
COLD REVENGE( a taste of one's medicine)

My name is Adrian Rodriguez and I am what you call a hybrid. The werewolves and vampires had always been natural enemies, but two hundred years ago something happened. For the first time in the existence of wolves, a werewolf was mated to a vampire and this created a problem in the supernatural realm. Irrespective of warnings, they both went ahead with the relationship and I was born from the said unholy union, my parents did their best to hide me but then, they heard word of me. They hunted my parents and I for years, and we kept running until one fateful night my parents were murdered and I was kidnapped by the vampire association. They experimented on me and later forced me to be their killing machine. Now, I will stop at nothing to get my revenge but then, revenge tastes better when served cold.

JxTDiebere · Fantasy
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13 Chs



I have been watching her for sometime now. Laughing with a guy at the bar, while I sat at the corner listening to her voice, her smiles and little chit chats.

I wish I could get closer to her, I wish I could hold her in my hands and tell her that she belonged to me.

I can't and I know why, I was a demon while she was an angel. I am darkness while she is light, two species that can never be together.

All I can do was hate myself and it was all because of 'her', my first mate. The one who broke my heart like no one could.

So now, I am never going to love again, because love makes you weak.

I stayed for a while, I usually followed her but I won't be doing that today. I don't know why but I kind of trust the other guy to keep her safe.

That is all I care about her safety, that and nothing more, so I teleported myself out of there. I had more important things to do.


"Any news for me", the mysterious man suddenly appeared behind Scott.

"Geez, you scared me, almost gave me a heart attack", Scott said holding his heart

"You are a werewolf, you can't have one"

"Way to hurt a man's ego ", replied Scott while pouting his lips.

"Now, what have you got for me?"

"Right!, nothing much just that the state virology department was burned two days ago and no one seem to know what happened "

" I do"

"Wait, what! don't tell me you are the one behind it"

"You wound me, even if I would love to do so, well no, I am not the one behind it but I do know who did"

"I just don't know what to make out from this, why can't life be easy "

The mysterious man smirked,"You know for a supernatural being you amaze me, the supernatural world is the game of chess, if you can't play, you become a pawn in another person's game"

"wow, that's intense"

" I believe that is not all"

"A lot of creepy things has been going on lately in Juneau Alaska police department "


"Since a lot of deaths has been going on lately in Alaska , a female detective was sent over from LAPD, well the surprising thing is that less than a week into the case, she was redeployed to another assignment with immediate effect and a new person was assigned to take over "

But the mysterious man didn't seem fazed by this ,so Scott " I know you might think that this is a normal case but it is not, the detective is no other than Rachel Morgan, she is a well-known detective who has never failed an assignment, and from what I got from sources, the new detective assigned to take over doesn't even work in the police, whatever that is going on can't be good and humans might get caught in the cross fire".

There was long silence after Scott's long speech, then the mysterious man was about to vanish when Scott added,"You should more careful now, the Werewolf Council has gotten into the case and they are coming for you"

"In that case, I will be waiting ", with that being said he vanished like he came.



Two men can seen talking in Steve Morris's office, one being Detective Reyes and other being the man that once attacked Rachel.

"I taught you said you killed her",Reyes said

"I did, and I burned the building "

"Then how come she is alive"

"I don't know really, may be She is a supernatural"

"I don't think so, what I think is that someone saved her from the fire"

"Then, who could it be"

"I am not sure yet, but I think we need to keep an eye on her so that we can find out who is helping her"

"What if it's him"

"I know Adrian, he is not that sloppy"

"I will keep an eye on her then"




I still can't believe that I was taken off this case. Something that has never happened before. I was the best detective in this field, right now I really don't know what to do, should I continue and work on the case which means losing job or should I let go of this case and return to LA.

To be frank with myself, forgetting this case was the right thing to do but why do I feel drawn to this which has never happened before.

l just kept turned and turning on my bed in my hotel room. I don't know what to do but then I had an idea, since I was no longer working on the case maybe I should go visit Rose, I haven't seen Simon since he was two.

l packed up my things and checked out of the hotel. I was going home. Though that place haunts me and is filled bad memories , it also had good ones. The ones I had with my father .

While driving, I noticed on my side mirror that I was been followed, so I diverted to the other to the other lane , and increase my speed. Then I saw a road at the corner leading to the street and turned to the road.

l immediately parked my cars took my bags and left the car. Now why would people be following me, whoever they were I would want to lead them to my Cousin, she and her has suffered enough.

When I was sure that I had lost them, I took a taxi to my home.


"Here", I paid the taxi driver, and walked to the gates, it has been 15 years since I have last been here, Rose moved here two years ago, but I haven't come here since I was 12.

I know you might be wondering were I stay when I come on assignment, well the answer is simple, I bought a house here in Alaska five years ago and I usually stay in a hotel most of the time.

