
COLD REVENGE( a taste of one's medicine)

My name is Adrian Rodriguez and I am what you call a hybrid. The werewolves and vampires had always been natural enemies, but two hundred years ago something happened. For the first time in the existence of wolves, a werewolf was mated to a vampire and this created a problem in the supernatural realm. Irrespective of warnings, they both went ahead with the relationship and I was born from the said unholy union, my parents did their best to hide me but then, they heard word of me. They hunted my parents and I for years, and we kept running until one fateful night my parents were murdered and I was kidnapped by the vampire association. They experimented on me and later forced me to be their killing machine. Now, I will stop at nothing to get my revenge but then, revenge tastes better when served cold.

JxTDiebere · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs



In a very dark throne room, was a man sitting on the throne. He sat like a king but had no subjects. His facial features couldn't be made out because of the intensity of darkness but yet he sat so comfortably.

Soon there was a knock on the door.

"Sir, Mr Esposito is here to see you", said a voice from outside

"Send him in", came his curt reply

Just as the door opened and a man walked in, it shut itself. The man that came in was instantly flown to the adjacent wall and the lights flickered on.

"What are you doing, David?", asked the man from his throne

Getting up, David replied " I heard what happened to my brother "

At that , the man sitting on the throne raised up his head showing his deep red eyes.

This time he asked with a voice laced with authority " What are you doing here, David?", while his face contoured in anger.

Seeing this David quickly raised up his hands in surrender," Alan, I know you don't trust me, but I promise, I come in peace"

When Alan calmed down, David approached him cautiously while adding," I heard what the hybrid did to my brother, I want to avenge him"

" And why should I trust you?"

"Alan I promise, I just want to help, Darren has loved and protected me since we were kids despite knowing what I am, I just want to avenge my brother "

"What makes you think we need you?"

"I am your best shot, and before you give me that look I am just like him a hybrid "

"A weaker one" snarled the other man

"That can take out twenty of your best men in a minute moreover, I have the element of surprise"

"And what is that"

"I smell human"

* * * * * * * * * * *


I was checking out the customer's goods when he walked in. He always comes at this particular time of the day. I don't know why but whenever I see him, my heart starts beating faster.

"Miss", a voice brought me out of my dream world

"I am sorry, yes"

And just like that I continued with my work.

When I was done, I glanced up to see, he was sitting at a corner, as usual he was typing on his laptop, my guess is he comes here for fast Internet connection.

This sounds crazy but I think have developed a crush on him. WTF this can't be happening to me not after what happened to me in my last relationship, I am not ready for another, Never. I keep saying to myself.

Luckily, another customer came in and I was kept busy throughout the day, forgetting about the handsome stranger sitting at the far corner.

* * *

It was late at night when I finished my work. Damien has warned me over and over again about coming back late at night but I guess I am too stubborn to listen. With the recent happening in Juneau, I believe a curfew will soon be placed.

For the pass two weeks, a lot of people have been killed, while some are found as nothing less but rabid animals. God help us .

l know what you are going to say, but what can I say I am a Christian.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice, the rustling of leaves behind me, until I heard the howl of wolves.

Wait wolves, what the fuck are they doing in Alaska, now I wish I heard listened to Damien.

I increased my pace but it looks like I was being followed. I don't know what it, I don't care to know, but I started running, my home was a Cabin the woods, I don't know why but I love to stay on my own, especially with nature.

While running I tripped and fell , then I looked up and there it was, what had been chasing me, a big black wolf about the size of a man.

I had to be imagining things but then it made an attempt to bite me, I closed my eyes waiting for my life to come to an end . " God please take my soul", I silently prayed, but it never came. I opened my eyes to see that there was no beast. I had to be hallucinating , maybe it wasn't even there, I need to start, taking my anti-depressants again, I needed it.

I got up from the floor, cleaned up my dress and walked to my Cabin. This has been one hell of a day .

Meanwhile, what Katty didn't know was there was a man in a hoodie watching her.

"Sweet dreams little mate",said the man and he walked away.

* * * * * * * *

The music was raised to its highest volume and everyone was dancing , drinks were being passed around as everyone was trying to get themselves drunk. Which technically they can't which wasn't a big deal since they were supernatural.

Among the people, was Scott Lawerence at the corner of the room, sitting on a couch with a blonde bimbo straddling him as she shoved her tongue into his mouth eating out his lips.

'Ahhh', she moaned as he cupped her breast and started grinding on his crotch when suddenly she was flown to the corner of the room.

"What the fuck", Scott was about to fight when he saw the perpetrators of the act.

He opened his mouth but shut it , by now the music has stopped and everyone was looking for the who caused the rustle but couldn't see anyone.

