
COLD REVENGE( a taste of one's medicine)

My name is Adrian Rodriguez and I am what you call a hybrid. The werewolves and vampires had always been natural enemies, but two hundred years ago something happened. For the first time in the existence of wolves, a werewolf was mated to a vampire and this created a problem in the supernatural realm. Irrespective of warnings, they both went ahead with the relationship and I was born from the said unholy union, my parents did their best to hide me but then, they heard word of me. They hunted my parents and I for years, and we kept running until one fateful night my parents were murdered and I was kidnapped by the vampire association. They experimented on me and later forced me to be their killing machine. Now, I will stop at nothing to get my revenge but then, revenge tastes better when served cold.

JxTDiebere · Fantasy
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13 Chs



"ahh", I groaned and touched my head , I wonder what I did last night that could give me such a headache.

l ranked through my memories but a lot seem missing, all I could remember was being given the file by Steve and then coming back to the hotel.

Apart from that I couldn't remember anything, l dragged myself of the bed despite having such headache, walked to the bathroom, to take a bath and get ready for the day.

When I came out of the bathroom, I quickly picked up my outfit for the day and got dressed. I opened my bag, brought out my medicine, it was a pain killer , I have been taking it for seven years now.

Then I took my phone and called my cousin, I know she was going to be mad that I haven't come home, but the case I am currently working on won't let me, I can't afford to put her and her son in danger.

I dailed the number, the phone rang for a few minutes before I heard a high pitched yell from the other end, I had to remove it from my ear since I had sensitive ears.

"Can you take it easy with the scream, you might lose your voice"


"I know, I am sorry, it just that the case I am working on right now is too dangerous and I don't want to endanger you or Simon "

"Then quit the job Rachel, you need to"

"Rose you know I can't do that "

"I know what happened to your dad is still affecting you, but you need to get over it"

"You know I don't like talking about that, and this has nothing to do with what happened to my father"

"Promise you will find time to come see us"

"Yeah, I promise "

"Take good care of yourself, Simon misses you"

"I will, tell Simon I love him"

" Bye ".

I dropped my phone on the bed and hugged my knee, what happened 15 years ago changed my life.

I didn't even realise I was crying, until it started dropping. I wiped my cheeks and then I put on some makeup.

Look myself in the mirror, I was ready to face the world.


When I got the office , I figured out a lot of things. One being, I was not there yesterday, how could I miss a day and yet don't remember. It was like that part of my mind was blank without an event.

Is that even possible? I ask myself, because I know I have a good memory.

Two was that Detective Morris called in sick, he was also not at work yesterday. How can two people working on an important case skip a day and no one was worried about it. There is something fishy going on here. I will find out what it is, but right now, I need to focus on the work at hand.


A man can be seen working around the laboratory, he was looking for something or you can say someone, when one of the scientist approached him.

"Excuse me, who are you?, I haven't seen you around here before "

"Oh am a new employer ", replied the man

"So where is your ID?", asked the scientist

There was a dangerous glint in the stranger's eyes he smiled, walked closer to the scientist and brought his head dangerously close to the scientist's level, he said " You will forget you ever saw me and continue your work like a cute little puppy that you are "

The scientist blinked and continued with his business like nothing happened.

The other man smiled and walked towards the cage of the last victim. The surprising thing about the whole situation was that, no one seem to notice the presence of this man apart from the man from earlier, it was as if he was invisible.

"Ohhh how the mighty has fallen ", he said, he put his hand into the cage and rabid creature attacked him but he held the creature by it's throat.

When he was sure that it was dead, he let it go and set the place ablaze.

Immediately the fire alarm went off and everyone started running helter-skelter, trying to get out of the building, while the culprit simply walked away.

When the man was a few blocks away from the building his phone rang.

"is it done?", asked a voice from the other end

"Yes", came his reply


Cain and his Beta Callum were in a meeting with another Alpha by name Jeremy with his Beta Williams when he got a mindlink from the pack doctor.

'Alpha, Steve is awake'

'Be right there'

"I am sorry, I will have to stop the meeting here, I have got a very urgent matter to attend to, please bare with me Alpha Jeremy ", he said to the other Alpha

"It is okay Alpha Cain, please go attend to the matter, we will discuss this another time"

"Thank you for your understanding ", turning to his Beta Mark is nodded and they both left the office.


"Alpha, Beta ",Steve said trying to get up, but was stopped by Cain.

"Please don't you will reopen your wounds", Cain said

"Alpha I am sorry I wasn't able to complete the task you gave me, I will accept any punishment you give me"

"I am not angry with you Steve, actually I think we should not kill the Detective, may be we can use her to catch the culprit "

Steve on the other hand was surprised at how his Alpha was acting, the Alpha he knew would have attacked him or worst had him beheaded just for disobeying him.

