
Money and power isn’t everything

After Eric and his goons had left Mike's place the old man ran to his laptop and started to do a search on Eric DeGrasse, he wasn't an easy figure and he knew for sure that he was connected to the couple .. well .. to Lily to be more specific. The internet search showed his net worth of 3billion, it also showed how he ousted his father out of his own company through shares and business tricks and somehow ended up in a mental asylum that Eric personally owned. Eric had many brothers and sisters that his father had outside his marriage to Eric's mother but none of them were involved in no shape or form in the company, only his younger brother was in the company as a shareholder and a Vice President but did not have any actual power in the company.

Mike already sent Eric's name to his informant in the police department to see if there might be an illegal hit on him there, the informant found absolutely nothing, it was like he was new born baby without faults in the legal system. But there was no way for a man who could throw a million dollars at a total stranger for useless information to not have done anything illegal in the past, this 'Eric DeGrasse is a dangerous man' Mike pondered to himself.

Back in country A, Richard had received news from Eric about his findings and he sounded livid... Richard thought that as soon as Eric landed back in the country he'd come straight to his house and kill him this time because Eric was under the impression that Richard fooled him.

Lucy was being her regular self as a mother and cursed Lily under breathe while waiting for Eric to arrive. They had not seen him for almost two weeks and he only ever came for two reasons , it was either to beat up Richard or sleep in Lily's room, this time it was a beating for sure after the lie Richard had told. The call was made in the morning so Eric should've been back by evening but the night was getting deeper into the midnight and he still hadn't shown up, maybe they had been saved or rather the punishment that the Dukes were waiting for was being delayed until further notice.

Richard and his wife lived like fat rats in a cage, as long as they were given food and shelter and a bit of money they would be obey Eric's every word, if they knew were Lily was hiding they've would've gone and caught her themselves and delivered her to his dungeon. Perfect parents they were, they deserved the worlds worst parents award and a trip to hell for their performance.

Some time in the evening...

Eric landed in country A but decided against going to the Dukes house, he had already killed a man earlier and he was in no mood to kill a useless being like Richard, even if he killed him it wouldn't lure Lily out of her hiding to bury the bastard. He went straight to his office and summoned the driver and partner Ducky who encountered Chris on their mission to kidnap Lily.

Ducky was all better from the abuse he had received from Lily and the taunts that he endured from his teammates during the last few days in the training camp.

The two henchmen wondered what the boss wanted from them, they were sure that they would never be sent out for a mission after the big mess they caused back in the little town, they thought they were probably being summoned to their deaths. They got to the office and entered quietly as mice. They found Eric sitting in his chair with his back faced to them looking out into the city, they must've stood there for half an hour without a word being spoken even from the aloof boss and his right hand man Garret. The right hand man finally cleared his throat to alert his boss who was in his world like nobody was in his office, Garret had been watching Ducky and the driver lose their minds the entire time in the office, if he didn't alert Eric the two men would've died of suspense. The driver looked like he was about to faint and Ducky was already dead in his head, he was actually playing his own funeral in his mind, he pictured his mother crying wearing white robes and then he pictured her changing from a sobbing old woman to a woman who was enraged and cracked open the coffin to beat him senseless for being stupid for most of his life.

Eric turned around and looked at the two men who looked like they were on their deathbeds, "do you think the man L-Lily is with is b-b-better than me?" Eric asked with a serious but troubled look in his face. The two men were dumb struck, they knew who he was talking about and they only saw him once, how were they supposed to know if the other guy was better than him?

However they would never say any other man was better than their mad boss "boss, you're way better than that guy, you've loved miss Lily since she was young and you've taken care of her and her family just look at all the trouble you going through to find her and save her from that stupid man" Ducky said with sweat runny down his face like a waterfall. Eric did not respond to Ducky, instead he kept and digested the response he had just received, the answer to the question that haunted him since that town had a perfectly good and reasonable answer. He continued to sit quietly with the three other men in his office and thought delightfully to himself how he is better than Chris and how he was going to save her from him. Garret then waved the two idiots that were now shitting their pants to leave, they left running as if they were being chased by a ferocious pit bull. Garret took a seat in front of Eric quietly and said nothing as well. "Money and power mean nothing when it comes to love" Garret said in an inaudible voice.