"They can't see me", said the mysterious man ," tell everyone to leave now"

"Alright, listen up everybody the party is over, time to go home"

Everyone left the room, except for one, the blonde bimbo, straddling him earlier.

"What the hell do you want Stacey , didn't you hear what I said ?"

"Why did you push me off ?"

"I am sorry Stacey, but I am sick and tired of this shit "

"So that's it, everything is over?"


"You're a jerk"

"I know , now get out !"

Before leaving she screamed 'I hate you !'.

Shuting the door , he exhaled and turned to find the mysterious man standing in front of him.

"What the hell man, you need to stop appearing like that", in a blink of an eye ,the mysterious man was sitting on a couch.

"What have you got for me?", he asked Scott.

"Well, the inside information I got is that Alan is currently staying in his mansion in Italy"

"We can't take him out from there"

"Wait! What we-e"

"You work for me now"

"No man, I don't ", and the mysterious man glared at him " Fine"

"Any other news?"

"Nothing , except that a man called David Esposito came to visit"

"David-d", he smiled and disappeared into thin air like he appeared.

"Poff, just like that, Cock blocker", Scott screamed, looking down to his crotch he added" even my little brother is afraid of you"

* * * * * * * *


Detective Morgan drove to the house of the last victim. She parked across the road and walked over to house, it was a fairly old building nothing unique about.

She got to the door and turned it's handle to find it was already opened. 'Someone must have been here', she thought.

She quietly opened the door and stepped in while holding her gun on the other hand.

Everything looked in order, she walked through the living room to the dining and saw a picture at a stand and picked it up. It was a picture of the last victim and another man . At first, there was nothing wrong with the picture but then she looked closely, she saw another man at the background whose eyes were golden and fangs coming out from his mouth. She blinked and there was no one in the background, it just looked like a normal picture, she heard a noise coming from upstairs and went to check it out.

On reaching there , something moved past her in a blur and she shot at it. She was about to shoot again, when she heard a voice from behind

"You shouldn't have come here", said the voice, it a man's voice.

She turned and tried shot but the gun wasn't working, "Did they not tell you to leave the case detective?",asked the man as he walked towards her.

Detective Morgan tried to run but it was as if her body wasn't her own anymore, she stood like a statue.

"What have you done to me", she asked

"Tsk, nothing sweetheart, I simply willed your body not to move"

"You are the one behind all these", she accused him

"No sweetheart but I do know one thing, I am going enjoy sucking that sweet nectar from your neck ", and in a blink of an eye, his fangs was in her neck as he sucked her blood.

When he was sure she wasn't breathing, he let her go and her body fell to the ground. Then he lit up the house and walked out the door.

* * * * * * * *


Steve was placed at the infirmary as the Alpha , his Beta, Gamma and Delta , walked back to pack house.

The Alpha's office was a mess. "No one, must know about this" Cain warned.

"I have asked the PACK doctor to erase his memory , so he won't remember what happened "

"What Cain, you can't do that!", Mark said

" No one challenges my authority, no one! It is final, his memory of this fight is going to be erased and when he wakes he is going to be the sweet little puppet that he is, you are all dismissed", and they left. While Cain kept fuming about what happened.

Cain decided to leave his ruined office and go to Linda, he needed a realse and knew just how to get.

Warning ⚠️ mature content below


"Hey babe", Linda purred as she opened the door for the Alpha. But he quickly pushed her into room and locked the door.

"You don't look happy ", she said but he smashed her lips with his and shredded her clothes, pushed her on the bed and thurst into her in a go.

'ahhhh', she moaned as he filled her up , and kept thrusting into her, he wasn't making love to her but was rather fucking her and she was enjoying every minute of it .

The only sounds that can me heard in the room was that of skin slapping against skin and her incessant grunts and moans.


"that was best sex ever", Linda said as she straddled Cain and kissed him.

"So what made you so angry that you decided to take it out on sex"

"Nothing", he replied and gently pushed her off him and went to pick up his clothes.

"So that's it",Linda said

"I have told you this before, Linda, the only holding us together is sex, apart from that there is nothing between us "

"Then why do you keep coming to me"

" You know the answer" and with that he walked out the door, shutting it behind him.

"I hate you", Linda said and then she picked up her phone and dailed a number

" Something is bothering Cain, and I am sure it is something big"

"Find out what it is", said the person on the other side

"I sure will"

Hi guys, it is me once again, ChidexRocky.

So I would like you all to answer these questions

Do you think Rachel is dead?

What do you think is wrong with Steve?

And please don't forget to add my book to your library and vote for me .

Thank you.Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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