is not why you are here"

"Well, the Alpha has requested you presence "

"Do you know why?", he asked

"I am not really sure but I think it has something to do with the new pack deal"

"Well then I better get going, don't want to keep the Alpha waiting do we?"

"I think the right phrase should be do I? since you are the only going ", Callum said and ran off

Gared couldn't help but shake his head, 'Callum was a funny pup', he thought, he used the word pup because he was way older than any of them including Cain since he has been here and had served two Alphas before Cain. He remember vividly well how he was given the post of a beta by Cain's father but refused, later he took the post of a Gamma instead and has remained one since he didn't have a child to pass on the title. He pulled himself away from his thought and walked to the Alpha's office.


Rachel had finally woken up from her nap, she decided to go downstairs, she was surprised that no one had come to wake her up, including the butler who she had instructed to come inform her when her Cousin comes home, did not bother to do so.

Usually, she would get mad at this but she isn't because she thought her cousin might have instructed for her not to be disturbed, so she decided not to dwell on that.

On getting down stairs, her nose was assaulted by the aroma of food. Her mouth watered then her stomach rumbled and she remembered that she hadn't eaten anything since she had a lot on her mind lately . She headed for the dining room where she saw Rose already seated at the table.

"Hey Rose", she called

"Hey Rachel ", Rose replied wiping a few tears from her face.

Rachel was surprised, she was expecting her bubbly cousin to yell and then jump on her, which was usually what she does but Rose did neither, it was then she noticed that Rose's eyes were red and puffy.

"Hey",Rachel said while hugging her cousin,"are you okay"

"I am okay",Rose said trying move away from

"You are not okay Rose and I know that , you can always tell me what is happening, you know right?"

" I am fine Rachel", Rose insisted

"Fine , if that is what you say", Rachel said, moving away from her, she added "Whenever you are ready Rose, you can tell what it is", inhaling lightly she went on" it has been long since I had home cooked meals " and her stomach rumbled which made Rose laugh

"Have you been starving yourself",Rose asked

"Now that is my favourite cousin",Rachel replied

"You do know how to make a person happy don't you"

Though Rachel knew that it was a rhetorical question, she went on to answer the question "of course, I am your favorite person, now where is my little pumpkin "

"Upstairs taking a nap"

"He is a handful, isn't it ?", Rose asked

"Sure and that is why I love him"

"So how are you holding up?", Rachel asked her cousin while serving herself some food

"I am good, now what is this case that you are working on that hasn't let you come visit us"

"Well, it is very complicated "

"Are you done with the case?"

"No, I got redeployed "

"What! that has never happened before "

"I know "

"You are Leaving?"

" I don't know yet, I have this feeling that something is going on and it is kind of related to me"

"You know, I support you in what ever you want to do, but just be careful okay!"

"I will"

After eating, they both went to the sitting room to watch a movie which was something that Rose loved doing but Rachel hated.

Rachel decided to check the news update before going over to Netflix to watch a movie when she saw something on the screen .

"Alska State Virology Department has been burnt down"

She was shocked and the remote fell off her hand but Rose was quick to catch it.

"Are you okay?", Rose asked

"I am fine go on , I will be back", Rachel replied and rushed upstairs.


"Rachel",Rose called but later gave up, whatever that bugging her cousin was serious.

Getting to her room, Rachel went over to her bag and brought out the files that Steve had given to her concerning the case, when a file fell off, she picked up and saw the name Darren Esposito which was the name of last victim, then inside it she saw an address and a date, it turned out that date was the day that she didn't go to work, the date she couldn't remember.

Now something was definitely going on and this address was her clue.


"we lost her", Liam said

"What do mean you, you lost her", the other man asked as they were both sitting in a dark room discussing

"We were following her but she kind of figured out that we were following her and changed direction", this statement made Reyes or should I say David but in a fleet of laughter.

"are you frecking serious Liam , you guys are Vampires and now you sit here telling me, you lost to a mere human", then he stood up held Liam by his neck ,pushing him with great force to a wall , he added "find her, you have twenty-four hours to find her or you wouldn't hear the end of it"

Liam swallowed hard and responded," Yes boss"

Letting go of him Reyes said," get out of my sight" and the other man left immediately like his pants were on fire.

After the other guy left,Detective Reyes broke the chairs in the room, scattering everything ,"I am coming for you Adrian, just you wait".

He sat down on the floor and screamed, Darren's death had a more toil on him than anybody.

He could remember vividly the promise Adrian made to him, to not hurt his brother but Adrian did not keep to it and now, he was going to be his biggest enemy.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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