
Meeting Goliath

They took a private jet so the trip was quite short and smooth. Perhaps it felt short because she was thinking about what she was going to do. One moment, her life was perfect and the next she lost her entire life. She had been selfish since she met Chris, she dared to crave love and life and new beginnings. For a whole year she lived like any other woman who was in love, the love she experienced daily with Chris was intoxicating. It was as if every morning before she woke up she would be injected with a fresh dose of lust that had tremendous side effects of love that she enjoyed very much. All that had now slipped through her fingers like running water. She was all alone again.


Eric could not contain himself, he thought he'd be able to work all day and then come home to his life size present but he just had to see her sooner. Last time he got to see her she was a lot thinner and looked like a high school girl with her big curly hair. He still remembered her smell, her eyes, her nose and beautiful and smooth face. He waited since morning at his private airport and constantly looked to the skies so he wouldn't miss the aircraft. It was almost noon when he spotted his black jet piercing into his line of vision.

Like a shy kid about to give a speech in class his heart beat high and fast as the jet went lower into the runway to land. His first love was about to re-enter his world. The jet landed safely and the attendant ensured all the passengers were fine before he allowed them to disembark the plane. The first to exit was none other than Greg, he looked out towards the airplane garage and saw Eric with a big smile on his face. He did not know that Eric had the ability to smile like that, his heart almost jumped out his body from the shock of witnessing such an act.

'Eric, do people know that your face can produce a genuine smile ?' Thought Greg 😦

Lily was next to exit, Greg was still standing on the stairs paralysed by Eric's smiling and waving that he forgot to move. Lily shoved him to the side and walked slowly and steadily down the stairs. She headed straight to Eric with a blank look on her face with eyes that seemed empty. Eric was so delighted to see her and started walking towards her as well with his arms stretched out for a hug. He wanted her inside his arms.

Little Lily was about to meet Goliath.

"Oh, my wild flower, I missed you so much" Eric exclaimed!

Before he noticed anything, he felt a sharp pain in his stomach right after the familiar scent thrusted into his nostrils. He looked down and saw Lily's eyes that were always cheerful and friendly turned completely black and lifeless. His eyes then traveled to the part of his body that felt painful, a sharp object had pierced into stomach. He leaned closer to Lily and embraced her tightly into his arms.

"I now know for sure that I'm not dreaming, you're really here in my arms" he said.

The pain he felt was nothing compared to the joy he felt inside. Like a child who had not seen their mother in a long time he only cared about her, her being back in his life. His body guards only took notice a few seconds later of what transpired and ran towards the couple standing still in the middle of the airport. Still out of touch, Lily pulled out the object she stabbed Eric with and proceeded to stab him again in his stomach. Seeing how his guards ran to him he forbade them from touching Lily. He then grabbed her hands to knock out the weapon from it. He bled profusely but like an abnormal person, he did not pass out from the stab wounds. Instead, he gently walked the blank Lily back to his car and helped comfortably seat her at the back of the car. He lifted his shirt to look at the stab wounds , they weren't deep enough to be fatal but they needed to patched up immediately.

Greg watched the entire scene from afar. It was like watching a sad silent movie in black and white. A toxic love story that was doomed from the beginning but forced to come to life.

'What did I do this time?' thought Greg. He was not okay with the situation but he was paid a large sum to personally retrieve Lily and so he had to deliver. He was conflicted. In less than 48hours, he had seen three different Lilys. He wondered if he should tell her.