Walking into the premises, I stopped to look at the house more like a castle. It was an ancestoral home and it has been standing since the 80's, quite an old house I guess but it was a heritage.

It still looked the same though a few renovations have been done to it.

l knocked on the door and it was answered by the butler.

"Miss Morgan, welcome", he said ushering me in and was about take my luggage but I refused saying ," it is okay, Mr Smith I can carry it"

"You didn't inform anyone of your visit, or else I would have prepared your room"

"It is okay Mr Smith, I will sleep in one of the guest rooms, afterall I won't be saying longer , by the way , what about Rose, haven't seen her around "

"Miss Davis went to pick her son from school"

"Oh", was all I said and he lead me to the guest room on the north wing.

On getting to the room , I stopped and said," this place is just like I remember "

The bulter opened the door and said," there is no place like home Miss, I am glad you came back"

"Thanks Mr Smith ", I replied while entering the room.

"Anything else you want Miss Morgana?", he asked from the door.

"That will be all for now, please inform me when Rose comes back "

"I will Miss, I will take my leave now"


"Time to take a nap",I said to myself



Rose came home with Simon, who was constantly disturbing, as she carried him. When she saw the bulter Mr Smith coming down from the North wing. Since knew he only goes there to check if maids did there work or when they had a visitor. So she decided to ask,"Mr Smith ", she called

"Oh, welcome Miss Davis, Miss Morgan came here a few minutes ago "

"Has she left, don't tell me she has left, because then she going to get it hot from me"

"No Miss Davis, She is in the third guest room on North wing"

"Alright then thank you Mr Smith "

"It is my duty Miss Davis there no need to thank me"

Rose smiled while Mr Smith left. Mr Smith has been the family's butler for twenty-five years now, he was a friend to the Late Donald Morgan, Rachel's father and has been taking care of the mansion even after his death.

Rose decided to go upstairs and meet her cousin, they both had a big score but first she handed over her naughty son to the nannies to take care of.

On getting to the room, she knocked on the door but there was no reply from inside, so she decided to open the door. On getting in, she was surprised to see Rachel sleeping peacefully, she decided to let her sleep and quietly left the room.



"Mummy, mummy", Simon sang running to me

"Hey, there buddy", I said picking him up from the floor,"Hope he is not giving you guys a headache", I asked the nannies.

"No, he has been a good boy",said Evelyn one the nannies. There were two of them, courtesy of Rachel, she said she didn't want me to get worked up, and it has pretty much helped me.

"Well then thank you, I will take it from here", l said taking Simon with me. Walking to our room, I said to him, "Now buddy, time to have your bath", while he dramatically started shaking his head and struggling to get off me,"No bath" he chanted.

I locked the door to our room, dropped him on the bed, and I went to pick his outfit, didn't want him to catch a cold, while he decided to use the opportunity to escape. Of course I knew that was what he was going to do and that was why I locked the door.

"Now buddy, come here", but he refused and ran away and it soon turned to a game of hide and seek.

After Simon took his bath, he fell asleep.While was covering him with a blanket, my phone rang.


"Hello Rose", a very familiar voice said from the other end, and I dropped my phone out in shock. It was a voice I taught I would never hear again.

"Rose please speak to me if you are still there"

I swallowed hard and picked up the phone,"Jacob?"

"Oh Rose, I am so sorry "

"I taught you were dead"

"I am suppose to be,it's is a long story can we meet"

"I am no longer in LA"

"Where are you?"

"Why do you care?"

"Rose please I need to see you"

"No!",I said wiping tears from my eyes,"You cannot decieve me , I saw you get shot, I buried you"

"Rose, please we can't discuss this on the phone"



"Good bye ,Jacob", I said and cut the line. I dropped my phone and sat on the bed as tears flowed down my cheeks as I remember that faithful day.


Jacob had called me night before saying that he had something important to tell me, I also had something important to tell him. I was pregnant , I wanted to tell him that we were going to be parents.

So I drove to his apartment, I had earlier called him telling that I was coming over.

When I got there, I knocked and he ushered me in and then we sat down to talk.

"Rose, I love you and what I am going to tell you right now might change your perspective of me", he started.

"Listen Jake no matter what say it's not going to change how I feel about you", he looked hesitant to say what he wanted, so I held his hand in assurance.

"Rose, I am-", he was about to say when there came a knock at the door.

"Are you expecting someone?"


"Stay here", he said and went to get the door. Then I heard a gunshot, I went to check it out, only to find Jacob on the floor with blood oozing out his chest, while the shooter aimed the gun at me , I froze, he was about to shoot me when he was knocked down to the ground by Jacob

"Run", he yelled but I was too shocked to move my legs.

"Run", he repeated this time louder and that brought me out of my trance and I ran.

What do you guys think happened to Jacob?

JxTDieberecreators' thoughts