
COLD REVENGE( a taste of one's medicine)

My name is Adrian Rodriguez and I am what you call a hybrid. The werewolves and vampires had always been natural enemies, but two hundred years ago something happened. For the first time in the existence of wolves, a werewolf was mated to a vampire and this created a problem in the supernatural realm. Irrespective of warnings, they both went ahead with the relationship and I was born from the said unholy union, my parents did their best to hide me but then, they heard word of me. They hunted my parents and I for years, and we kept running until one fateful night my parents were murdered and I was kidnapped by the vampire association. They experimented on me and later forced me to be their killing machine. Now, I will stop at nothing to get my revenge but then, revenge tastes better when served cold.

JxTDiebere · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs



I sat on my bed thinking about all that has been going on lately, me being redeployed which has really never happened before, I mean ' I am the best person for this case'

While going through my things a paper fell, I picked it up to check what it was and saw it was an address, ' why would I write an address down on a paper', it only meant one thing, it was clearly important.

I picked up my laptop and decided to search the address and found out that it was the address of the deceased victim. One thing that caught my attention was it was burnt, most importantly the day it was burnt and it was clearly the day I failed to report at work.

The question is why would the house be burnt on the day I failed to report at work, could it be a mere coincidence? No it couldn't be and I was going to check it out.

I quickly packed my things, I couldn't stay here while doing this investigation, I didn't want to put Rose and Simon in danger, but I couldn't leave without saying goodbye so I decided to head to her room.


On getting to her room, I knocked and when I didn't hear anything, I went in to know if everything was okay.

Then I saw Rose sitted on the bed with tears running down her cheeks. I became worried immediately

"Rose, are you okay?" I asked walking towards the bed

She quickly wiped her tears and said yes, that she was fine.

Sitting beside her I said, " I know you are not okay and I won't force you to tell me what it is but know this, I will always be there for you ", immediately Rose drew me in for a hug as she cried on my shoulder

'I know I have a case to handle but, Rose is family and whatever it that made her cry was serious so I can't just leave now' I thought as I rubbed my hand through her hair.

After what seemed like ages, which was merely second, Rose sniffled and removed her head from my shoulder, "I am sorry, I am such a cry baby ", she said wiping her tears

"No you are not", I said to her, " Get some sleep, I will see you in the morning "

"Good night ", I said

"Good night" she replied

Closing the door to her room, I walked down the hallway and then I saw a picture, it was a picture of my dad and I riding a horse it was 20 years ago, I was only 7 back then. He was happy, we were happy, until that faithful day that he was taken from me. I wiped tears from my eyes, I still haven't found my dad's murderer, it was one of the reasons I became a detective.

Touching the picture I said," I will avenge you, that I promise " and left for room.



Today I had a day off and I didn't really know what to do than to go to the library. When I got to the library, I went to the mythology section to choose one of the stories to read, I have always been interested in mythology, I don't know why but it seems like I am connected to it.

While checking through the books on the shelf, I saw the guy who always came to the store to use the WiFi reading at that section of the library.

I didn't know if I should approach him or if I shouldn't but then I found myself walking closer to him it was like an invisible pull was dragging me close to him.

As if sensing my presence, he turned and I froze like a child caught stealing cookie.

I had no choice than to say "Hi", to which he responded, he voice was low, husky and deep.

I was transfixed, I didn't know what to say, it was actually the first time he spoke to me rather than the usual nod of the head.

I was brought out from my thoughts by his voice

" aren't you going to sit?"

"Ohhh", shaking my head "yeah"

I sat down quietly across him and took my book to read. It wrote 'THE HISTORY OF WEREWOLVES', but I just couldn't find myself concentrating on any thing. All I did was stare that him, studying all the details of his face. He was a beautiful man, when I say beautiful, I mean really beautiful.

What caught my attention was the color of his eyes, they were two different colors, one was a deep red shade while the other a glowing golden color.

'Is that even possible' I asked myself

It was very rare for people to have red eyes let alone having a golden one but here he was having a golden and red eye color.

"Weren't you told that it was rude to stare?", he asked.

" I am sorry ", I said

He smirked , " I can make an exception", he said

My eyes widened at his remark and I was sure my cheeks were burning

"What ! am I not handsome enough to be starred at?"

'this guy has an ego', I thought. "That's very cocky of you"

"What can I say!, it is not everyday one gets starred at by a beautiful girl, I am Adrain by the way", he introduced himself.


"Lovely name for a beautiful girl"

"You read mythology ?", he asked

" Yeah, it is very intriguing "

"Strange", he murmured, I guess I wasn't suppose to hear that but some how I did

" What!"

He looked at me , "You said something ", I asked

" You heard that!"

"Yeah I did", I replied but he looked like he was in deep thought.

"Adrain!", I called and he looked at me ." You were lost in thought"

"sorry about that it happens sometimes, what I meant to say was that it is strange of a girl to read those kinds of books"

"So you are a sexist"

"What!, No" he said smiling, he had a beautiful smile I would give him that.