"I know what you might be thinking by now, I am no longer the Alpha you use to , I am changed now, I want to make this pack better"

While this interaction was going on, Mark was left perplexed, Cain he knew would only do this when he wanted to lure his prey. Cain will never change, those who know him knew that. What he couldn't understand was why Cain was suddenly being nice to Steve, since he knew that he hated Steve.

"I spoke to the pack doctor, he said you should rest for at least a weak", Cain said

"But Alpha", Steve wanted to protest

"No buts Steve, you need to rest and don't worry about your job, I called in sick for you, you know your Chief works for me so there is nothing to worry about "

"Thank you Alpha"

"We will take our leave"


"What was that all about Cain", Mark asked

"What was What all about?", Cain replied

"When did you start becoming nice to Steve"

"What do you mean I have always been nice to him"

Shaking his head, Mark said"Ever since Steve came to this pack you have always hated him, and why the sudden change of attitude especially when he kicked your ass the other day"

At the mention of that Cain's hand curved into a fist as blood started dripping from it, then he calmed down and said" I don't want you talking about that, the pack doctor said what happened to Steve was due to a fight between his wolf and human half, nothing more or less"

"If you say so Cain, don't hurt Steve in any way, he has been through a lot", Mark said and walked away.

While Cain clenched his teeth, then later smiled devilishly. A storm was brewing in his mind and no one knows what.



This was another busy day for me since a lot customer's kept coming to the store, but I was restless why?, I glanced the clock and saw it was 3.pm, it was two hours past the time the stranger or should I say acquitance comes, since he comes everyday and longest conversation I have had with him was "Hi", which he replies with nod.

Crazy right but I am worried about him I don't know why ?, but I just hope nothing happened to him.

* * * *

I was done with my work for the day, and he didn't show. I feel so empty I don't know why.

Since I finished early today, may be i should go to the bar today and see Damien.

Damien has been my friend since I came into this town, and there for me during my break up with Luke, that I don't what I could have done then without his help, maybe I would have committed Suicide because it was so heartbreaking for me.


"Hi Damien", I sat down on chair at bar, Damien winked at me, he was attending to a customer, when he was done, he came over to me.

"You finished early today ", he said

"Yeah, decided to take your advice "

"Really, so what do you want to drink", he asked

"Come on Damme, you know I don't drink"

"Yeah, I forgot , how many times have I told you not to call me Damme", he pouting his lips trying to look offended, and I found myself laughing at his antics,

"You should laugh more you know, you look more beautiful when you do", at that I smiled, "I guess you are the only one who can make me laugh without an effort", I replied.

"So how are you?", he asked," haven't seen you in a while"

"Just there, picking up the pieces of my heart"

"You should forget about him you know, he doesn't deserve you"

" I know, really I do, but it really just can't stop hurting you know, getting betrayed by the first guy you ever loved, but anyways, I am better and I am stronger than I am before, won't let anything break me that easy", I replied wiping a few tears from my cheek while Damien offered me a handkerchief.

"So, what about you, how are you holding up?"

"Nothing much, like you said just there, working to stay alive"

"You should get a girl you know "

"No no, not on my list"

"Come on, you are so adorable, any girl will love you"

"First, I am not adorable and secondly certainly not ready for girls right now"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night"



Since Steve was not going to be in office for a few days, I will be using his office. I was going through some files when my phone rang so, I picked it.

"Detective Morgan "


"This is Captain Leone speaking"


"Detective you have been redeployed from that assignment to a new one with immediate effect, return to the base to get more information "

"But Sir-", the call went dead.

What!, this can't be happening, I tried calling the superiors but none of them were picking my calls.

This has never happened to me before, I was lost in my thoughts when my phone rang and it was the Chief of police.

"Detective Morgan speaking"

"I guess you have heard the news, they have sent a new person to take over the case, I will be sending him over to the office", with that the line went dead.

What the fuck is happening?, there was a knock on the door,

"Come in", curtly said and a handsome tall man about 6'7, walked.

"You must be Detective Morgan ", he said

"Yes I am"

"Well I am Detective Reyes, and I have been assigned to take over the from", he said.

Something about him seem familiar but I couldn't quite put my hand on it so I asked

"Have we by any chance met before"

" I believe not"

I was sure of it, I have seen his face before but where?

What do you guys think of the new detective ?

Do you think Rachel has seen him before?

If so, leave your thoughts in the comment section.

Remember ,your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

JxTDieberecreators' thoughts