"No really, I just didn't think that you were going to be interested in such things, so why do love reading such books?", he asked

" I know this might sound crazy but I feel connected to it"

"You know, those don't exist"

"I know but it is just-", then I heard footsteps so I keep quiet , it was the librarian moving around .

We didn't talk after that conversation and I just focused on the book.

"THE HISTORY OF WEREWOLVES ", the first page read. ' WEREWOLVES are creatures of the dark, part man, part wolf bound to the moon. They are the descendants of the moon goddess as they are bound to the moon and worship her. They have the ability to turn into full wolves ( though they are 4 times the size of normal wolves). There are other types of wolves known as Lycan, they are the most powerful form of wolves as they had abilities greater than that of normal wolves. They were the first generation of wolves, they are the direct descendants of the moon goddess herself. They possessed elemental abilities, ability to command other wolves and the ability to make themselves invisible.'

There was so much to read that I was lost in it and didn't know when it was late

"Aren't going home?", a voice asked

I looked to who it was and it took sometime for me to recognise that it was Adrian's voice

"Yeah, I will"

"It is getting late, you should go home"

I was reluctant to go but then I remembered that it was dangerous around this time of the day, so I had no choice than to pack up and also planned to borrow the book before leaving .

When I was done packing, I turned to see him standing beside me, "Any problem?" I asked

" I will walk you home", he said

We walked in comfortable silence since I didn't really know what to say and he didn't say anything either. On getting to the outskirts of the town " Thanks for walking me home but I guess this is where we say goodbye", I said since I wasn't comfortable with letting him know where I live since I just met him.

"Do you live around this neighbourhood?", he asked

I didn't want to tell a lie , so I kept quiet "I see", he said,"I guess we will see next time ", taking my hand in his he added "be careful ",and he walked away.

I waited until he was far away before I started walking to the woods where I own a Cabin.

While walking through the woods I heard rustling and I turned to know who it was and to my shock I saw a huge grey wolf, not the normal wolf but that that was twice the size of a human, it was 6ft tall.

I didn't know what to do, I just froze as the wolf was about to attack me a blurring figure came over and moved it away , I blinked and it was no longer there neither was the blurring figure, 'What the fuck was going on', it was like the other night that I was almost attacked by a black wolf.

All this things happening to me was just crazy I need to find answers but then, how will I?, my therapist would probably tell me that it was because of the emotional trauma I went through because of the death of my parents.

I rushed home since I didn't want to be met with more surprises.



Warning ⚠️ mature content

A man and a woman can be seen going through a heated make out session, well it is Gamma Callum and Linda

"ahhhhh", she moaned as he hands roamed round her body but then she stopped him

"Don't you want this", he asked in husky voice while biting behind her earlobe and earning a moan from her.

"Callum baby ", she purred putting her hands around his neck, she added "You promised you won't keep secrets from me, but here I see you going back on your words"

"What secrets have I kept from you dear", he asked

Linda pushed him down on the bed and straddled him. Then she moved her delicate hands slowly around his bare chest, speaking into his ear lowly she said" You haven't told me why Steve was kept in the pack clinic", as she kissed his ear and continued peppering kisses until she got to V around his shorts

"You know I can't tell you that ", he said

"Can't or won't", as she put hand into his short and grabbed his Cock.

"mhm", he groaned

"Feels good , doesn't it", she said as she rubbed her small hand up and down his shaft

"Faster", he said in a husky voice but she ignored him and continued going at a punishing slow pace

"How about you tell me what I want to know and I will give the best sex of your life", she asked as she kept moving her up and down his shaft

"ahhh", he moaned as she massaged the tip of his Cock.

"Fine", he succumbed to her seduction," it was becauseSteve had a fight with Cain"

"Why did Steve have a fight with Cain?" ,she probed futher as she pulled down his shorts and lick the tip of his Cock

"Oh gosh", he moaned and she started sucking on it ,he was about to grab her hair when she pulled away

"Fuck", he cursed

"You haven't told me what I want to know", She said as she resumed using her hands around him in a slow motion.

"I don't know, perhaps it has something to do with his new mission but when we got there, ahhhhh "

"What happened when you got there", as she touched the tip of his shaft

"gosh, this feels so good", he groaned"Steve and Cain were fighting, but this wasn't just any fight, Steve turned into a massive beast, a humanoid wolf and some how he managed to overpower Cain and we"

"Who is the we ?", she kept pressing

"Mark and I, ahhhhh "

"So how did you defeat him?", she asked and started sucking on his Cock

"Fuck", he cursed again" We didn't, Gared came and struck him on the head"

Licking the tip of his shaft , she cooed" Now that's my boy, it time for your reward"

She widened her lips and took in all his shelf as she jagged on it. Callum stood up asked her to kneel down and open her mouth as as he put his Cock in her mouth and fu*ked it senseless, chasing his release as he cummed in her mouth.

"Now it time for round 2", he said as he grabbed her, threw her on the bed and thurst into her in one go.

Sorry guys that I haven't been updating, I promise to keep up with the updates from now on. This story has not been edited and you are likely to find mistakes in grammar or spelling as English is not my first language, so, if you happen to find any, please do not forget to comment on it and I promise to correct it.

JxTDieberecreators' thoughts